This button is used to start and stop the selected baking program.
Start: Push the “start/stop” button for 1 second to start a program. The program will be started. Clear the
selected baking program.
Stop: To end a program; push “start/stop” for about 2 seconds until a beeping sound confirms that the pro-
gram is turned off.
The double dot is blinking: the program is being cleared.
The double dot isn’t blinking anymore: the program is cleared.
Delaying (push the up and down arrows)
You can set the baking time of the bread with the up and down functions. First; set the baking method and
browning rate with “:”, “>” adds 10 minutes to the baking process ( “+ 10 minutes”), with “<” 10 minutes
will be taken from the time (“- 10 minutes”). The timer shows the remaining baking time after it is set. The
maximum delay is 13 hours.
EXAMPLE: It’s 20:30. You want your bread ready the next morning at seven ( so; in 10 hours and 30 min-
utes). Push the > arrow until 10:30 appears on the screen: the period of 10 hours and 30 minutes between
“now” ( 20:30) and the time you want the bread to be ready ( seven ‘o clock in the morning). The delay
function isn’t suitable for use with decaying ingredients like eggs, fresh milk, etc.
Keep warm function:
The bread will be kept warm during 60 minutes after baking it. When you want to take the bread out of
the machine; shut down the program by pushing the START/STOP-button.
Warning on the screen:
When “H:HH” appears on the screen after you pushed START; the temperature in the machine is still to hot.
Push STOP open the lid, and let the machine cool down for about 10- 20 minutes.
When “E:EE” appears on the screen after you pushed START, the temperature detector isn’t connected; let it
be checked by a known company.
The machine will function well with both high and low temperatures, but the bread can get bigger or
smaller when the environmental temperature is very high or very low. We recommend a constant environ-
mental temperature between 15°C and 34°C.
The program menu:
Basic kneading, rising and baking like normal bread
Whole wheat kneading, rising and baking of wholemeal bread
Please note: 30 minus time to rest in advance. The breadmachine will slightly preheat the ingredienten
during 30 minus for a better bakingresult
French kneading, rising and baking with a longer rising time
Sweet kneading, rising and baking sweet bread
Ultrafast-1 kneading, rising and baking bread of ca. 680g in a short time
Quick kneading, rising and baking with cleansing salt
Dough only kneading and rising
Bake only baking
Placing and taking out the baking form:
Placing: Push lightly until the baking form is on its right place.
Taking out: Pull the grip; wear oven gloves while doing this.