2 - Igniting the Linear Burner
Seal the fuel canister used to fill the Burner and move to a safe distance away from
the Burner. While standing at arm's length away from the Burner, use a long arm
lighter as per the image above to introduce a flame to the openings in the Vent
Plate. If the Burner has fuel in the reservoir but is not igniting, close the Sliding Lid for 5
minutes then open the Sliding Lid. Ensure there are no flames visible within the burner
vent opening, then pour a small amount of fuel across the length of the Burner
Vent with the supplied plastic bottle and introduce the flame. This normally happens
when the burner has been closed for a day or more.
3 - Adjusting the Flame Size
The flame intensity is adjusted by inserting the Sliding Lid Handle’s tip into the
corresponding holes in the Top Plate Sliding Lid as indicated above. Note the flame
intensity takes a few minutes to change after an adjustment has been made.