■ Setting DTMF transfer speed
The DTMF transfer speed can be selected.
q Enter “DTMF SPEED” in DUP/TONE… set mode.
(p. 99)
w Rotate [DIAL]
to select DTMF transfer speed as below.
100: Transfer the DTMF data per about 100 msec.
200: Transfer the DTMF data per about 200 msec.
300: Transfer the DTMF data per about 300 msec.
500: Transfer the DTMF data per about 500 msec.
e Push [ï](5)
(or [
](4)) to return to DUP/TONE… set mode,
and push [MENU/LOCK] to return to frequency indication.
■ Tone frequency and DTCS
D Subaudible (repeater) tone
Some repeaters require subaudible tones to be accessed.
Subaudible tones are superimposed over your normal signal
and must be set in advance.
D Tone and DTCS squelches
The tone squelch (CTCSS) or DTCS squelch opens only
when receiving a signal containing a matching subaudible
tone or DTCS code, respectively. You can silently wait for
calls from group members using the same tone or code. Sep-
arate tone frequencies can be set for repeater and tone
squelch/pocket beep operation.
D Pocket beep
These functions use subaudible tones or DTCS codes for
calling and can be used as a “common pager” to inform you
that someone has called while you were away from the trans-