For the DiSEqC control, the receiver emits 22kHz signals which are pulsed in a
specific sequence and which contain the data required for the LNB control.
First the DiSEqC signal (DiSEqC 1.0) is emitted, then the Toneburst (Mini-
DiSEqC) signal, and then the static 22 kHz signal.
You must enter the oscillator frequency of the LNB in the »LNB setup« menu for
every setting you wish to use.
Reception of the low band and high band of two different satellites (Astra
and EutelSat) with DiSEqC 1.0 control.
Low A = 09750 MHz, oscillator frequency for the low frequency range of
satellite A (Astra).
High A = 10600 MHz, oscillator frequency for the high frequency range of
satellite Satellit A (Astra).
Low B = 09750 MHz, oscillator frequency for the low frequency range of
satellite B (EutelSat).
High B = 10600 MHz, oscillator frequency for the high frequency range of
satellite B (EutelSat).
LNB configuration 5
Connection of four quattro LNBs for the reception of all services of four
satellites for several users.
Additional settings of the oscillator frequencies for the satellites C and D.
Please read also the following page!