Before using the tumble dryer for the first time:
● Please read this instruction book thoroughly.
● Remove all items packed inside drum.
● Wipe the inside of the drum and door with
a damp cloth to remove any dust which may
have settled in transit.
CCllootthheess pprreeppaarraattiioonn
Make sure that the laundry you are going to dry
is suitable for drying in a tumble dryer, as shown
by the care symbols on each item.
Check that all fastenings are closed and that
pockets are empty. Turn the articles inside out.
Place clothes loosely in the drum to make sure
that they don't get tangled.
MMaaxxiimmuumm ddrryyiinngg wweeiigghhtt
● Cottons Max. 7.5 kg
● Synthetics Max. 3 kg
PPrreeppaarriinngg tthhee llooaadd
DDoo nnoott oovveerrllooaadd
tthhee ddrruumm,, llaarrggee
iitteemmss wwhheenn wweett
ccaann eexxcceeeedd tthhee
ccllootthheess llooaadd
((ffoorr eexxaammppllee::
sslleeeeppiinngg bbaaggss,,