measures stated in the service manual. Act responsib-
ly toward third parties.
In case of any doubts about connection and operati-
on refer please to our customer center
Specied Conditions Of Use
The pump is solely used for drainage and for pum-
ping into and out of containers in the house, garden,
farm and agriculture and only for water. Respecting
technical data and safety precautions.
Do not use this product in any other way as stated
for normal use. Not observing general regulations
in force and instructions from this manual does not
make the manufacturer liable for damages.
The pump is not suited for long-run operation
(e.g. as a circulation pump in ponds or streams).
When used in this manner, its service life is curtailed
correspondingly. In these cases, then, use a time
switch to secure sucient idle periods between
cycles of operation.
Do not leave the pump unattended while in
operation in order to prevent subsequent
damages caused by eventual malfunctions. Make
sure to disconnect the device from the grid if you
do not plan on using it.
Do not use the pump for drinking water!
The pump must not be used to pump waste
Technical Data
Submersible sewage pumpPRO 1100 A PRO 2200 A PRO 2201 S
Art. No .........................................................................................................75800 ..................................75805 .............................75810
Service connection ........................................................... 230V~50Hz .......................230V~50Hz ..................230V~50Hz
Motor output P1 .........................................................................1100 W ...............................2200 W ..........................2200 W
Max. head of delivery ......................................................................9 m ....................................17 m ...............................17 m
Max. immersion .................................................................................5 m .......................................5 m ..................................5 m
Max. suction ..................................................................................20 mm ................................20 mm ...........................20 mm
Max. Water temperature ...............................................................35°C .....................................35°C ................................35°C
Degree of protection ......................................................................IP68 ......................................IP68 ................................IP68
Weight ............................................................................................21,5 kg ...................................31 kg ..............................31 kg
Safety Instructions
Electric shock! There is a risk of an injury caused
by electric shock!
This device is not intended for use by persons (inclu-
ding children) with limited physical, sensory or mental
capabilities or without the necessary lack experience
or knowledge unless they are supervised by a person
who is responsible for their safety or were instructed
by that person in how to use the device.
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do
not play with the device. Always keep children and
unauthorised persons out of reach of the appliance.
Operation is only allowed with a safety switch against
stray current (RCD max. stray current of 30mA).
Before putting into operation, a qualied electrician
must check whether electric safety measures required
are in place. Any national regulations in this regard
must be complied with.
Electric connection to a socket.
It is necessary to make sure the connecting socket
was not near water and humidity and the plug was
protected against humidity.
Check the voltage. Technical data given on the type
label must correspond with electric network voltage.
Only use splash proof extension cables approved for
outdoor purposes.
Do not grab the feeder cable, plunge the pump, lift or
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