What is an RF Chronotherm?
A Honeywell Radio F requency (RF) communicating Chronotherm is a
programmable thermostat that controls your heating system so that
you can ha v e comfortable temperatures when you are at home and
energy savings when you are out. With RF communication there is no
need to provide wired connection between thermostat and boiler. The
Chronotherm can therefore be installed without disrupting your room
decor . Instead of wired connection the Chronother m sends a radio
frequency signal directly to the relay bo x installed next to the boiler .
These instructions explain how to program and oper ate your
Chronother m to get the most comf or t at the least cost.
What will the
CM67NG Chronotherm do for me?
Wireless connection to the boiler allows you to mount the
Chronotherm in your room without decor disr uption
Armchair programming f eature lets you program y our
Chronotherm while resting comfor tably in your armchair
Attractive slim styling makes it ideal f or location in any room in
your home
7 day program lets you set the
CM67NG to match your weekly
6 daily independent temperature levels let you set any 6
temperatures from 5 to 30°C at any time each da y , to match your
daily lifestyle
Party button lets you temporarily maintain (or adjust) the current
temperature f or 1 - 23 hours. Useful when you ha ve friends round
or go out of the house for a short while
Day Off button copies Sunda y’s progr am into tomorrow so that
you can mak e the
CM67NG follow the Sunda y program if y ou
hav e a day off during the w eek
Holiday b utton saves energy b y letting you reduce the tempera-
ture for 1 to 99 da ys while you are on holiday , returning to nor mal
operation on the da y you retur n
Memory holds the user program indef initely so that it is never lost
ev en if you remove the batteries
How do I install the batteries?
1. Lift up the front flap to rev eal the batter y compar tment. Open the
batter y compar tment by inserting a coin under neath the bottom
right edge of the flap and lift it out.
2. Pull the paper tab out to activate the 2 AA LR6 Alkaline Batteries
included and push the battery compar tment firmly back into the
front of the unit. After a pause the unit will now displa y information.
RF Chr onotherm
Au tomatic Time Setting (A TS) “Add-On ” Module *
The A TS module picks up a daily time signal from a transmitter in
Central Europe and corrects the time on the RF Chronotherm display .
• Y ou nev er need to set or adjust the time
• There is no need to adjust the unit by -/+ 1 hour in summer / winter
since the unit does this automatically
• Y our Chronother m is the most accurate clock in y our home so you
can use this information to set-up all your other clocks .
* Not av ailable in all Geogr aphic Regions depending on transmitter
range and home location.
Can I use my Chr onotherm to control m y air-
conditioning system?
Y es. Please refer to y our installer for more information.
T rouble-Shooting Guide
What if something happens to m y heating system? How can I check that the Chr onotherm is working?
See the troubleshooting guide below . If you need assistance after this call your installer .
42010476-001 R1
When do I need to use the push button?
During the nor mal system operation there is no need to use HC60NG
push button. Y ou can control your boiler manually using your
CM67NG room unit:
1. Move the slider to the MAN position
2. Switch the boiler ON or OFF by pressing the TEMPerature
button to increase or decrease the progr ammed temperature.
Y ou should use the push button to control your boiler only when the
frequency communication is lost (see the
CM67NG T roub le-
Shooting Guide).
Multi-zone Heating Systems
How can I enhance comfort and save ener gy
with Honeywell RF multi-zone system?
We are quite used to s witching the lights on in our houses using
individual switches in e ver y room. It is common that we e ven use more
than one light switch to control the lights in the room. Y et we still expect
that one room thermostat will control heating in the entire house,
providing comfort for all inhabitants and maxim um energy efficiency of
the heating system. Cer tainly just one room ther mostat can not meet
these requirements. T o address the needs of moder n households,
Honeywell de veloped CM60NG – simple and pr actical heating
controller for up to 4 zones .
Why do I need a multi-zone system?
We can all distinguish at least two functional z ones in our houses. A
day time zone , where we spent our time when we are active and the
night zone where we sleep . Sometimes we can define more z ones e.g.
study zone or teenager’ s zone. This functional division of the house
into zones dictates the need for diff erent temperatures at diff erent
times of the day . Therefore our heating control system should allow us
to set and program temperatures individually f or each zone.
What is required to install a zoning system?
First, your heating system has to be laid out in a w ay that allows
control of the heat supply to a zone b y means of zone valv es or pumps
(see drawing, ask y ou installer for details).
If this condition is fulfilled the rest is easy . Ask your installer to add
additional zone controller(s) and a boiler controller .
Is the Honeywell zoning system easy to use?
It is very easy to use. In fact it is just an additional room unit e xactly
the same as standard CM60NG. As the system is using RF commu-
nication you do not ha ve to install the room unit on the wall in the
second zone. J ust mount it on the table stand and find suitab le location
where the communication is alw ays reliable.
What are the benefits of installing Honeywell
multi-zone system?
- Enhanced comf or t - you can now control temperature individually
in each zone
- Improv ed efficiency of your heating system – your m ulti-zone RF
system will sav e energy delivering heat only to the zones, which
really require it.
Multi-zone System Plan
Note: Y ou can extend the system to control up to 4 zones
Zone 1
Zone 2
Blank display
Display sho ws flashing ‘batter y’
Display sho ws ‘flame’ symbol but
heating does not switch on
Display w or ks b ut heating does not
s witch on (HC60NG LEDs are off or
green one is on)
HC60NG red LED is constantly on or
Heating switches on or off too slowly
or too quickly
T emperature s wings between too hot
and too cold
Display sho w ‘spanner’ symbol
P ossible Cause
No batter ies
Wrong battery or ientation
Exhausted batteries
Improper batter y compar tment inser tion
Batteries need replacing
The heating is not required at this
Boiler switched off
Wrong electrical connection
RF communication lost due to the
wrong location of the room unit
RF communication fault
Chronother m not set correctly f or your
Chronother m not set correctly f or your
F ault in the Chronother m
Check that the batteries are in the battery compar tment and that the
paper tab has been pulled out
Check that the batteries hav e been installed in the correct or ientation
Replace batteries
Remov e batter y compar tment and re-insert
Change batteries as described previously
The heat demand is send to the relay bo x as a value betw een 0-100%.
The rela y box will adjust the boiler on time to meet this requirement.
That is why the heating will be off sometimes e ven if the ‘flame symbol
is displa yed. T o check if RF system is communicating properly press
the TEMPer ature UP b utton to increase the set temperature a f ew
degrees abov e the current temperature. The heating should come on
after a fe w seconds
Switch the boiler on
Call electrical installer to check the boiler and relay bo x power supply
as well as the connection between the boiler and the rela y box
Hook the room unit back on the wall br acket or replace the room unit
on the table stand to the position where RF communication w as
reliab le.
Call installer
NO TE: Y ou can control the boiler manually when the RF communica-
tion is lost:
Press the HC60NG push button to s witch the boiler on and off. When
the green LED is on – the boiler is on.
Call installer
Call installer
Remov e the batter y compar tment and re-inser t it. If the ‘spanner’
symbol does not clear itself in a fe w minutes call the installer