Here, you can adjust the crossfader curve and the equalization settings, the filter/FX and
the effect routings.
“Post-Fader” effects are present even when the volume slider of a deck is lowered.
12.8.1.Crossfader Curve
The crossfader curve is the shape of the mix’s curve, based on the position of the
There are two crossfader curves:
Mix (smooth transition between left and right). With the slider you can adjust the
slope of this curve.
Scratch (fast transition between left and right)
In addition:
Hamster inverts the curve.
OFF disables the crossfader.
12.8.2.Filter FX
Select the four Filters/FX to be used on the Filter knob.
Check the FilterFX reference for more information.
12.8.3.Effect routing
Time based effects can be routed back before or after the volume fader.