21 69-0865
20 69-0865
Troubleshooting Guide
Display will not come on. ■ Check that heat or cool system power is on. If you use batteries, replace with fresh ones.
■ Make sure thermostat is correctly mounted on base.
Display flashes during ■ You have reached the temperature setting limit. The setting range is 7° C to 31° C. The cool
programming. temperature setting must be a least 2° C above the heat temperature setting.
Display flashes during operation. ■ Programming has been lost because of a power outage. You must reprogram.
Program is lost due to ■ Check that backup batteries are installed correctly. Replace if necessary. Reprogram the
power outage. thermostat.
Temperature change occurs ■ Check the program times for the period in question. Make sure the current day and time
at the wrong times. are correct. Reprogram if necessary.
■ Remember that the heating equipment or air conditioner comes on before the comfort temp-
erature start times so the house will be at the desired temperature when the period starts.
Heating will not come on. ■ Check the fuse or circuit breaker and replace or reset if necessary.
■ Check that switch on thermostat is set to CHAUFF.
■ Allow at least five minutes for time guard protection to expire.
■ If temperature setting is higher than current temperature, and display shows the
contact your heating and air conditioning contractor.
Cooling will not come on. ■ Check the fuse or circuit breaker and replace or reset if necessary.
■ Check that switch on thermostat is set to REFROID.
■ The thermostat has a built-in time delay, which may add to time delays in the cooling
equipment. Allow up to ten minutes after changing the setting before the air condi-
tioner starts.
■ If temperature setting is lower than current temperature, and display shows the
, contact your heating and air conditioning contractor.
The building is too warm or ■ Press RÉGLAGE ACTUEL to check the current temperature setting.
too cool. ■ If desired, change the time or temperature setting. See page 10.
Display shows
symbol but ■ Allow time for the heating equipment to heat up and the fan to come on before
no heat is coming from the checking for heat at the register.
Display flashes BAT or goes ■ Install fresh alkaline batteries. We recommend Energizer
blank when power is turned off.
When I press the RÉGLAGE ■ For automatic changeover models, press and hold RÉGLAGE ACTUEL
ACTUEL key, I only see the to alternate between heating and cooling temperatures. For manual changeover models,
heating temperature. How do I move system switch from CHAUFF. to REFROID. and use RÉGLAGE ACTUEL to display
see the cooling temperature? heating or cooling temperature.