Congratulations on your purchase of Gymform® DUO IMPULSE. Y our safety is our
primary concern, so please ensure that you familiarize yourself with all the infor-
mation in this manual before using your Gymform® DUO IMPULSE. It is essential
that anyone who intends to use this device reads and understands the instructions
provided. An informed user is a safe user . Thank you for purchasing Gymform® DUO
IMPULSE. We hope you enjoy your sessions.
Before embarking on any exercise programme, inc luding Gymform® DUO IMPULSE,
consult your general practitioner and your physiotherapist.
Ensure that you read the instructions, warnings and precautions carefully before
using your Gymform® DUO IMPULSE.
Gymform® DUO IMPULSE is designed for healthy adults. However , the device
should be used with care. Read the following guidelines and the instruction manual
before using the product.
- Applying electrodes in the thorax area may increase the risk of cardiac brilla tion.
- Using Gymform® DUO IMPULSE while connected to high-frequency surgical equi-
pment may cause burns at the contact points of Gymform® DUO IMPULSE and
may result in damage to the product.
- Operation of a short-wave therapeutic device or micro wave oven in the general vi-
cinity (e.g. 1 metre away) may cause instability in the output power of Gymform®
- This is a powerful electrical muscle stimulation device and may cause injury if you
start with the most advanced exercise programme right away . Start with a lower
level and gradually increase the intensity .
- Do not use on children or animals.
- Do not use while driving or sleeping or if you feel drowsy .
- Do not use in the bathroom or in other places with a high amount of moisture or
humidity .
- This device may be used by children aged 8 and over , by people with reduced
physical, sensory or mental abilities, and by people lacking in experience and
knowledge, provided they are appropriately supervised or given suitable instruc-
tions on the safe use of the device and understand the dangers its use entails.
Children should not be allowed to play with the device. The cleaning and mainte-
nance to be performed by the user should not be done by children without super-
- Avoid using the device near equipment that emits electromagnetic radiation such
as telecommunications antennas, microwave ovens and X-ray equipment, as it
may interfere with their function.
- The life of the product depends on skin type, intensity of use and storage con-
ditions. We recommend replacing them after approximately 30 uses to ensure
maximum results. Replacement electrodes are available from the centre where
you purchased the product. If you notice a premature decline in the electrodes’
performance, moisten them with a wet rag.
DO NOT use Gymform® DUO IMPULSE:
• If you have an electronic implant (such as a pacemaker) or suffer from another
heart problem.
• Ifyouare,orthinkyoumightbe, pregnant.
• Ifyou havecancer , epilepsy or areunder medicalsupervisionfor a cognitive disor-
der .
• Ifyouarebreastfeeding.
• Ifyouha veahighfever .
Women: before using your Gymform® DUO IMPULSE, you should wait:
• Atleastsixmonthsafterthebirthofyourchild(afterconsultingyourdoctor).
• Amonthafterha vinganintrauterinedevice(IUD)tted.
• Atleastthreemonths afterhavinga caesareansection (afterconsulting yourdoc-
• Untilaftertherstdaysofyourmenstrualperiod.
Before using Gymform® DUO IMPULSE, you should obtain permission from
your doctor or physiotherapist:
• If you suffer from backproblems.In this case, thedevice should only beused a t
low intensity levels.
• Ifyousufferfromaseriousdiseaseorinjur ynotmentionedinthissection.
• Ifyouwereopera tedonrecently .
• Ifyouarediabeticandtakeinsulin.
Do not place one receiver on your chest and another on your back in such a
way that electricity passes through your heart. Do not place the receivers on
genitals, scars, moles, varicose veins or the head.
• Do notplaceonrecentscars,inamedskin, infectedareasorareasthataresus-
ceptible to acne, thrombosis or other vascular problems (e.g. varicose veins), or
any part of your body with limited sensitivity .
• Donotplaceonareaswithinjuriesorlimitedmobility(e.g.fracturesorsprains).
• Donotplace directlyonmetal implants. Placethe receiversonthe closestmusc le.
Possible Adverse Reactions:
There have been isolated reports of skin reactions caused by the use of electro-
stimulation devices, inc luding allergies, prolonged skin redness and acne.
If any of these symptoms occur , switch off the device and consult your doctor .
If you have never exercised before or have not exercised for a long time: Consult
your general practitioner .
• DonotuseGymform®DUOIMPULSEifyourbod yisincontactwithwater .
• Do not use Gymform® DUO IMPULSE in combina tion with any other device that
transmits electrical current to your body or with any other machine.
• Donotconnectthemetalsna pfastenersorelectrodestoanyotherobject.
• Donotmodifytheproduct.
• UseonlytheelectrodessuppliedbyIndustex.
• Donota ttachtwoself-adhesiveelectrodestogether .
• Ifeitherof theelectrodes isnot attachedproperly , youwill notice atingling sensa-
- P atented dual wireless technology.
- Practical and compact microprocessor technology .
- Stylish, ergonomic design.
- Wireless units with oscillating dual-head technology .
- Electrodes with superadhesive conducting gel.
- 3 highly touch-sensitive control buttons (MODE, ON/- and OFF/-).
- 4 LED lights that indicate the selected programme.
- Each programme offers 10 intensity levels from beginner to advanced.
- 6 very advanced exercise programmes.
- Automatically switches off after 15 minutes so you do the recommended amount
of exercise.
- Automatically switches off after 20 seconds if the device is turned on but not used.
It also automatically switches off after 20 seconds if one of the electrodes is not in
direct contact with the skin.
-2 Gymform® DUO IMPULSE receivers
-4 self-adhesive electrodes
-1 Gymform® DUO IMPULSE remote control
-1 instruction manual
1. Remote control.
2. Gymform® DUO IMPULSE receivers.
3. Self-adhesive electrodes.
4. Receiver indicator lights.
5. Receiver ON/OFF button.
6. ON/- button to turn on and increase intensity .
7. Mode button to change programme.
8. OFF/- button to turn off and reduce intensity .
1. T o use Gymform® DUO IMPULSE, two 3V CR-2032 batteries are required for each
receiver (2) and one is required for the remote control (1) (not included). Slide off
the cover and insert the batteries with the positive end (+) facing up. Close the
battery compartment cover .
2. Attach each receiver (2) to each self-adhesive electrode (3) using the two snap
fasteners and make sure it is properly attached.
3. Remove the protective plastic backing from the self-adhesive electrode (3). (Keep
the plastic backing to protect the electrodes after using them.)
4. Place the self-adhesive electrodes (3) on the parts of the body to be treated.