Rainfall measurement
- Records rainfall amount for the last hour, last 24 hours, last day, last week and last month
(inch or mm).
- Dailyrainfallalertifrainfallforthecurrentdayexceedpre-speciedamount.
- Temperature at place of anemometer.
- Temperature adjusted to wind chill factor. (ºC)
- Wind direction compass display. Wind direction angles available as compass points or
- Average wind speed and gust speed (mph, m/s, knots, and km/h)
- Daily Maximum wind speed and gust speed memory.
- Wind speed alert for average wind speed and wind gust speed.
LED backlight
- Light sensor to automatically toggle backlight when environment lighting level is low. Can
be turned on/off or set to automatic. This feature is only supported when the AC/DC
adaptor is connected.