What is a Chronotherm?
A Honeyw ell Chronotherm is a programmable thermostat that controls
your heating system, so that y ou can hav e comf or table temperatures
when you are at home and energy sa vings when you are out. These
instructions explain how to progr am and operate y our Chronother m to
get the most comfort at the least cost.
What will the CM67 Chr onotherm do for me?
Attractive slim styling makes it ideal f or location in any room in
your home
7 day pr ogram lets you set the CM67 to match y our weekly
6 daily independent temperature levels let you set any 6
temperatures from 5 to 30°C at any time each da y , to match your
daily lifestyle
Party b utton lets you tempor arily maintain (or adjust) the current
temperature f or 1 - 23 hours. Useful when y ou ha ve friends round
or go out of the house for a short while
Day Off button copies Sunda y’ s program into tomorro w so that
you can mak e the CM67 follow the Sunda y prog ram if y ou hav e a
day off during the week
Holiday b utton sa ves energy b y letting you reduce the temper a-
ture for 1 to 99 da ys while y ou are on holiday , returning to nor mal
operation on the day y ou return
Memory holds the user program indefinitely so that it is ne ver lost
ev en if you tak e the batteries out
Outside T emperature Sensor (optional accessor y) can be fitted
to the CM67 to display the outside temperature
T elephone Interface (optional accessor y) can be fitted to the
CM67 to allow remote setting of the temperature b y telephone
Remote T emperature Sensor (optional accessory) can be fitted
to the CM67 to control the temperature from another room
How do I install the batteries?
1. Lift up the front flap to rev eal the battery compar tment. Open the
battery compar tment by inser ting a coin underneath the bottom
right edge of the flap and lift it out.
2. Pull the paper tab out to activate the 2 AA LR6 Alkaline Batteries
included and push the battery compar tment fir mly back into the
front of the unit. After a pause the unit will no w display inf ormation.
3 Remote Temperature Sensor Accessory
The Remote T emperature Sensor accessory can be fitted to your
Chronotherm to control the temperature of another room where it is
inconv enient to locate the Chronotherm e.g. commercial premises
where the public ma y adjust b uttons.
4. T elephone Interface Accessory
The T elephone Interf ace accessor y can be fitted between your
Chronotherm and telephone to allow remote temperature setting by
telephone. When activ ated b y making a phone call to your home and
keying a special code, the T elephone Interface will set the
Chronotherm temperature to 21°C and show the symbol. Normal
operation of the Chronotherm will be resumed by RESETTING the
output at the T elephone Interf ace Accessory or by re-dialling and
keying in the code f or normal operation. The remote temperature
setting by telephone only works when the setting slider is in the
A UTOmatic, MANual or OFF positions.
Can I use my Chr onotherm to contr ol m y air -
conditioning system?
Y es. Please ref er to your installer for more information.
Since 1885 Honeywell has been a major pla y er in the dev elopment of
control systems for home comf ort.
The wide range of products created in its Research Centres, including
temperature, saf ety and energy saving controllers , hav e brought man y
benefits to users world-wide and earned Honeywell unmatched
leadership .
Honeywell is the w orld leader in comf or t control both in commercial
and domestic buildings. Its products offer y ou optimum temperature
control and cost saving.
The new CM60 Chronotherm ser ies represents the latest stage of
Honeywell’ s contin uous technological de v elopment and commitment.
T6360 Room Thermostats
The T6360 mechanical thermostat is a simple but effectiv e control f or
a wide range of h ydronic heating, f an-coil air-conditioning and
ventilation systems. A selection of extra f eatures such as lamps and
switches ensure a model is suitab le for most applications .
CM61 Daily Digital Chr onotherm
This one day digital chronotherm is designed for people who do not
require a diff erent program e v er y da y of the week. It has 6 time
temperatures, holida y prog ram and will accept an y of the add on
Electronic Radiator Contr oller
The electronic radiator controller “Rondostat” allows you to easily
increase your comf ort in the home by controlling the temperature
independently in different z ones and radiators . The control fits easily
onto most of the existing r adiator v alves and can be progr ammed f or
ev ery day of the week or set manually b y turning the round knob.
CT200 Set-back Thermostat
The CT200 is a simple-to-use set-back thermostat that offers precise
comfort control from its electronic ther mostat and the possibility of
energy savings through its set-bac k operation. With only three b uttons
on the control, setting the comfort and economy temperatures is
straight f orward. The CT200 can be set for a timed period of either
comfort or economy temperature from 1 to 19 hours.
CM 31/37 Analogue Chronotherm
The simplest chronotherm with the same attractive style as the CM61/
67 and designed for people who pref er the traditional w a y of setting
the time. A v ailab le in a daily (CM31) and weekly (CM37) v ersions. This
product will not accept any of the add on modules.
T rouble-Shooting Guide
Blank Displa y
Display sho ws flashing symbol
Display w orks but heating does not
s witch on
Heating switches ON/OFF too slo wly or
T emperature s wings between too hot
and too cold
Display sho ws symbol
Possib le Cause
No batteries
Batter y orientation
Exhausted batteries
Improper battery car tr idge inser tion
Batteries need replaced
P ow er to boiler switched OFF
Program does not call f or heat
Chronotherm not connected to boiler
Chronotherm not set correctly for your
Chronotherm not set correctly for your
F ault in the Chronotherm
Check batteries are in the battery compar tment and that the
paper tab has been pulled out
Check that the batteries hav e been installed in the correct
Replace batteries
Remov e battery car tr idge and re-insert
Change the batteries as described previously
Check that the boiler has pow er e.g. look f or a light or gauge
working on the control panel
Mov e the slider to the MANual position and press the
TEMP erature
b utton to increase the temperature a fe w
degrees abov e the current room temperature. The heating
should come on after a fe w seconds.
Call installer to check electrical connection between the
Chronotherm and the boiler
Call installer
Call installer
Remov e batter y car tridge and re-insert. If the symbol
does not clear itself in a fe w minutes call the installer
Comf ort Solutions
What if something happens to m y heating system? How can I c heck that the Chr onotherm is working?
See the troubleshooting guide below . If y ou need assistance after this call y our installer . The Chronother m should only be open ed or removed b y a
qualified prof essional to pre vent possib le injury from electric shock.
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