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Over deze handleiding
Alle afbeeldingen en illustraties in dit document zijn uitsluitend bedoeld ter informatie en kunnen
afwijken van het uiteindelijke product.
De functies in deze handleiding zijn alleen bedoeld ter referentie. Het is mogelijk dat bepaalde
functies niet door alle telefoons of providers worden ondersteund.
Copyright © 2016 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Alle rechten voorbehouden.
Deze handleiding is alleen bedoeld ter referentie en biedt geen enkele vorm van garantie.
Personal Information and Data Security
The use of some functions or third-party applications on your device could result in your personal
information and data being lost or becoming accessible to others. Several measures are
recommended to help you protect personal and confidential information.
Place your device in a safe area to prevent it from unauthorized use.
Set your device screen to lock and create a password or unlock pattern to open it.
Periodically back up personal information kept on your SIM card, memory card, or stored in
your device memory. If you change to a different device, be sure to move or delete any personal
information on your old device.
If you are worried about viruses when you receive messages or emails from a stranger, you can
delete them without opening them.
If you use your device to browse the Internet, avoid websites that might pose a security risk to
avoid theft of your personal information.
If you use services such as Wi-Fi tether or Bluetooth, set passwords for these services to prevent
unauthorized access. When these services are not in use, turn them off.
Install or upgrade device security software and regularly scan for viruses.