If your cha rger has been e xposed to water, other liq uids, o r excessiv e mois ture,
take it to a n aut horized se rvice ce nter f or i nspec tion.
E nsure that the ch arger mee ts the re quiremen ts of Claus e 2.5 in
IEC60950-1/EN 60950-1/UL6095 0 -1 an d has bee n teste d and ap proved a ccor ding
to natio nal or l ocal stan dards.
C onnect th e device only t o products with the U SB -IF l ogo or with USB -IF
complian ce progr am com pletion.
Battery safety
D o not con nect bat tery pole s with c onducto rs, suc h as ke ys, jewelr y , or ot her m etal
materi als. Doing so ma y short-circui t the battery and cau se injur ies or burns.
K eep the b attery a way from excessiv e hea t and dir ect sunli ght. Do not pl ace it on or
in heati ng devic es, suc h as mi crowave ovens, st oves, or radiat ors. Batt eries m ay
explode if over heated.
D o not attem pt to m odif y or reman ufacture the batt ery , i nsert for eign o bjects int o it,
or imm erse or e xpose it to water or oth er liquids . Doing so ma y lead to f ire,
exp losion, or other haz ards .
If t he batt ery leak s, ensure that t he elec trolyte does not m ake di rect co ntact wit h
your sk ins or e yes. If t he electr olyte to uches your ski ns or spl ashes int o you r eyes,
imm ediately flush wit h clean water an d consult a doct or .
In ca se of batter y deformatio n, color chang e, or overheati ng while charging or
storing, immedi ately st op usin g the devi ce and remove t he batte ry . Co ntinued u se
may lea d to batt ery leak age, fi re, or e xplosion.
D o not put batteries in fi re as the y may e xplode. Dam aged b atteri es may al so
exp lode.
D ispose of used ba tteries in acco rdance with local regulati ons. Improper battery
use ma y lead to fi re, e xplosion, or other hazar ds.
D o not allo w child ren or p ets to bite or suck the ba ttery . Doi ng so m ay resul t in
damage o r expl osion.
D o not smas h or pier ce the batter y , or expos e it to hi gh e xternal pr essure. Doin g so
may lea d to a sho rt circ uit or o verheatin g.
D o not dro p the devic e or b attery . If the dev ice or b attery is droppe d, esp ecially on a
hard s urface, it m ay be damage d.
If t he devic e standb y time s hortens si gnifica ntly , repl ace th e batter y .
W hen the d evice h as a buil t -in, non -rem ovable batter y , do not attem pt to remove
the bat tery , ot herwise the devi ce ma y be dam aged. T o replace the batt ery , tak e the
device to an aut horized service center.
Cleaning and maintenance
K eep the device and accesso ries dry . Do not attem pt to dry it with an e xternal heat
source, such as a micro wave ove n or h air drye r .
D o not e xpose your device o r acces sories to extreme heat or cold. The se
environm ents ma y interfe re with proper functio n and ma y lead to fi re or explosi on.
Avoid c ollisio n, which m ay le ad to devi ce malf unctions , overh eating, fire, or
exp losion.
B efore you clean o r maintain t he devic e, stop using it, stop all applic ations, and
disconn ect all c ables co nnecte d to it.
D o not use any ch emical det ergen t, powder, or othe r chemi cal agent s (such a s
alcohol and ben zene) t o clean th e devi ce or ac cessori es. These su bstances m ay
cause dam age t o parts or pre sent a fi re ha zard. Use a clean, soft, and dry clo th to
clean th e devic e and acc essories .
D o not place m agneti c strip e cards, s uch as c redit c ards and phone c ards, ne ar the
device fo r exte nded pe riods of ti me. Ot herwise t he magn etic stri pe car ds may be
D o not dism antle o r reman ufacture the dev ice and i ts acces sories. Thi s voids t he
warran ty and rel eases t he manu facture r from l iabilit y for dam age. In c ase of
damage, c ontact a n authori zed ser vice cent er for as sistance or repa i r.
Disposal and recycling information
The cros sed- ou t wheeled- bin symbol on yo ur produc t, batte ry , lite rature o r
packaging reminds you tha t all elec tron ic produc ts and batt eries m ust be tak en to
separate wast e collecti on points at the end of their working l ives; they must not be
dispose d of in t he norm al waste stream with hou sehold garbag e. It is t he respo nsibilit y
of the user to dis pose o f the eq uipmen t using a design ated col lection point or servic e
for se parate rec ycling of waste ele ctrical and elect ronic e quipment (W EEE) and
batteri es acco rding to lo cal l aws.
Proper collecti on and recycli ng of your equi pment helps ens ure el ectrical and el ectronic
equipm ent (EEE) waste i s rec ycled in a manner t hat co nserves v aluable m ateri als and
protec ts human he alth and t he en vironm ent, imp roper ha ndling, ac cidental breakage ,
damage, and/o r improp er recycl ing at t he end of its life m ay be ha rmful f or health and
environm ent. F or more i nformati on abo ut where a nd how to drop off your EEE waste,
please c ontact your local authoriti es, re tailer or h ousehol d waste di sposal servic e or
visit th e websit e http://c onsumer .huawe i.com/en/.
Reduction of hazardous substances
This devi ce an d any elec trical accesso ries are c omplia nt with local applica ble rules on
the res triction of the us e of ce rtain haza rdous s ubstances in elect rical a nd elect ronic
equipm ent, such as EU REAC H, RoHS and Batte ries ( where incl uded) re gulati ons, etc.
For decl arations of con formity about R EACH an d RoHS, pl ease vi sit our web site
http://c onsumer.huawei.c om/ce rtificatio n.
FCC Regu latory Com plian ce
RF expo sure req uiremen ts
Important safety i nformati on rega rding r adio fr equenc y (RF) radi ation e xposure :
RF expo sure guid elines requir e that th e devic e be use d at a mi nimum of 1 cm f rom the
human bo dy . Fai lure to observe this gui deline m ay res ult in R F exposur e exce eding
Certif ication informa tion (S AR)
This devi ce is al so desi gned to meet th e requirem ents fo r exposur e to radi o waves
establish ed by the Federal Comm unicati ons Comm ission (U SA).
The SAR limit a dopted b y the USA is 1. 6 W/kg av eraged over one gram of tissue. Th e
highest S AR val ue repor ted to t he FCC for this device type compl ies wit h this lim it.
FCC statement
This e quipment has been tes ted and found to c omply wi th the l imits fo r a Cl ass B di gital
device, p ursua nt to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Thes e limi ts are desig ned to provide
reason able prot ection against harmful i nterfe rence in a reside ntial ins tallatio n. This
equipm ent gene rates, us es and can ra diate r adio freq uency e nergy a nd, if not installed
and us ed in acc ordance with th e instru ctions, may caus e harmf ul inter ference to radi o
communi cations . Howev er , there is n o gua rantee t hat interf erence will not occur in a
particular i nstallati on. If t his equi pment does caus e harm ful inte rference to radi o or
televisi on recep tion, which can be dete rmi ned by turni ng th e equipm ent off and on, th e
user is e ncourag ed to t ry to cor rect th e interfe rence b y one or m ore of th e follo wing
measu res:
--Reori ent or r elocate the recei ving ant enna.
--Incr ease the s eparatio n between the equi pment and rec eiver.
--Conn ect the e quipme nt into an outlet on a ci rcuit di fferent from that to which t he
receiver is con nected.
--Consul t the dealer or an expe rience d radio/T V techni cian fo r help.
This devi ce com plies with Part 1 5 of th e FCC Rul es. Opera tion is subject to th e
followi ng two con ditions: ( 1) this de vice ma y not cause ha rmful int erferenc e, and (2) thi s
device m ust acc ept an y interfer ence re ceived, in cludi ng interf erence th at ma y cause
undesir ed operatio n.
Caut ion: Any chang es or mo dificatio ns to t his devic e not expressl y approv ed by
Huawei T echnol ogies C o., Ltd. for com plianc e could v oid the user's auth orit y t o operate
the equipm ent.
Please visit htt p://cons umer .hu awei.co m/en/supp ort/hot line for rec ently upda ted hotli ne
and emai l addre ss in your countr y or r egion.