Ver 2010 -2
1. HISE NSE A ust ralia wil l provide pa rts and labour to you the Customer as se t
out he rein.
2. Not hing in the warran ty , limits any rights you may have under t he tr ade
pract ices act or any othe r Comm onwealth or State Leg islation. Such righ ts
cannot be chang ed by the conditions in this warr anty. Sub ject to the
conditio ns bel ow th is appliance is warr anted by Hi sense and/or its Agen ts to
be free from defects in materials and wo rkma nship fo r a
period of 12 mon th
on DV D integ rated mode ls an d 36 mon ths on non comb inat ion mo dels from
the date of pu rch ase (the “Warrant y pe riod”)
3. This warran ty: -
a. covers produ c ts purcha sed as NE W, manu factured for use in Main land
Australia and Tasmania;
b. comm ences from the date of purcha se as li sted on the Custome rs
c. prov ides for t he labou r and replacement pa rts necessary to ma inta in you r
produ ct in good ope rat ing cond ition as specified in this warr an
ty howeve r,
repair is n eeded because of pr oduct failur e during norm al usage ,
Hisen se has the opt ion to repair or repl ace the defect ive product or pa rt
of t he pr odu ct with a pr odu ct or part of the product of like ki nd and qu ali ty
and a replacement part may be ne w or rec onditione d of li ke kind and
quality and may cost less than the original product purchased and no
charges or refund s wil l be made based on th e rep lacement produ ct co st
d. appl ies o
nly t o the origin al
pu rchaser and cann ot be t ran sferred ;
e. Cove rs produc t for commercial purpos es fo r a pe riod of 90 da ys
EG signage and/or advertising usage.
4. Prod uct Iden tificatio n
a. Hisen se reserves the ri g ht to reject claims fo r an y services or wo rk where
the Cu stomer reque sting such work or se rvices from Hi s ense and /or its
agents canno t pro duc e for v erification the seri al number and the proof of
purchase as per ori ginal purchase inv
b. The warran ty wi l
l be voided i f any Seri al Numb e r stick er provided to be
placed on the equi pment is dama ged, mod ifie d or removed .
c. In the event t hat a requ est fo r rep air is mad e aga inst a warr anty whe re
the Seri al Numbe r st ick er is not attac hed to the product or the customer
can not produce for veri ficatio n the origina l in voice, the re pai rer wi ll not
affect any r epairs on the product and the Cust omer wil l be c harged a
service call-ou t fee.
5. Wha t is cov
ered by th is wa
rran ty
a. The eq uipment is cove red fo r faulty work manship on parts tha t ha ve
failed unde r normal use which are contained within the product.
b. Hi sen se an d/or its Agents will de cid e if there are an y de fects in the
material a nd/or work manship
c. This warran ty is only app licable f or repai rs on declared equi pment carried
out wi thin Mainland Australia a nd Ta smania
6. Wha t is not Cove red by th is wa rran ty (exc lud ed) :-
a. an y dam age or fa i lure:
i. of
equ ipm ent d
ue to the product be ing inadequa tel y se rviced to
man ufactu rer’ s recomm endat ion s;
ii. resulting from environ mental condition s includ i ng and not limi ted to
dirt, dust, rodents, i nsects, rust, corro sion, salt buil t-u p, of any pa rt
of the product includ ing its parts; or
iii . resu lting from exc ess ive use “fair wea r and tear”;
iv. resu lting from poo r install ation inc lud ing and not limited to
position ing an d exte rnal ly fitt ed equipmen t such as plumbing a
ge, cablin g, an tennae or due to Inco mpatib ili ty of connected
equipmen t;
v. to the product ca used by ov erheat ing as a res ult of sit ing or
pos ition ing of the equipment, where there is not provi sion fo r
adequate ventilatio n or a dust f ree en vironm ent;
vi. ca used if you r app liance has been disman tled, rep air ed o r se rviced
by any person other t han so meone au tho rised by Hisen se;
vii . to a product or compone nts, caused b y po wer s urge s or s pikes,
inc luding and
not li mited to, m
ains powe r and t elecommun ications
conne ctions, or to other un spe cified sou rces, inc orrect pow er
curr ent, voltage fluct uation, amperage fluctua tion, rust or corrosion;
viii. due to a dr opped produ ct; collis ion wit h anoth er ob ject, use of which
is no t de signed, ne gli gence, acc ident or delibe rate misuse, theft ,
abuse, vandali sm, flood , fire, ea rthqua ke, electri cal sto rms or an y
other act of God or an y war related events;
b. co sts of att endance an d testing whe re no mechan ical or
electri cal
fai lure is id entified;
c. initial setup and inst allation of the prod uct;
d. Normal ma intena nce c osts and costs incu r red th rough the instal lation
of it ems li sted as r equiri ng periodic replac eme nt;
e. prod ucts with removed or altered seri al numbe rs;
f. co nsumables such as but no t li mited to bulbs /globes, batteri es, remo te
g. remova l and reins tall ation of an internal co mponent not performed by a
factory au thorised service centre;
h. cos met ic
or st ructural items ;
i. An y fa ilures due to the inte rferen ce from or to ot her prod ucts and /or
sou rces;
j. Inab ility of th e prod uct to read or outp ut da maged or cop ied med ia;
7. The Warrant y Cea ses if: -
a. The product cea ses to ca rry the original manuf acturer’s serial nu mber
or is so ld at an auct ion;
b. The product is ren ted;
c. Dama ge to the produ ct ha s occu rred as li sted in point 6b.
d. Fail ure to pay m onies ow ing on invoices as a result of no n
wa rrant y
work been carried out at the request of the end user as per poi nt 15.
8. Neit her Hisense nor its representatives provide loan equ ipm ent under t he
terms of this war ran ty .
9. An y una u tho rised access to the interna l hard ware of the product will void
this warr anty.
10. Repl acement items are “Like fo r li ke” and is n ot “ne w fo r old ” and does
not indicate in an y way th at a faulty produc t will be rep laced with a new
part or un it. “Like fo r li ke” ma y either be a qu al
ity che cked (QC)
refu rbished or rec ond itioned un it of the sa me or later
batch of mo del/si ze/specif icati ons
11. If you reside outsid e of the service coverage area of you r ne are st
authori sed se rvice agent, this warranty do es not cov er the costs of
tran spo rtation or travel expenses to an d from your ho me.
12. Hisense accep ts no liability for items tha t are lost, dam age d, or stole n as
a resu lt of freight, transpo rt or sto rage. If you are requ ired to transpo rt the
app liance to an au tho r
ised se rvice cent r e, you must ens ure that it is
securely packed a nd insured.
13. On Pub lic Holidays or other periods wh en regu lar business and
whol esale operations are tem porari ly ceas ed, repai rer avail ability and
warran ty respon se time s may exten d bey ond the s tand ard response
time s due to the avail abil ity of repa irers and pa r ts.
14. Spec ial Co nditions rela ting to Plasma T V’s, LCD TV’s, Panels, Proj ection
Television and Projectio
ns Equi pment
All LC D and Plasma Panels exhibit so me b rig ht, dark or pa rtiall y lit
pixel s, a normal limitat ion of the se tech nolog ies, and the
manu facturin g process es in volved and ar e usually not no ticeab le whe n
viewi ng nor mal sc r een images and def ective pixe ls ar e no t a wa rrant y
issue unless they exce ed the manufactu rer’ s spec ifications for p ixe l
defects. Where t here are no man uf acturer specificat ions, Hisense
covers the screen provided for 1 2 or mor e pi xels that are fail
ing to
b. Ima ge retent ion or bu rn-in can be a problem fo r all ph ospho r based
displays. In extreme cases, pe rmanen t p hosphor burn can occu r if
still/rep etitive images a re le ft on the screen for extende d period s o f
time. Such da mage to the sc r een is not covered by th e war ranty.
Please ensu re tha t the precau tions in any doc ument ation suppli ed with
you r product are followed in orde r to avoid perm anen t da mage to your
c. Wh
ere a product is p osi tion
ed higher than 1.2m from the lowest mount
poi nt, is w all/c eili ng mo unt ed or w here aftermarket moun ts and /or
stands are used, o r w here the unit h as not been ins tall ed by a
prof essional inst all er, an extra service charge will apply to unfix and
refix t his produ ct.
15. An y repair performed on a product un der the wa rran ty wh ere no fau lt can
be f ound, o r the item is deem ed by Hisen se, or an au tho rised Hisense
agent, to be not faul ty un der
this warr anty, o r the rep
air or fau lt is not
covered und er the warran ty, a No Fault Fo und fee is pa yable by t he
warrant y ho lde r of a minimum of $125 inc GST.
16. An y repair s o r services req uired tha t are outside of the te rms and
conditions of the wa rranty can be carried out at the request o f the
customer or du e to site atte nda nce wer e f ault is no t covered unde r
warran ty as the prod uct no t been installed or setup corre ctly; a credit
card may be r equired p rio
r to the comme nc
emen t of su ch se rvices.