2 EN
All the parts of your machine are potentially hazardous if it is used
incorrectly or if it is not properly ma intained. Special attention should
be paid to sections preceded by the following words.
Warns against a risk of seriou s bodily injury or fatal accident if
instructions are not complied with.
• Warns against a risk of bodily injury or equipment damage if
instructions are not complied with.
NOTE: Indicates a source o f useful informati on.
This symbol warns you to be especially careful when
performing specific operations. See the safety
instructions on the following p ages with reference to
the point or points indicated in the box.
A1. Carefully re ad the instruction s in this manual. Before usin g your brus hcutter,
familiarize yourse lf with how to use it co rrectly and with its controls. Make sure you
know how to stop the engine quickly.
A2. Use the br ushcutter fo r its intended p urpose, i.e. :
- Cutting grass with t he nylon line at tachment along f lower beds, shrubber ies,
walls, fences or la wns and to finish borders a fter mowing with a lawnm ower.
- For cutting ta ll weeds and brush the 3- tooth blade.
- Using it for any other purpo se could be dangerous or result in damage to the
A3. Do not allow children or anyone unfamiliar with the instructions to use the
brushcutter. Local legislation may stipu late operator age re strictions.
A4. Do not use the brushcut ter in the followi ng circumstances:
- When there are peopl e, especially children , or pets nearby. Comply wit h the
safety perim eter of at least 15 metre s between t he machine and an yone who
may be in t he vicinity. The br ushcutter is to b e operated by one person only.
- If you have taken any me dicine or substance which ma y affect your reactio ns
and judgem ent.
- If a nylon line cutting head is used, make sure that t he guard extension and the
line cutter blade are correctly in place in order t o ensure correct line le ngth.
- If safety devi ces such as the cutt ing attachment guard are missing o r if the guard
is damaged.
A5. Do not make alte rations to yo ur brushcutter. By doing so, you cou ld compromise
your safety and expose yourself to serious accident or injury.
A6. Remember that the ow ner or operator is respo nsible for any accidents or risks t o
third parties and t heir property.
B1. Do not use t his equipment when barefoot or we aring sandals or when wearing
loose-fitting clot hing that may be come snagged on plants.Lon g trousers, boot s or
protective foot wear with anti-skid so les, goggles or a pr otective visor, glov es
(preferably lea ther) and ear def enders must be worn whe n operating the
machine.A hard hat shou ld be worn in areas where falli ng objects may be
encountered (such as bra nches or stones).
B2. Make a thoroug h inspection of the area to be cleared and r emove any objects
which could be th rown up by the machine ( stones, pieces of wood, wire, bones,
Petrol is extrem ely flammable.
Store fuel in spec ially designed contai ners.
- Refuel the machine out doors only, with the en gine switched off. Do not smo ke
during refuelling or while handling fuel.
- Never remove the fuel filler cap or fill up the fuel tank when the engine is running
or while it is still hot.
- Do not start the engine in the presence of spilled fuel. Move the brushcutter
away from the ar ea and avoid creatin g any source of ignit ion until the f uel has
evaporated and vapour s have dispersed.
- Make sure that the caps are secur ely fitted on the fuel tank an d on the fuel can.
B4. Replace fault y exhaust muffler s.
B5. Each time the ma chine is used, befor e starting, perf orm a general inspection and
check, in particular, all attach ments, cutting assemb lies, deflectors and mo unting
bolts to make sure tha t they are not worn, dam aged or loose. Always check that
the gas throttle trigger and th e Stop button operat e correctly.
B6. Check that the handles and h arness attachment point are cor rectly positi oned and
that the machine is pro perly balanced.
The correct po sitions and adj ustments are sp ecified in the se ction on "Preli minary
preparation and checks" in this manual.
B7. Adjust the idle speed so th at the cutting att achment stops turning when the throttle
control is released.
B8. Install the blade cover on the blade type cutter during removal and installation
operations .
- Turn the engine swit ch to the Stop position and remove the spark plug cap.
- Wear gloves during th is operation.
C1. Do not run t he engine in a confined spa ce where toxic carbon monoxide f umes
may accumulate.
C2. Work by daylight only.
C3. As far as possible, avoi d using the machin e on wet ground.
C4. When operat ing the machin e, ensure comp liance with the safety clearanc e of the
nylon line cutti ng head with respect to the harness attach ment point.
C5. Walk when you use the machine, neve r run, and stay in a stable position. Beware
of obstacles such as ston es and tree stumps which could trip you.
C6. Tread carefully on slopes. Whe n working on slopes, always proceed crosswise:
never straight up and down.
C7. Do not use the machine on slopes t hat are too stee p. It is the oper ator's
responsibility to assess the potential hazard s of the terrain and to take every
necessary precaution for his or her own safety. This is espe cially important when
working on slopes or rou gh, slippery or loose groun d.
C8. Never modify the en gine settings in such a way that it runs at excessive speeds.
C9. Before startin g the engine, make su re there is no-one within 15 metres o f the
machine, that the cutting attachment is not touching the ground an d that the
machine is in a stable po sition.
C10. Tak e care when starting the engine. Comply with the safety instructions a nd stay
clear of the cutting attachment.
C11. The engine must be stopped and the spark plug cap removed in the followin g
- Before performing any servicing action on the cutting system.
- Before cleaning, che cking, adjusting or re pairing the brushcut ter.
- The only adjustment s to be carried out wi th the engine runnin g are carburetto r
and idle spee d adjustments.
- During this operati on, make sure the cutting at tachment does not strike any
object and that the machine is in a stable position.
- If the cutting at tachment strikes an object, inspect the cutt ing system and the
transmission shaft to make sure they have no t been damaged. M ake any
necessary repairs befo re resuming work with the ma chine.
- If the brushcutte r starts vibrating a bnormally, look for t he cause of the vib rations
immediately and ta ke the necessary corrective action.
C12. Stop the engine in the following cases:
- Whenev er the brushc utter is left un attended.
- Before refilling the fuel tank.
- When moving t he machine from one area to another.
C13. Risk of "kickout" (blade thrust) with all rig id cutting blades.
C14. Using any attachments other than those recomme nded by Honda may cause
damage to you r brushcutter, an d such damage will not be covered by you r
D1. Keep all nuts a nd bolts securely tight ened to ensure saf e operation. Regula r
maintenance is req uired to ensure safety and o ptimal performance.
D2. Do not use the machine with damaged or worn pa rts. Parts must be replace d, not
repaired. Use ge nuine Honda parts. Th e cutting attach ments must always be
marked with the ma nufacturer's brand, the reference an d the maximum operatin g
speed. Par ts of inferior qua lity may dama ge the machin e and compr omise
operator safe ty.
D3. Wear heavy gloves when removing and installing the cutting device.
D4. Never store the br ushcutter with fuel in the fuel tank in a room wher e fuel vapour
could be ignited by a flame, a spark or a source of inte nse heat.
D5. Store in a clea n dry room, out of th e reach of children.
D6. Let the engine cool down before putting aw ay the machine in any room .
D7. To reduce fire hazards, remove leaves, grass cuttings and excess oil from the
brushcutter, particularly from the cooling fins, the exhaust system and the fuel
storage area.
D8. When the machine is st ored or carri ed, the cutting bl ade must always be covere d
by its transport guard to avo id any accidental in jury.
D9. If the fuel t ank has to be drained , this operation must be performed outdoors when
the engine is cold.
D10. To protect the environment, do not d ispose of old engine o il or fuel by pouring it
down the drai n, in the gutte r or on the ground.
Your local service stat ion can have oil and fue l safely recycled.