The sm artLAB®nG blood glucose systems are in tended f or the quan titative measure-
men t of glucose in venous blood or fr esh capillary whole blood samples dr awn from
the n gertip, palm or forearm. T esting is don e outside th e body (In Vitro diagn ostic
use). It is in dicated for self-testing by person s with diabetes, or in clini cal settings
by healthcar e providers , as an aid to monitor th e effectiveness of di abetes control.
The system is n ot to be used on neonates, is n ot for the di agnosis of or scr eening
for di abetes mellitus, and that altern ate site testing can only be used durin g steady-
state blood glucose con ditions.
Please read this in sert and the smartLAB®nG U ser’s Manu al before usin g
smartLAB®nG Blood Glu cose Test Strips . If you have any question s and/or need as-
sistance , please contact our authorized distributors in your coun try .
Apply a blood sample to the blood collecti on area at the tip of th e strip. The test
strip will dr aw the blood sample into the r eaction zone . The F AD-binding glucose d e-
hyd rogenase catalyzes th e glucose deh ydrog enation. It will pr oduce glu conolactone .
During th e reaction, a medi ator transfers electr ons to the electr ode surface and g en-
erates a curr ent. The amoun t of the curr ent is proporti onal to the amoun t of glucose
presen t in the blood sample. After 5 secon ds, the sm artLAB®nG system will show
glucose con centration on th e screen.
Each test strip contain s the following r eagent:
6 (w/w) % FAD glu cose dehydr ogenase
(Asper gillus oryzae, 2.0 IU/test strip)
56 (w/w) % P otassium ferricyanide
38 (w/w) % Non-r eactive ingredien ts
1. Store th e test strip package in a cool, dry place , between 2°C~30°C
(36°F - 86°F). Do not fr eeze.
2. Keep out o f direct sunlight an d heat.
3. Write the d ate on the bottle when rst opened .
4. Discard test strips 6 m onths after rst opening d ate.
5. Replace the cap qui ckly after taking the test strip from th e bottle.
6. Han dle the test strip only with dry and clean han ds.
7. Store your test strips in th eir original bottle only . Do not move th em to
any oth er bottle or container
1. For in vitro di agnostic use only . Do not swallow .
2. Do not use th e test strip after the expirati on date .
3. Do not r e-use test strips.
4. Do not cut, ben d, scratch, or alter the test strip in an y way .
5. W arning for potenti al biohazard
This warning is f or the healthcare pr oviders wh o use this system on multiple
patien ts. They should kn ow the prod uct comes in con tact with human blood. After
cleaning, dispose o f the produ ct properly as if avoid tr ansmitting vir al disease.
6. If the r eadings are not con sistent to your symptoms , check the m anual rst. Mak e
sure you have f ollowed all instruction s, and th en contact your doctor .
7. Never m ake any chang es to your diabetes contr ol program with out consulting your
doctor .
8. The system sh ould be used at a temperature between 10°C and 40°C (50°F an d
104°F). Outsid e this range , the system may get in correct results .
smartLAB®nG Blood Glu cose System.
smartLAB®nG Blood Glu cose Test Strip.
Lancin g Device
Lancets .
smartLAB®nG U ser’s Manual.
This system is for use in fr esh capillary or venous whole blood. Th e blood sample
must be used ri ght away . The sample volume requir es at least 0.6 micro-liters . To
obtain a dr op of blood, follow th ese steps:
Step 1: W ash and dry your hands th oroughly .
Step 2: Prepar e the meter accordin g to the user’s man ual.
Step 3: If you use an alcohol swab . Make sur e that your nger is en tirely dry bef ore
lancin g.
Step 4: Punctur e and get a dr op of blood. A void pressin g too hard against the
punctur ed site.
1.AST results m ay differ from ngertip r esults when glucose levels ar e changing
rapi dly (e.g., after a meal, after takin g insulin, or durin g or after exer cise).
2.AST can only be used durin g steady-state blood glucose conditi ons. AST sh ould
only be perform ed under the f ollowing conditi ons:
• T esting bef ore a meal.
• In a fas ting stat e.
• 2 hours or more af ter a meal.
• 2 hours or more af ter insulin dosing.
• 2 hours af ter physical activity.
Fing ertip test only:
• If sick.
• If blood glucose is low .
• Af ter exercising.
• When you have just taken insulin
• T wo hours or less af ter eating.
• If you of ten do not notice when your blood glucose is low.
• Af ter injecting rapid-acting insulin (2 hours or less).
3. Consult with your h ealthcare professi onal befor e you test palm and for earm.
W ash and dry your hands th oroughly . Insert the lan cet into the lancin g device .
Prepar e the lancing d evice accordin g to the user’s man ual. T o test your blood glucose
level, please follow th ese steps to test:
Step 1: Insert T est Strip. Tak e a test strip and replace th e bottle cap quickly . Insert
the test strip in to the slot of the m eter . The meter will turn on.
Step 2: Apply Sample . Follow the sample collection proced ures to get a d rop of
blood. While th e “
” appears, brin g your blood to the collection area on th e test
strip. The blood will autom atically be drawn in to the reacti on zone . The meter will
begin to run.
Step 3: Accur ate results after 5 seconds. Y our result will appear on the scr een after
5 seconds .
Step 4: Thor oughly wash hands with soap and water after performin g your glucose
For detailed inf ormation on the test pr ocedure , please refer to th e User’s Manu al.
It is r ecommended to test th e performan ce of the sm artLAB®nG self-monitoring
Blood Glucose System wh en
1.Begin using a n ew bottle of test strips.
2.Question your blood test r esults.
3.Check that th e meter and test strips are workin g properly , and that you perform th e
test correctly at least on ce.
4.Suspect the m eter or test strips are working incorr ectly .
5.Drop th e meter .
6.Expose the test strips to temper atures outside th e storage con ditions .(2°C to
30°C,36°F to 86°F)
Use th e control solution to ch eck the perform ance of th e meter and test strips.
Please follow th e instruction s described in the secti on “Control Soluti on Test” o f the
User’s M anual. Use th e smartLAB®nG Glucose Con trol Solution to test th e system.
Don’t use other m anufacturer’s con trol solution. Oth er control soluti on may provid e
incorr ect results.
If the con trol solution test results ar e outside th e rang e, your meter an d test strip
may n ot be working as a system. Follow the correct pr ocedures an d repeat the con trol
solution test. M ake sure the con trol solution is clean with out contaminati on. (e.g.
T urbid.) Do not use th e meter until test r esults fall within the appr opriate rang e. If
the pr oblem continues, please con tact your local dealer .
When th e results fall within the specied r anges prin ted on the strip bottle label,
the system is workin g properly . If your control solution test r esults are outsid e the
ran ge, r epeat the contr ol solution test. Results that fall outsi de the ran ge may be
caused by:
1. Expired or con taminated control soluti on.
2. Error in perf orming the test.
3. Meter m alfunction.
4. T est strip deterior ation.
DO NO T use the system to test your blood until you g et a control soluti on test result
within the specied r ange .
If “LO” appears on the scr een, your blood glucose level is lower than 20 mg/dL (1.1
mmol/L). If “HI” appears , that your blood glucose level is higher than 630 m g/dL
(35.0 mmol/L). Wh en you get any question s for the r eadings, ch eck the following
items rst an d then repeat the test. If th e results are still questi onable , consult your
1. If the strips ar e within the expirati on date .
2. Mak e sure the dr op of blood in the wh ole reaction zon e.
3. Check m eter and test strip performan ce with smartLAB® nG Glucose Con trol Solution s.
Expected Results:
The sm artLAB®nG Blood Glucose test strips are plasma r eferenced an d calibrated for
easier comparison to lab r esults.
• For Non-Di abetic
The Am erican Diabetes Associ ation recomm ends a post-meal glu cose level of less than
140 mg/dL (7.8 mm ol/L) and a pre-meal glu cose of less than 100 mg/dL (5.6
• For Non-Pr egnant Ad ults with diabetes
The Am erican Diabetes Associ ation recomm ends a post-meal glu cose level of less than
180 mg/dL (10.0 mm ol/L) and a pre-meal glu cose of 70-130 mg/dL (3.9-7.2 mm ol/L).
CAUTI ON: Any low or high blood glucose r eadings can indi cate a potentially seri ous
medi cal condition. If the r eadings do n ot reect your symptoms , repeat the test with a
new test strip. Con tact your doctor when your readin g is:
A. Not con sistent with your symptoms.
B . Less than 60 mg/dL (3.3 mmol/L).
C. High er than 240 mg/dL (13.3 mmol/L).
The test strips ar e used for venous blood or fresh capillary wh ole blood samples.
1. DO NO T use serum or plasma sample .
2. DO NO T use anticoagulan t NaF or potassium ox alate for venous sample pr eparation.
3. DO NO T use neonate blood sample .
4. Extrem e humidity may affect th e results. A r elative humidity gr eater than 90% may
cause incorr ect results.
5. Use this system at temper atures between 10°C and 40°C (50°F and 104°F). Outsi de
this ran ge, th e system may get in correct results .
6. DO NO T reuse the test strips . The test strips are f or single use only .
7. Hem atocrit (HCT): HCT between 35% - 50% will not signicantly affect th e results.
HCT at 30% - 35% and at 50% - 55% m ay affect the reading with±15%. HCT below 35%
may cause hi gher results. HCT above 50% m ay cause lower results. If you d o not know
your HCT level, please consult with your d octor .
8. Altitud e up to 3,048 meters above sea level has no effect on readin gs.
Healthcar e providers – Please n ote these additi onal Limitation s.
1. If the pati ent has the followin g condition s, the r esult may be inaccurate:
• Severely d ehydrated .
• Severely h ypotensive.(low blood pr essure)
• In shock.
• In hypoglycemi c-hyperosmolar state .(with or without ketosis)
2. Lipemic samples: Ch olesterol level up to 500 mg/dL (12.92 mmol/L) an d triglycerid es
up to 3,000 mg/dL (33.6 mm ol/L) do not affect the r esults. Do not test gr ossly lipemic
patien t samples with smartLAB
nG System.
3. DO not use h ome-use blood glucose systems to test criti cally ill patients .
4. DO NO T use during xylose absorpti on testing. Xylose in th e blood will interfere Self-
Monitorin g Blood Glucose System.
5. Interferin g Substances depend on th e concentr ation.The below substan ces up to the
test concen tration will not affect th e readings .
80 mg/dL
(4.4 mmol/L)
250 mg/dL
(13.9 mmol/L)
500 mg/dL
(27.8 mmol/L)
Ascorbic A cid 4 m g/dL (0.26 mmol/L) 10.89% -1.76% 4.55%
Ibuprofen 50 mg/dL (2.43 mmol/L) 3.10% 2.88% 4.62%
L-Dopa 1.8 mg/dL (0.09 mmol/L) 10.59% 7.91% 4.90%
Sodium Sali-
50 mg/dL (3.12 mmol/L) -2.59% 9.42% -0.84%
T etracycline 1.5 mg/dL (0.03 mmol/L) -5.32% 3.81% 3.20%
T olbutamide 100 mg/dL (3.70 mmol/L) -2.60% 12.30% 0.89%
2.4 mg/dL (0.04 mmol/L) -2.52% 4.05% -0.23%
Uric acid 8 mg/dL (0.48 mmol/L) 2.71% 9.55% -1.75%
Xylose 4 mg/dL (0.27 mmol/L) -5.12% -1.64% -4.44%
Use th e anticoagulant ED T A or sodium Heparin or Lithium Heparin to pr eserve
the ven ous blood and capillary blood specimens would n ot affect the readin gs of
smartLAB®nG System. If th e specimen was preserved by the an ticoagulant N aF/potas-
sium Oxalate con tained sodium uorid e, th e reading o f smartLAB®nG System would be
seriously in terfered.
The test r ange is between 20 to 630 mg/dL (1.1~35.0 mm ol/L). Vali date the test strips
perform ance in both laboratory and clini cal tests.
Precisi on of the smartLAB®nG Blood Glu cose System was measured with both ven ous
blood and con trol solution in the labor atory . The results are sh own in the table below:
Blood av mg/dL (mmol/L) 40 (2.2)
Blood av mg/dL (mm ol/L) 108 (6.0)
Blood av mg/dL (mm ol/L) 137 (7.6)
Blood av mg/dL (mmol/L) 223 (12.4)
Blood av mg/dL (mmol/L) 399 (22.2)
Blood av mg/dL (mmol/L) 512 (28.4)
T otal-run
Contr ol av m g/dL (mmol/L) 42 (2.4)
Contr ol av mg/dL (mmol/L) 120 (6.7)
Contr ol av mg/dL (mm ol/L) 351 (19.5)
The accur acy of the smartLAB®nG Self-M onitoring Blood Glucose System was assessed
by comparison which was used in labor atories. The r esults below were obtained by 159
subjects with diabetes at thr ee independ ent clinical sites . The regr ession statistics are
derived fr om a plot of the smartLAB® nG capillary d ata versus YSI plasma data
Slope 0.9803
Inter cept + 2.9625 mg/dL (+ 0.1646 mmol/L)
Correlati on coefcient 13.6852
Number o f subject 159
Rang e tested 47.5–566.5 mg/dL or 2.64–31.74 mm ol/L
R-squar e 0.9782
1. Cass, A.E.G. et al., An al. Chem., 56 (1984) p.667
2. Tietz N.: Fun damentals o f clinical chemistry , 3r d Ed., W .B. Saun ders Co., Philadelphi a,
P A, 1987, p.427
3. NCCLS docum ent M29-A, Protection o f the laboratory work er from instrum ent biohazards
and infecti ous disease transmitted by blood, bod y uids, an d tissue, 1997.
4. Ameri can Diabetes Associati on. Diagnosis an d Classication of Di abetes Mellitus (Posi-
tion Statem ent). Diabetes Care 34 (Supp. 1) S66, 2011.
5. Ameri can Diabetes Associati on. Standar ds of medi cal care in diabetes. Di abetes care .
2013; V ol. 36, Suppl 1, S21
Concentr ations
of the in terferance tested
The sm artLAB
nG blood glucose test strips compatible with sm artLAB®nG
meters n eed not to be coded, an y more .
HMM Diagn ostics GmbH
Fried richstr . 89
D-69221 Dossenheim, Germ any
D/N D11450-08-03-20_R1_15/05/2014
Caution. Please r ead manual th oroughly .
Expirati on date
This prod uct meets the r equiremen ts of
directive 98/79 CE f or in-vitro diagnosti c
medi cal devices.
Please read in structions th oroughly .
In-vitro di agnostics only . Not
to ing est.
Storag e temperature ran ge
Contr ol solution
Opening d ate of test strip
Sufcien t for
Single use only .
Man ufactured by
Lot number
Catalogue number
Blood glucose test r esult in mg/dL
Blood glucose test r esult in mmol/L
6 mon ths until the pr oduct
expir es upon opening