D1110 - D1120 - D1130 -D1140
D1115 - D1125 - D1135 -D1145
laying outgoing message
1. Go to " answ machine "/ "record ogm"/ "answ. &record." (or "answer only") / "play".
2. The currently used announcement is played. When the personal announcement has finished,
your answering machine returns to the standby mode.
If no announcement is recorded, you will hear a beep.
Erasing your personal outgoing message
1. Go to " answ machine " / "record ogm" / "Answ. &record" (or "answer only") / "delete".
2. Press
istening to your messages
If you have received new messages, the icon flashes on the handset.
1. Go to "
answ machine " / "Play".
2. Press
to play the messages. New messages are read first.
3. Press
to access the various message options.
The list of options is displayed on the screen:
- R
EPEAT: replay the current message.
- N
EXT: go on to the next message.
- PREVIOUS: return to previous message.
- D
ELETE: delete the current message.
4. Press
to quit the menu.
Or you can use the handset keys:
Key Action
Key Action
Return to previous message
Go on to the next message.
Stop reading the messages
Play messages
eleting all old messages
1. Go to " answ machine " / "delete all" .
2. Press
, the massage "confirm? " is displayed.
3. Press
to confirm deletion.
A beep indicates that all messages already played back have been deleted.