All Done, Time To Fly
At this point in the Getting Started manual, the Vortex should be ready for its maiden flight.
The Wizard has setup the flight controller with our default Pro-Tune, generated by one of our expert team
pilots. PIDs and gains are unlikely to require major changes to achieve precise flight.
If the props were removed during setup (as we highly recommend), please re-install taking care of the prop
directions below:
P.S. To arm the flight controller after running the wizard, for mode 2, move the throttle stick down and
to the right. See ‘Flight Controller Stick Commands’ in the main manual.
The ImmersionRC Team wishes you many hours of enjoyment with your new mini-quad, and welcome any
feedback that you may have at:
The Getting Started Manual should have got you airborne. It is a good idea to read the full instruction
manual also, which contains many more details than this Quick Start Quide.
Spares and Repairs
As with any mini-quad, the first items likely to break on your Vortex are the props.
The props shipped with your Vortex 230 Mojo are HQ 5x4.3x3 V1S, a common and popular 5” propeller for
mini-quads available in an assortment of colors at most retailers and online shops.
If you do happen to break other parts of the Vortex, part numbers for spare parts may be found on the
ImmersionRC website, on the Vortex 230 Mojo product page.