DJ C on s o l e 4 - Mx in V D J 7 L E
DJ Console 4-Mx has 8 main t ypes of controls i n VirtualDJ 7 LE 4 -Mx :
Brow sing
Effe cts, loops and s ample r
Play back c ontr ols: 2 -deck an d 4- deck
Jog wheel s
Prev iew contro ls
Mi xer con trol s: 2-de ck and 4-de ck
Spe ed con trol s
4-d eck co ntrol s
A. Browsing
DJ Console 4-Mx provides 5 controls to browse in Virt ualDJ 7 LE 4-Mx :
1. Fol der: move to the folde r brow ser, o r expa nd the fold er.
2. Fil es: g o to th e fi le brow ser.
3. Up/ down b uttons: move up/dow n in the files o r fol der li st.
4. Loa d on left/r ight d eck: l oad t he fil e on l eft/ right contro lled deck.
5. Pre ss an d hold up/do wn butt ons wh ile turni ng the j og whe el:
move at high speed th rough t he ac tive b rowse r are a (fold er or file s).
B. Effects / Loops / Sampler
Effects, loops and sampler are contro lled by 8 control s per deck :
6 transpo rt bu ttons (1 to 6): a ctivat e or switch off th e fun ction.
1 S hift trans port b utton: conve rt th ese bu ttons i nto 7 to 12.
1 knob modul ates t he la st effec t lo aded.
Chan ging the d eck ch anges the ban k of effect s (effe cts on de ck A a re
di fferent fro m e ffects on deck C).
C. Play back controls
Once a track is loaded on a deck , you can use the playback controls :
Play /Pau se: st arts/pa uses p laybac k of t he t rack l oaded o n the deck.
Cue: in p ause mode, sets a Cue po int ( bookmar k); d uring play back,
goes to th e cue point and pl ays.
Sto p: st ops play bac k a nd goe s back to the fir st cu e poin t (if any).
Re w in d/fast for ward: mo ves ba ck/for ward in the tra ck (whi le the
bu tton r emains press ed down ).
4-deck controls
After changing the target deck (with Deck C/Deck D buttons), proces s
the same pla yback operations as in 2-deck m ode.
D. Jog w heels
The jog wheels c ontrol up to 5 ope rations :
1. Br owse wi thin a trac k: if a tra ck is loaded on a deck ( but i s not
play ing ), turni ng th e jog w heel move s insi de the track.
2. Scr atch On/Off: wh en sc ratch mo de i s on, turning the jog wh eel wh ile
pre ssing it dow n sli ghtly creat es a scratch soun d (like on a v inyl
tu rntable ). Y our fin gerti ps fee l the scrat ch, an d a bl ue ligh t on the jog
whee l show s the pushed -d own s tatus.
3. Play /Pause: when s cratc h m od e i s on, pre ssing the jog wheel down
sli ghtly pause s play back. This m od e let s you start /pause play back by
li fting u p/pre ssing d own y our h and on the j og whee l.
4. Pi tch Ben d: whe n scra tch mod e i s off (i .e. i n play back mo de), turni ng
th e jog w heel speeds up/sl ows dow n the musi c: the jog w heel bends
th e pit c h.
5. Fas t bro wsing throu gh file s or folder s: pre ss an d hold the u p or
dow n butt on, an d tu rn the jog wh eel to quickly mov e thro ugh t he li st of
fil es or folde rs.
You can change the j og wheels’ res olution in t he DJ Con sole 4-Mx control
pan el (th e Adva nced tab).
E. Previe w controls
Previewing = liste ning to a diff erent track on your headphones than what
the audience is he aring : th e cross fader (c ontrolling the music for the
audience) has no im pact on the pre view.
There are of 3 t ypes of preview controls :
1. Cue Select (l eft or right deck ) transport button: select s the deck you
preview on your headphones (e.g. in 2 -deck mode, Cue Sel ect Left
Deck = deck A; in 4-deck m ode, = deck A or C).
2. Cue/M ix knob: select what is heard on your head phones :
cue = the deck( s) se lected with Cue Se lect b utton .
mix = same m usi c a s the audien ce.
or a comb inati on of both, by se tting it be tween Cue and Mi x.
3. Headphone volume.
F. Mixer controls
2-deck mode
1. Gai n knob : boo sts/at tenuate s the trac k’s maxi mum o utput level.
2. Equ aliza tion (EQ) kn obs (Tr eble/Medium/Bass): boosts /atte nuate s
th e outp ut lev el of the track p er fr equen c y range.
3. Kil l but tons: mutes/ resto res th e tra ck’s ou tput i n the frequ ency range.
4. Vol ume fa der: sets t he t rack lev el (wi thin the s cale set via the Gain
knob ).
5. Cr oss fa der: mi xes le ft an d righ t de ck tra cks for the audie nce:
ful l lef t = th e audi ence hears only l eft d eck(s).
ce nter = the a udience hears 50% left deck, 5 0% ri ght de ck .
ful l rig ht = t he aud ience hears only the ri ght d eck(s).
For different DJing s tyles, you ca n chang e the cross fader curve:
eit her i n the softwa re (wi th pr o DJ softwa re; not VDJ 7 LE 4 -Mx).
or in the DJ C onsole 4-Mx contro l panel (th e Adva nced t ab).
If y ou set a cross fader curve in oth er DJ softw are, keep t he cr oss fad er
cur ve set to Beatmi x (defa ult) i n the Hercu les c ontrol panel.
4-deck mode
After switching deck s ( via the Deck C/Deck D buttons), you can control
on the new virtual decks the sam e mix operations on t he mixer controls,
but you m ust first take over the softw are positions of gradual cont rol s
(gain/EQ/volum e) on the deck: each grad ual control must reach th e same
position on the DJ C onsole 4-Mx hard ware as shown in the soft ware,
before you are able to c ontrol that setting .
The software takeov er function pro vides you with grad ual settings on
these controls after s witching a deck :
- If there were no software ta keover, after switching between 2 virtual
decks with diff erent settings for gain/EQ/volume, the s oftware would
jump to the new contro l position the second you move the gra dual
- Therefore, the software tak eover is a process which le ts you
smoothly reach the virtual setting prior to c hanging this set ting.
G. Speed (BP M = Beats Pe r Minute) control
The playback speed has 6 controls pe r deck :
1. Pi tch fa der: the pi tch fa der ch anges the s pee d of the mu sic: up =
slow er, d own = faste r.
2. Pi tch Sca le -/+ : the se t ranspo rt but tons change the s cale o f the pitch
fader : a l ower scale gives a more prec ise spe ed va riati on / a highe r
sca le giv es a l arge r vari ation of th e speed .
3. Pi tch res et: by simul taneo usly pressi ng the Pitch Scale - and +
bu ttons, y ou res et th e pit ch, so that the vi rtual pitch fader goes b ack t o
th e cent er pos ition, whatev er t he ha rdware positi on o f the pitch fader.
4. Pi tch Be nd -/+ : the pitch bend trans port b utton s slow down/ speed up
th e speed tempo rarily , as long as y ou keep the button down.
5. Sy nc: cha nges the sp eed se tting for t he de ck to the s am e BPM as on
th e othe r deck cont rolled by DJ Consol e 4-Mx .
6. Jog whee l: whil e musi c is playi ng, i f y ou a re not i n sc ratch m od e (if the
Scr atch b utton is off, or if yo ur han d appl ies n o pres sure on the jog
whee l), turnin g the jog whe el speeds u p/sl ows dow n the mu sic, like the
Pi tch Be nd but tons.
4-deck mode
After switching dec ks ( with Deck C/Deck D buttons) , you m ust take over
the virtual position of the pit ch fader with the hard ware pitc h fader on
the deck ( i.e. you must reach the sam e position with the DJ Console 4-
Mx pitch fader as in th e software) pri or to controlling t he pitch.
H. 4-deck con trols
2 transport butto ns control 4-deck mode:
De ck C bu tton conver ts dec k A i nto de ck C:
- w hen D eck C b utton is o n, the consol e’s le ft de ck contr ols virtual
deck C, and th e view er sh ows t he lette r C b ackli t in r ed.
- w hen D eck C b utton is off , the consol e’s le ft de ck contro ls vir tual
deck A, and th e view er sh ows t he let ter A b ackli t in bl ue.
De ck D bu tton conver ts dec k B int o deck D:
- w hen D eck D b utton is o n, the consol e’s right de ck co ntrol s virt ual
deck D, and th e view er sh ows t he lette r D b ackli t in r ed.
- w hen D eck D b utton is off , the consol e’s ri ght dec k cont rols virtua l
deck B, and th e view er sh ows t he let ter B b ackli t in bl ue.