You are awarded a corner if the other team were the
last to touch the ball before it went out of play over
their own goal line.
• The ball is placed on the corner spot.
• Pick up one player and place him ready to take
the kick.
• Both teams may flick up to three players into a
better position.
• The player taking the corner may not be flicked
again until another player has touched the ball.
• Pl ay tw o halv es of ten m inute s eac h. At the e nd of the
firs t hal f both team s chan ge en ds.
• At the end of twen ty min utes (full time) the team t hat
has score d the most goals is th e win ner.
• If the match is a draw a t ful l tim e, you may play e xtra
time (two halve s of three minut es).
• Yo u can eithe r add the g oals score d in e xtra time t o
the final score or p lay fo r a ‘ golden goal ’ (th e firs t
team to s core, wins) .
• In the event of a draw a fter extra time, you can pl ay
a pe nalty shoot -out to dec ide t he wi nner.
• Toss a coin to decide who will kick off. The winner
decides which end of the pitch to play from.
• Place your players on your side of the halfway line
in your favourite formation.
• If your side is kicking off, two of your forwards may
be placed in the centre circle . No other players
may be placed in the circle during the kick off.
• Take the kick off by flicking one of your centre
forwards to kick the ball into the other team’s half.
If the ball does not touch one of the other team’s
players, you are attacking
If you flick the ball over the other team’s goal
line without scoring a goal, they become the
attacking team and restart with a goal kick.
• The ball is placed on the edge of the six
yard area.
• The attacking team may flick any of their
players before the goal kick is taken. The
defending team may flick the same number
of players to mark them.
• The goalkeeper takes the kick by flicking the
playing handle. You may hold onto the goal
frame for extra stability.
If the ball goes over the sideline, the last team to touch
the ball becomes the defending team and the other team
takes a throw in.
• The ball is placed on the sideline where it left play.
• The attacking team moves the player closest to the ball
into a position to take the throw.
• Both teams may flick one player on the pitch into a
better position for the throw in. As soon as the
attacking team is ready, the ball may be flicked back
into play.
• The player used to take the throw cannot touch the
ball again until another player has flicked the ball.
Free kicks are awarded when a foul has been committed. They are either direct
or indirect.
Direct: A goal may be scored by the player taking the kick.
Indirect: The ball must touch another player before a goal can be scored.
• The ball is placed at the point where the foul occurred.
• The attacking team picks up one player and places him ready to take the kick.
• The defending team may make a wall of up to 4 players. These are
picked up and placed at least 9cm from the ball.
• Both teams may flick up to two players into better positions.
When the defending team signals that they are ready, the attacking team
takes the kick.
• The ball is placed on the penalty spot.
• The attacking team picks up one player and places him
behind the ball, ready to take the kick.
• All other attacking players, except the goalkeeper, are moved
outside of the penalty area.
• When the defending team signals that they are ready, the
attacking team takes the kick. The goalkeeper must stay on
his line and may not be moved until the player taking the kick
has been flicked.
If there is a draw after twenty minutes of play and six minutes of extra time, the match must be
resolved by a penalty shoot-out
Toss a coin to decide which team goes first. Choose one of the goals for both teams to shoot at
and pick five players from each team to take the penalty kicks. Remove all other players from the
pitch and place the penalty takers in the centre circle.
Each player then takes his turn to take a penalty and is then removed from the pitch. After all
players have taken their turn, the team that has scored the most penalties wins.
If the score is still tied, the game goes to ‘sudden death ’ – each side selects one player at a
time to step up and take a penalty kick. After the penalty is taken, remove the player from the
pitch. Play continues until one team misses and the other scores a goal to win the game.
Whenever a player breaks one of the rules he has committed a foul and
the other team is awarded a free kick
Misconduct: taking more flicks than allowed or taking a flick when you
are not entitled to. Award: Indirect free kick .
Handball: touching the ball with your hand (unless a set piece is being
set up) or flicking the ball differently from the method shown.
Award: Indirect free kick.
Offside: See ‘Offside Rule’. Award: Indirect free kick.
Obstruction: A player touches the ball when his team are not attacking.
• In the player’s own shooting area: Award: Direct free kick.
• In the player’s own penalty area: Award: Penalty kick.
• Anywhere else on the pitch: Award: Indirect free kick.
• There must be at least two defending players (including the goalkeeper)
between an attacking player and the defending team’s goal line when
the ball is passed to him, otherwise the player is offside. This only
applies if the attacking player receiving the pass is in the defending
team’s half and does not apply if the ball was passed from a throw-in,
corner kick or goal kick.
• If your opponent calls ‘offside!’ you must attempt to get back onside by
flicking one or two of your players. The other team is allowed to flick the
same number of his own players to mark your men.
• If you are still offside after these flicks are taken, you stop attacking and
the other team is awarded an indirect free kick from the spot where the
offside player is standing.
• Wh en th e othe r tea m is a ttack ing y ou can try to blo ck
the path betwee n a p layer and t he ba ll wit h one of
your play ers.
• Yo u may take one f lick i mmedi ately after the
atta cking playe r has taken his flick .
• If your flick resu lts in your play er tou ching eithe r the
ball or a playe r on the op posin g tea m, you have
comm itted a fou l (ob struct ion).
• Yo ur op ponent does not h ave t o wai t for you t o take
your flic k – so make your move quick ly!
• Yo u can only take a shot at g oal w hen th e bal l is
betw een t he oth er te am’s s hooti ng li ne and thei r
goal line .
• A goal scored any other way d oes n ot cou nt, a nd the
game is r estart ed wi th an indir ect fr ee ki ck
• Th e who le bal l mus t cros s the goal line, betw een th e
post s, fo r the goal to cou nt.
• Yo u do not ha ve to wait for t he go alkeep er to be
read y bef ore yo u sho ot.
• Af ter a goal has b een sc ored, play resta rts w ith
a ki ck-of f
Attacking players
Forwards and midfielders with a black bar on their
disc may flick the ball up to 4 times in a row, provided
that their fourth flick is taken in the opposition’s half.
Defensive players
Defenders and midfielders with no black bar on their
disc may be flicked twice in a row when defending,
provided that they are on their own side of the
halfway line.
• Wh en yo u are the a ttack ing t eam, you mu st ke ep
poss essio n of the ba ll by drib bling and p assin g.
Flic k any one of you r pla yers so th at he makes
cont act w ith t he bal l.
• If your play er tou ches the b all, you ma y tak e
anot her f lick. If yo u fai l to touch the b all, the o ther
team is n ow at tackin g and you are de fendi ng
• Yo u may play the b all w ith t he sa me pla yer u p to
thre e tim es in a row. You must then use a diff erent
play er be fore you ca n pla y the ball with the o rigin al
play er ag ain.
• If you attem pt a p ass, the b all d oes no t hav e to hit
the playe r you are p assin g to.
Your team must stop attac king if:
1. Y our p layer misse s the ball .
2. T he ba ll to uches a pla yer f rom t he oth er te am.
3. Y ou ki ck th e ball out of pl ay.
4. O ne of your playe rs co mmits a fo ul.
5. Y ou sc ore a goal.
• Wh en yo u sto p atta cking , the othe r side star ts
atta cking and you ar e def endin g.
• If you flick a pla yer o ut of play , put him b ack o n
the sidel ine a t the point wher e he went o ff an d
cont inue playi ng.
• Fl ick t he Goa lkeep er’s p layin g
hand le to kick the b all ou t.
• Mo ve hi s play ing h andle left or ri ght
to a ttemp t a sa ve.
• Su bbute o play ers a re mad e to move and/or kick the b all b y
flic king them.
• Yo u may not u se yo ur thu mb to brac e your hand or to uch
the ball with a ny pa rt of your hand. This is a foul ( handb all).
• Fl ickin g a pl ayer’ s base
on t he le ft or right cause s
it t o swe rve in the
oppo site direct ion; this
can be us ed to get
arou nd an oppon ent w ho
is m arkin g your play er.
T ime
Kick Off
Advanced Game
Corner Kick
Goal Kick
Free Kick
Penalty Kick
Penalty Shoot-out
Fouls Offside
Kicking, Swerving & Spinning
Flic k
Goal Kick
Goal Kick
Goal Kick
Throw In
1 1
Number of players
that can be flicked
2 2
Number of players
that can be flicked
2 2
Number of players
that can be flicked
3 3
Number of players
that can be flicked