Virtual Jogwheel Platter Ring: The Outer Blue Ring indicates the relative position of the
Virtual Jogwheel platter.
One rotation of the Ring corresponds of one Jogwheel platter rotation.
The jogwheel also indicates the track status. It is filled with red while the track is loading,
then it is filled with blue while the track is getting analyzed. Once the track is fully
analyzed and ready to play the jogwheel remains blue.
BPM: Indicates the Tempo value in Beat Per
Minutes (BPM). The BPM value changes related to
the Tempo Slider position.
Percentage: Percentage value under the BPM
displays the percentage with the BPM is
modified. When this value displays 0%, the track is
playing as its original speed.
Keylock: When Keylock is enabled, the song will keep its original key when Tempo
is changed. When Keylock is disabled, the song will change the pitch of the song
when Tempo is changed. The Keylock algorithm of DJUCED allows extreme tempo
changes, without losing the original tone.