The gemstone is not there!
Pity! Unfortunately you were wrong so your turn is over.
2. On the crown of another player?
If you see the gemstone on the crown of another player,
you take it from there and stick it onto your crown.
3. On your crown?
The other players will tell you if you are right.
Is the gem really there? Well done, you can go on and
roll both dice again.
Is the gem not there? Pity, you were wrong. Your turn is
• A mirror and a shape?
If the white color die shows a mirror, you can take a look at
the mirror inside the jewelry box. Open the lid and have a
look at the gemstones on your crown.
In this case, the pink gemstone die has no meaning.
B. Guessing
Once you have at least three gemstones on your crown, you can
try to name both the shape and color of the three gems. While
guessing, you can touch the shapes of the gems on your crown.
As you announce what kind of gemstone is on your crown, the
other players immediately tell you whether you are right or