HP Mobile Calculating Laboratory
Streaming experiments
The HP MCL defaults to a stream experiment when started. In a streaming
experiment, data is displayed graphically on the HP 39/40gs calculator as it
streams in from the StreamSmart 400 at frequencies of up to 5,700 samples per
second (5.7 KHz). To ensure that the resulting stream is visible on the display and
moving at a rate that the student can perceive, the window settings for the display
are automatically selected, based on the capabilities of the sensors and the initial
range of values collected. There is no setup required for a streaming experiment—
just plug and go!
The StreamSmart Aplet
The student experiences the HP Mobile Calculating Laboratory via the
StreamSmart Aplet on the HP 39/40gs graphing calculators. Please check online
to ensure that your HP 39/40gs calculator has the latest version of the
StreamSmart Aplet. Visit www.hp.com/calculators to download the latest version.
You can also use the StreamSmart 400 with the StreamSmart Aplet in the Virtual
HP 39/40gs Graphing Calculator software for the PC. Visit www.hp.com/
calculators to download this software application.
The StreamSmart Aplet has the same general structure as the other HP 39/40gs
Aplets. For example, the StreamSmart Aplet has the standard Plot and Numeric
views. Table 1-2 below lists the standard Aplet views and their use in the
StreamSmart Aplet. Note that the standard Symbolic and Symbolic Setup views are
not used by the StreamSmart Aplet.