Instructions for installation and use
12 12
12 12
When in need, check the pump and the rubber hose. When in need, check the pump and the rubber hose.
When in need, check the pump and the rubber hose. When in need, check the pump and the rubber hose.
When in need, check the pump and the rubber hose.
The washing machine comes equipped with a self-cleaning pump that does not require any cleaning or maintenance. Small objects
may accidentally fall into the pump: coins, hair clips, loose buttons and other small items. T o avoid possible damage, they are
withheld in an accessible pre-chamber , situated at the lower end of the pump.
T o access this pre-chamber , just remove the panel covering the
bottom of the washing machine (fig. 1); then lift the cover rotating it
anti-clockwise (fig. 2) and check its contents accurately .
The rubber hose
Check the rubber hose at least once a year . If you see any cracks,
replace it immediately . When you use your washing machine, water
pressure is very strong and a cracked hose could easily split open.
W arning: make sure that the wash cycle has come to a full stop and unplug the appliance before removing the lid as well as before any
type of maintenance procedure. It is normal to find that a little water comes out after removing the lid. When replacing the panel, make
sure you insert the hooks situated at the bottom of the washing machine in the right slots before pushing it back against the appliance.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 1
Is the rubber hose bent? Is the rubber hose bent?
Is the rubber hose bent? Is the rubber hose bent?
Is the rubber hose bent?
The tract of the drain hose
must be as straight as
possible. Make sure it is not
squashed or bent.
Is the washing mac Is the washing mac
Is the washing mac Is the washing mac
Is the washing mac
hine’ hine’
hine’ hine’
s s
s s
drain duct clogged? drain duct clogged?
drain duct clogged? drain duct clogged?
drain duct clogged? Is
there an extension on the
drain hose? If so, is it
positioned incorrectly ,
blocking the water flow?
The washing machine The washing machine
The washing machine The washing machine
The washing machine
does not drain or spin. does not drain or spin.
does not drain or spin. does not drain or spin.
does not drain or spin.
Does the selected Does the selected
Does the selected Does the selected
Does the selected
programme foresee water programme foresee water
programme foresee water programme foresee water
programme foresee water
draining? draining?
draining? draining?
draining? Some wash
cycles require enabling the
draining manually .
Has the Has the
Has the Has the
Has the
“Anti-crease” “Anti-crease”
“Anti-crease” “Anti-crease”
function - in those function - in those
function - in those function - in those
function - in those
appliances where it is appliances where it is
appliances where it is appliances where it is
appliances where it is
foreseen - been enabled? foreseen - been enabled?
foreseen - been enabled? foreseen - been enabled?
foreseen - been enabled?
This function requires
enabling the draining
manually .
Is the drain pump clogged? Is the drain pump clogged?
Is the drain pump clogged? Is the drain pump clogged?
Is the drain pump clogged?
T o check it, turn off the tap,
unplug the washing
machine and follow the
instructions on page 12, or
call for technical assistance.
The washing machine The washing machine
The washing machine The washing machine
The washing machine
vibrates too much vibrates too much
vibrates too much vibrates too much
vibrates too much
during the spin cycle. during the spin cycle.
during the spin cycle. during the spin cycle.
during the spin cycle.
Has the internal floating Has the internal floating
Has the internal floating Has the internal floating
Has the internal floating
unit been correctly unit been correctly
unit been correctly unit been correctly
unit been correctly
unblocked during unblocked during
unblocked during unblocked during
unblocked during
installation? installation?
installation? installation?
installation? See page 2
on installation procedures.
Has the washing machine Has the washing machine
Has the washing machine Has the washing machine
Has the washing machine
been levelled correctly? been levelled correctly?
been levelled correctly? been levelled correctly?
been levelled correctly?
The levelling of the
appliance should be
check ed periodically . In
time, the appliance could
mov e imperceptib ly . Adjust
the feet and check them
with a level.
Has it got enough room Has it got enough room
Has it got enough room Has it got enough room
Has it got enough room
ar ar
ar ar
ound it? ound it?
ound it? ound it?
ound it? The appliance
should not be leaning
against any sanitary fixtures
and must have some free
space around it. If it is
placed on a fitted carpet
floor , ensure that there is
enough room for air to
circulate between the
appliance feet and the
The washing machine The washing machine
The washing machine The washing machine
The washing machine
leaks. leaks.
leaks. leaks.
Is the metal ring of the inlet Is the metal ring of the inlet
Is the metal ring of the inlet Is the metal ring of the inlet
Is the metal ring of the inlet
hose properly attached? hose properly attached?
hose properly attached? hose properly attached?
hose properly attached?
T u r n off the tap , unplug the
appliance and try tightening
its attachment without
forcing it.
Is the detergent dispenser Is the detergent dispenser
Is the detergent dispenser Is the detergent dispenser
Is the detergent dispenser
obstructed? obstructed?
obstructed? obstructed?
obstructed? T ry extr acting
it and washing it under tap
water .
Is the drain hose well Is the drain hose well
Is the drain hose well Is the drain hose well
Is the drain hose well
attac attac
attac attac
hed? hed?
hed? hed?
hed? T ur n off the tap ,
unplug the appliance and
try tightening its attachment.
oo m oo m
oo m oo m
oo m
uc uc
uc uc
h f h f
h f h f
h f
oam. oam.
oam. oam.
Is the detergent suitable Is the detergent suitable
Is the detergent suitable Is the detergent suitable
Is the detergent suitable
for washing-machine for washing-machine
for washing-machine for washing-machine
for washing-machine
use? use?
use? use?
use? Make sure that it
bears the definition "for
washing-machines" or
"hand and machine wash",
or the like.
Is the correct amount Is the correct amount
Is the correct amount Is the correct amount
Is the correct amount
being used? being used?
being used? being used?
being used? An excessive
amount of detergent,
besides producing too
much foam, does not
guarantee a more effective
wash, and causes scaling
in the internal parts of the
If, despite all checks, the
washing machine fails to
function and the problem
persists, call your nearest
authorised Customer Service
Centre, providing the following
- -
- -
the type of malfunctioning the type of malfunctioning
the type of malfunctioning the type of malfunctioning
the type of malfunctioning
- -
- -
the model type no.(Mod. ) the model type no.(Mod. )
the model type no.(Mod. ) the model type no.(Mod. )
the model type no.(Mod. )
- the serial number (S/N …..) - the serial number (S/N …..)
- the serial number (S/N …..) - the serial number (S/N …..)
- the serial number (S/N …..)
These indications can be found
on the data plate situated on
the back of the washing
machine front base. (fig. 1)
Always get
assistance from
technicians and
always insist on
original spare parts