LNC triggering with DiSEqC (DiSEqC 1.0)
The following switching options are contained in the DiSEqC protocol:
H / V : horizontal or vertical polarization,
A1, B1, A2, B2 : choice of between up to 4 satellites using a DiSEqC switch.
: oscillator frequency for the lower frequency range,
: oscillator frequency for the upper frequency range.
1 To get a reception share of the signals of two satellites with DiSEqC, choose the LNC arrangement
4 (or 5 or 6 if necessary) from the »LNC set-up« sub-menu.
2 Enter the oscillator frequencies of the LNCs.
3 For each channel position of the appropriate satellites, an LNC must be chosen, the signals of
which are to be connected via the multi-switch.