178 CK31 Handheld Computer User’s Manual
1551 or 1553 scanner
attaching, 30
energy saver mode, 32
troubleshooting, 123
1D linear imager. See linear imager
26-pin serial port assignments, 145
2D area imager. See area imager
3270/5250 TE keypads, typing hidden
characters, 144
4-bay communications dock, described,
802.11 Information diagnostic screen, 97
802.11b/g radio
configuring, 45
displaying information, 97
802.1x security
with Funk security, 68
with Microsoft security, 69
overview, 67
troubleshooting, 117
what you need, 67
851-064-xxx power supply, 139
851-082-xxx power supply, 139
AA2 serial cable adapter accessory,
described, 139
AA3 serial cable adapter accessory,
described, 139
AB1G battery
described, 139
diagnostic information, 98
using, 4
AC1 4-slot battery charger, described, 139
AC2 4-bay battery charging dock
accessory, described, 139
AC3 8 slot battery charging dock
accessory, described, 139
accessories, described, 139
ActiveDirectory, using to issue certificates,
icon, 17
installation requirements, 83
installing and establishing a partnership,
using to copy and install files, 85
using to install applications, 83
using to upgrade operating system, 92
AD1 communications dock, described,
AD2 4-bay communications dock,
described, 140
Admin mode, entering, 89
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 63
AES data encryption, 63
Antares Migration resource kit
hardware requirements, 81
using to convert Trakker Antares
applications, 81
converting from Trakker Antares, 81
new, 80
web-based, 81
wireless printing, 51
with resource kits, 80
overview, 82
using ActiveSync, 83
using Avalanche, 88
using FTP server, 87
using SmartSystems Console, 88
using the SD card, 87
automatically, 89
from a key or key combination, 163
required for wireless printing, 51
storing in CK_FFS folder, 82
area imager
reading distances, 132
scanning with, 26
tips for improving performance, 29
audio feedback. See beeps