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Òåõíè÷åñêèå õàðàêòåðèñòèêè
Using the refrigerator to
its full potential
To increase the amount of space, optimize arrangement
and improve appearance, this appliance has a “cooling
area” located within the back panel of the refrigerator
When the appliance is operating, this panel may be
covered with frost or droplets of water depending on
whether the compressor is operating or not at a set time.
Do not be concerned about this! The refrigerator is
operating normally.
If the thermostat knob is positioned on higher settings
while the refrigerator is heavily filled and the ambient
temperature is high, the appliance may run continuously,
resulting in the formation of frost on the back cooling area.
This will lead to an increase in energy consumption.
To avoid this situation, just turn the thermostat knob to a
lower setting so that the appliance defrosts automatically.
- Within the refrigerator compartment, the air circulates
naturally, with the colder air falling down because it is
heavier. This is the reason why meat and cheeses should
be placed above the vegetable container.
- Please follow our instructions carefully on maximum
storage time: any food, even the freshest, will not remain
edible for any extended amount of time.
- Do not place liquids in containers without covering them
because this will lead to an increase in the level of moisture
within the refrigerator, causing the formation of frost.
- Remember to cool hot food before storing otherwise the
temperature inside the appliance will increase, causing the
compressor to work harder and use more energy.
- Contrary to popular belief, cooked foods are not stored
any longer than raw food.
- The refrigerator compartment is equipped with
convenient, removable shelves which can be adjusted for
height using the shelf guides. This allows you to place even
large containers and foodstuffs in the refrigerator.
- Be careful not to place containers (plastic or glass), food
or other objects in direct contact with the cooling area of the
back wall of the refrigerator. This could harm the food, in-
crease energy consumption and facilitate the formation of
condensate (on food, containers, etc.).
“Flex cool” (Important! Inset till it touches rear wall)
with the temperature range from -2C till +3C is made for
the products which should be kept under the
temperature which is bellow the temperature in the
refrigerator chamber (e.g. ham, sausage).
This compartment was designed to allow for longer
preservation times for fresh meat and fish (for as long as a
two or three days).
Moreover, the “Flex cool” compartment can also be
used to cool dishes that are normally eaten “cold”, such as
melon and Parma ham, figs and ham, mozzarella and
Besides this compartment can be moved at the
desirable height in the low part of the refrigerator chamber.
Storing food in the Refrigerator Compartment
Arrangement inside the refrigerator
Fresh fish and meat Flex cool
Fresh cheese Above the fruit and vegetable bins
Cooked food
On any shelf
On any shelf
Salami, bread loaf, chocolate
Fruit and vegetables
In the fruit and vegetable bins
On the shelf provided
On the shelf provided
On the shelf provided
Butter and margarine
Bottles, drinks, milk
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