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PX/QX/RX Version 4.20 User Manual – Issue B
- 35 -
Appendix C - Log Messages
Alarm & Event Log messages
Log Text Additional Data Display Text Event Description
230v Fault NONE (see note) NONE Mains supply failed
230v OK NONE (see note) NONE Mains supply restored
/Set Fault Usnn, Area m Usnn, Am
n area auto set with faults
ctive Circuit Circuit nnn Cctnnn User selected active circuit test
larm Circuit nnn Cctnnn
Circuit alarm
larm (master shunt) Circuit nnn Cctnnn Master shunt type circuit alarms
larm Abort User nn, Keypad m Usnn, KPm
larm abort signal transmitted.
nti mask Circuit nnn Cctnnn
Circuit program with the anti-
mask option has alarmed
uth. Fail User nn Usnn Encryption authentication fail
uto Check Fail Circuit nnn Cctnnn
Circuit has failed to activate
during the auto check period.
uto Check OK NONE NONE Circuit Auto Check was OK
Bat. Restore NONE (see note) NONE The battery voltage is normal
after a battery low
Bat.Monitor Fail NONE (see note) NONE Battery voltage is low or not
present during a battery test
Battery Low NONE (see note) NONE The battery has reached the low
volts threshold (after a mains
Battery Low Transmitter number TXm Transmitter battery low
Bypass User nn, Circuit mmm Usnn Cctmmm Circuit bypassed
Cannot set User nn, Area m Usnn, Am User was not able to set an area
Cct Tested Circuit nnn Cctnnn Circuit responded in walk test
Changed Code User nn, Keypad m Usnn, KPm User changes own code
Changed Code User nn, User mm Usnn, Usmm Manager or GSR user changes
code for another user
Changed Time User nn, Keypad m Usnn, KPm Time modified, old time and new
time are logged
Check Fuse n N Panel fuse number
Check Fuse Conc n Conc n Concentrator fuse
Check Fuse OPM n OPM n Output module fuse
Check Fuse
CM n
CM n
CM fuse
Clear Circuit nnn Cctnnn Master shunt type circuit clears
Clear Circuit nnn Cctnnn
Circuit alarm has cleared.
Code Clash User nn, User mm Usnn, Usmm User has chosen a new code
which is the same as another
Comm Acknowledge n N Central station acknowledge
alarm report
Comm Fail NONE NONE Control panel comm fail input
Comm Fail n N Central station fails to
acknowledges alarm report
Comm Fail
Module name Module name
Module has reported a
communications fail
Comm Test User nn, Keypad m Usnn, KPm User or the panel tested the
Commission Fail User nn Usnn Encryption commission fail
Commissioned User nn Usnn Encryption commission OK
Data Route Fail NONE NONE
call using the Dual comm data
route has failed.
call using the Dual comm data
route was successful.
Date Changed Usnn Usnn Date changed (manual or auto)

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Andere Handbücher von Guardall PX

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Guardall PX Zusatzinformation - Holländisch - 52 seiten

Guardall PX Bedienungsanleitung - Holländisch - 31 seiten

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