268 Chapter 13 Other Programs
To copy SIM contacts to your phone
If you have saved contacts on your SIM card, you can copy them into
Contacts on your phone.
1. On the SIM Manager screen, select the desired contact, or select
all SIM contacts by tapping Menu > Select All.
2. Tap Menu > Save to Contacts.
To copy contacts to the SIM card
Only one phone number per contact name can be stored on a SIM
1. On the SIM Manager screen, tap Menu > Contacts to SIM.
2. Select the check boxes of the contact’s phone numbers that you
want to copy to your SIM card, and then tap Done.
When you copy a contact that has several phone numbers to your SIM
card, SIM Manager separately saves each number by appending an
indicator at the end of each name.
By default, /M, /W, and /H are appended to indicate mobile, work, and
home phone numbers respectively. To edit the default indicators and
to select which other types of numbers to save to the SIM card, tap
Menu > Tools > Options.