• Verify that the printer and wireless router are turned on and have power. Also make sure the wireless switch is turned on.
• Verify that the printer is within the range of the wireless network. For most networks, the printer must be within 30 m (100 ft) of the wireless access point (wireless
• Verify the print driver is installed on the computer.
• Verify that the computer and printer connect to the same wireless network.
• For Mac, verify that the wireless router supports Bonjour.
• Restart the wireless router.
User Guide
The User Guide includes printer usage and troubleshooting information. It is
available on the printer CD and on the Web:
User Guide on the Web
1. Go to www.hp.com/support/ljp1100series.
2. Select a printer or category from the list, and then click User guides.
User Guide from the printer CD
For Windows, the User Guide is copied to the computer during the recommended
software installation.
XP, Windows Vista
, and Windows
Click Start, select Programs or All Programs, select HP, select the folder
for the HP printer, and then select Help.
On the Start screen, right-click an empty area on the screen, click All Apps
on the app bar, click the icon with the printer’s name, and then select Help.
Check for rmware updates
1. Go to www.hp.com/support/ljp1100series.
2. Select a printer or category from the list, and then click Drivers.
3. Select the operating system, and click the Next button.
4. Select Firmware, and click the Download button.
Additional support resources
For HP’s all-inclusive help for the printer, go to
• Solve problems
• Find advanced conguration instructions
• Download software updates
• Join support forums
• Find warranty and regulatory information
• Mobile printing resources
To use HP ePrint via email, the printer must meet these requirements:
• The printer must be connected to wireless network and have Internet access.
• HP Web Services must be enabled on the printer, and the printer must be
registered with HP Connected.
Enable HP Web Services (wireless models only)
1. After the printer is connected to the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS), print a
conguration page and identify the printer IP address.
2. At the computer, open a Web browser and enter the printer IP address into the
address line. The HP EWS opens.
3. Click the HP Web Services tab. If the network uses a proxy server do the
• Select the Proxy Settings tab.
• Select the Check this box if your network uses a proxy server to access the
Internet check box.
• In the Proxy Server eld, enter the proxy server address and port number,
and then click the Apply button.
4. Select the HP Web Services tab, and click the Enable button. The printer
congures the connection to the Internet, and then a message appears
indicating an information sheet will print
5. Click the OK button. An ePrint page prints out. On the ePrint page, look for the
e-mail address that is automatically assigned to the printer.
Use HP ePrint
1. Go to www.hpconnected.com to create an HP ePrint account and complete the
setup process.
2. Select your printer from the list, or click + Add printer to add it. To add the printer,
you need the printer code, which is the segment of the printer e-mail address that
is before the @ symbol.
NOTE: This code is valid for only 24 hours from the time you enable HP Web
Services. If it expires, follow the instructions to enable HP Web Services again, and
obtain a new code.
3. Click the Setup button. The HP ePrint settings dialog box appears. Three tabs are
• Allowed Senders: To prevent your printer from printing unexpected
documents, click the Allowed Senders tab. Click Allowed Senders Only, and
then add the e-mail addresses from which you want to allow ePrint jobs.
• Print Options: To set up default settings for all ePrint jobs sent to this
printer, click the Print Options tab, and then select the settings that you
want to use.
• Advanced: To change the printer’s e-mail address, click the Advanced tab.
9. Set up HP ePrint via email (optional)
Use HP ePrint via email to print documents by sending them as an email attachment to the printer’s email address from any email enabled device, even from devices that are not
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