Changing Settings
Touching the SETTINGS button
on the S
OURCE screen displays
the S
ETTINGS screen (right).
This lets you change any of
these GPS-410/510 settings:
The BRIGHTNESS button lets you
adjust the GPS-410/510’s
screen brightness so you can
clearly see it in various lighting conditions.
NOTE: You can adjust the screen brightness at any
time by pressing the Volume Control knob in. The
RIGHTNESS indicator will be superimposed on the
screen and you can change the screen’s brightness
by rotating the volume knob.
Color Mode
The GPS-410/510 has two color modes: DAY (optimized for viewing in brighter
light) and N
(optimized for
viewing in
lower light).
There is also an
UTO button,
which auto-
matically changes the color mode according to the time of day.
The LANGUAGE button lets you set the GPS-410/510’s screen and voice-guid-
ance languages to ne out of 17 available languages.
Volume Mixer
The Volume Mixer lets you adjust the
relative volume levels of the music and the
navigation voice guidance. Touch the
shaded volume bars on the screen to adjust
the volume levels up and down.
The TIME button lets you adjust the GPS-
410/510’s time settings:
TIME ZONE: The TIME ZONE button lets you
reset the GPS-410/510’s time zone to match
the local time. This is especially useful if you
are traveling through different time zones.
FORMAT: Switches between 12-hour and
24-hour time formats.
DAYLIGHT SAVINGS: Selecting ON adds an hour to the current time.
User Manual