EURO-AV-Sockets for 1 VCR, 1 Decoder and TV
1) TV-reception terr./VCR recording SAT
2) TV-reception SAT/VCR recording terr.
3) TV-reception terr./VCR recording terr./-HiFi-reception SAT-radio
4) With VCR-playback, the signal path is automatically relayed to
the television set through the receiver (also in stand by).
Concerning 1) and 2), a decoder, which can be connected, swit-
ches on automatically (evaluation of the switching voltage).
Decoders without switching voltage can be activated by means
of the receiver programming.
EURO-AV-Socket for 2 VCR and TV
A second VCR can also be connected to the
decoder socket.
Band copy in both directions in stand by is