KSPO: 1 102-10
SIZE:W100 x H100(mm)
BY Lai HZ 23/7/10
Version 1.1
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Operating Instructions
Table of contents
1. Introduct ion
2. Oper ating elem ents
2.1 LCD display
2.2 Keys / Switch / Battery compa rtment
3. Putting into oper ation
4. Ra dio th er mome ter
5. Oper ation
5.1 Thermometer
5.1.1 Reading of the temperature from each c hannel
5.1.2 MIN/MAX memory
6. Change of b a tt ery
7. Care instruct ions
8. Support
9. Technic al data (displ ay unit)
Meteocentrale.ch is the weather forecast website operated by Meteomedia Ltd.
Meteomedia is one of the leading weather services in Europe and, with its own Severe Weather
Centres in Switzerland and in Germany , among other things, specialist for modern early
warning systems for extreme weather conditions.
The core of the company is the private weather measurement network. It is one of the biggest
measurement networks in Europe.
Irox, market leader in the manufacturing of measuring devices, and Meteomedia have
developed a joint product line that convinces with its high quality measurements, simple
handling and elegant design.
The JKT-3R is a high-q uality thermometer tha t gives y ou the absolutely uni que feature
of choosing betw een three different m ax/min memory f unctions. T he recording is don e
independently for each of the 6 channels in total. Th e individual scan ning of the 5 r adio
sensors also makes oper ation transparent and calcula ble.
Please read the instruction s carefully. They contain so me useful and interest ing information that
go beyond a mere explanation of how to operate the device.
All functions are depicted on the liquid crystal display (LCD) in 3 windows.
Full-segment display
Radio channels 1-5:
- current measurement of the selecte d channel (=radi o probe)
- memory value s min/max of the s elected channe l
- battery status of the sender displ ayed
Indoor thermometer :
- temperature of the display device (measures at the location where the dev ice is used)
(1 2 3 4 5 1 etc)
- memory values m in/max of the in door thermometer
- battery status of the display device
Rear vi ew
- Changes the u nit of temperat ure in the display from °C to °F or v ice versa
- Hold pressed for 3 seconds: Reset s all memories (IN an d CH1 ... CH5). The n ew recording
now begins dependin g on the setting of the M IN-MAX switch
- Press briefly: chan ges to display of t he next channe l
- Hold pressed for 3 second s. For the radio c hannel active on the display (CH1 .... CH5) ,
a s ender sear ch is started. The three wav es above the CH flash during the search process.
Only the sender of the channel displayed is sear ched for; the other s remain unaffec ted.
The MIN/MAX memory is managed and recorded depending on the setting. The s etting applies
for all 6 channels
Pos. 1: PERM - From the la st MEMORY RESET, the M IN/MAX recordings after the function
“drag indicat or” are recorded. This re cording is "P ERMANENT", i.e. a new recording
does not start until after a new MEMORY reset.
Pos. 2: 24 Hr - If you choos e this option, t he MIN/MAX values for the last 24-28 hours in ea ch
case are recorded. After ex piry of this period, the MIN/MAX values tha t are older than
24-28 hours are removed from the memory. As soon as y ou have select ed this option,
we recommend t hat you start the memory recording in a defined w ay with a
MEMORY RESET. This then start s a recording that trig gers internally an elaborate
calculation and re cording. The MIN/MAX v alues are administered here i n blocks of four
Example: You w ant to be able to read the M IN/ MAX values of the last 24-28 hours at all
times. Irrespective of when you look at th e display, you will alway s see the extreme
values of the l ast 24-28 hours. Older recordings are de leted in the p rocess.
Pos. 3: DAY- If you sele ct this option, the MIN/M AX values are recorded for 24 hours in e ach
case. You are free to choose w hen the recording should b egin. The start i s determined
by a MEMORY RESET and after 24 hours, the memory i s automatically re set and a new
recording begins. Ex ample: You want to be able to read the MIN/M AX values of the la st
24 hours in each case at 8 p.m. You ther efore carry out a M E MORY RESET at 8 p.m.
With this RESET, the clock begins to tick i nternally and thi s automatically resets the
memory after 24 hours and starts a new recording.
Battery compartment
2 x 1.5 batterie s of the size AM-4 r esp. “AAA”
To open: slide l id in the direct ion of the arrow (indicated on t he lid) after the st and has bee n
1. Put all radio sen sors that you w ant to use into op eration and place th ese in close proximity
(1-2 metres) to the reception dev ice.
2. Open the battery co mpartment of the display devic e and remove all insulation str ips. If no
batteries are in the device, insert the 2 batteries (UM-3 or ‘AA’ 1.5 V) in th e correct polarity.
3. Now close the b attery compartment.
4. Directly after the a ctivation of t he batteries, all segments are displayed for a f ew seconds o n
the display. The JKT-3R then be gins with the sear ch of available s ensors on all 5 c hannels.
5. As soon as the s ensor is displ ayed correctly (see ‘Reception status’ in Chap., 4), you can set
up the sensor in the place where you w ant to effective ly measure the outd oor temperature.
Under the most ideal conditions, this can be up to 30 m aw ay. In reality, howev er, this is often
less. In the event of problems, try out oth er places , and do s o both for the sen sor and for the
display device . The radio sensor is weatherpr oof. Nevertheless, pl ease place the sen sor
where possib le in the dry a nd at any rate in the sh ade.
6. If you would like to display further s ensors on the re ception device, y ou can purcha se these
from shops. For outdo or use, we recommend weatherproof sen sors. If you w ould like to
display other int erior spaces, the sensor JKR-1 from the ‘Instruments by J örg Kachelmann’
range is availab le in the same design as that of the display devi ce and also has a large
The unit is in searching mode.
T emperature readings are
securely registered.
No signals.
The operation of th e radio sensor s upplied with the device is easy:
- Open battery comp artment
- Select channel
- Activate batterie s (i.e. remove in sulation strip) or insert batteries (please make sur e that the
polarity is corre ct!)
- Close battery co mpartment again ( please ensure t hat it is ti ghtly closed!)
Other Irox radio sensors that are compatible w i th the JKT-3R:
3 channels (can be used on th e channels, 1, 2 or 3) : H TS12C, HTS33, HTS13* , HTC13
5 channels (can be used on all 5 ch annels): HTS55, JKR-1
(*HTS13 is include d in the scope of delivery of the JKT -3R and can be u sed on the
channels 1-3)
With the sensors with thermo and hy grometer, simply only the temperat ure is displayed on the
Reception status dis play
The wav e symbol indicates th e status of the s ignal receptio n of the chann el displayed.
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