¥ Inspect all assembly bolts and pedals on the machine for proper tightness.
How hard you workout is also determined by your goals. If you use your Horizon Fitness
Elliptical T rainer to prepare for a 5K run, you will probably work out at a higher intensi -
ty than if your goal is general fitness. Regardless of your long term goals, always begin
an exercise program at low intensity. Aerobic exercise does not have to be painful to be
beneficia! There are two ways to measure your exercise intensity. The first is by monitor -
ing your heart rate (see page 21), and the second is by evaulating your perceived exer -
tion level (this is simpler than it sounds!).
Note: Always consult your physician before beginning an exercise program.
The second and simpler way to gauge your exercise intensity is to evaluate your perceived
exertion level. While exercising if you are too winded to maintain a conversation without
gasping, you are working out too hard. A good rule of thumb is to work to the point of
exhilaration, not exhaustion. If you cannot catch your breath, it’s time to slow down.
Always be aware of other warning signs of overexertion.