17 69-1003—1
If you subscribe to Time-of-Use Pricing, there
are eight usage values that can be displayed.
The first time you press the USAGE key, the
thermostat displays the current usage value for
rate 1. Each time you press the USAGE key
again, usage values for rates 2, 3 and 4 are
then displayed. If you continue to press the
USAGE key, accumulated usage values are
displayed for rates 1 through 4.
Press the RUN PROGRAM key to stop viewing
Current day usage is automatically cleared at
midnight. To clear an accumulated value, press
the USAGE key until the value you want to
clear is displayed and then press the CLEAR
and accumulated on-time of your heating and
cooling equipment. It tracks
current day
(since midnight) and
usage (since
the accumulator was last cleared). If you sub-
scribe to Time-of-Use Pricing, the thermostat
records usage for each rate.
To view heating or cooling equipment usage,
press the SYSTEM key to display HEAT or
COOL, then press the USAGE key. Each time
you press the USAGE key; the thermostat
displays the next usage value.
If you do not subscribe to Time-of-Use Pricing,
the thermostat displays current usage the first
time you press the USAGE key and accumulated
usage the next time you press the USAGE key.