Jeu Habermaaß n°4471
Un jeu de dé avec des perroquets exotiques
pour 2 à 4 joueurs de 5 à 99 ans.
Idée : Hajo Bücken & Dirk Hanneforth
Illustration: Felix Scheinberger
Durée de la partie : env. 10 minutes
Les effrontés perroquets ont découvert un
nouveau mets : de succulents petits
gâteaux ! Tout en jacassant, ils volent
de balançoire en balançoire et
chacun d’eux veut s’emparer d’un
petit gâteau. Mais Coco, le perroquet
noir, barre la route aux autres !
9 perroquets (de 5 couleurs différentes)
4 plaquettes de perroquet
13 gâteaux
1 dé à symboles
1 règle du jeu
Parrot feeding!
If a parrot at the end of a move lands on a food-dish its player
can take a cookie.
End of the game
As soon as a player has collected the fourth cookie the game
ends. This player wins and may perform with loud croaking the
winners’ flattering dance.
Parrot Blacky wishes all greenhorns lots of fun at playing!
Variation for young tactical thinkers
The following changes of rules apply:
• Always play with all nine parrots. Distribute them well
amongst the seesaws.
• Parrots not belonging to anybody stay on their seesaws and
are not moved during the game.
• When moving the parrots the occupied squares are counted.
Whoever, at the end of their move, lands on an occupied
square sticks their parrot onto the next free square.
By the way: Blacky is an Ara, a very large species of parrot
which lives mainly in tropical America.