1.1 Before using ...............................................................................................................................................................................15
1.2 Switching the Album on and off ..............................................................................................................................................15
1.3 Language setting .......................................................................................................................................................................15
1.6 Viewing the photographs .........................................................................................................................................................16
1.7 Control menu ..............................................................................................................................................................................16
1.8 Connecting a USB memory device, a digital camera, or an SD card ...............................................................................17
1.10 Connecting the Album to a computer ....................................................................................................................................19
1.11 Connecting the Album to another Album ..............................................................................................................................19
2. Data backup.......................................................................................................................................................................................19
3. Album maintenance .........................................................................................................................................................................19
5.1 The display does not show the whole photograph, why? ..................................................................................................19
5.2 Is downloading photographs from the digital camera slow?.............................................................................................20
5.3 Can the Album keep the original size (resolution) of photographs? .................................................................................20
5.4 Is it possible to play short videos using the Album?............................................................................................................20
5.5 The Album does not work with my camera, why? ...............................................................................................................20
5.6 Photographs from the Album cannot be saved to the connected USB memory or an SD card, why? ......................20
5.7 The Album does not react to the connection of a USB disk or an SD card, why? .........................................................21
5.8 Does your camera use a micro SD card?..............................................................................................................................21
5.9 Is it possible to connect an XD card to the Album?.............................................................................................................21
5.10 Is the battery-powered operation time short?......................................................................................................................21
5.11 The computer does not work with the connected Album, why? .......................................................................................21
5.12 Is it possible to store data other than photographs in the Album? ...................................................................................21
5.13 Can I display other formats in the Album than JPG? ...........................................................................................................21
5.14 Which type of cameras does the Album work with?...........................................................................................................21
5.15 How to prepare a photograph selection on the computer to view them with the Album in a required order? ........22
5.16 How to create another directory (gallery) of selected photographs? ..............................................................................22
5.17 How to save photographs from the Internet to the Album or vice versa? .......................................................................22
5.18 Are the photographs from the connected external memory device to be displayed immediately? ...........................22
5.19 What about using the Album with a mobile phone? ............................................................................................................23
5.20 Is it possible to perform the compression of photographs stored in the Album in high resolution? ..........................23
5.21 The Album does not display photographs immediately when switched on, why? ........................................................23
5.22 It is impossible to save other photographs in my Album, why?.........................................................................................23
5.23 The Album seems not working, why? ....................................................................................................................................23
5.24 Do the previously saved photographs repeat in the Album? .............................................................................................24
The ALBUM will allow you to show all your photographs in excellent quality whenever and wherever.
The ALBUM is able to download (load) photographs directly from digital cameras without the use of a computer. It
can store more than 20 thousand photographs optimized for displaying on the built-in LCD screen which has very fine
resolution (130 DPI). The optimization (compression) of the photographs is made automatically by the device itself while
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