7.3 Calendar
Access this menu, the calendar will be shown on the screen.
touch the direction key to change the date, and the calendar
shown on the screen will be changed accordingly.
7.4 Calculator
The phone can be used as a calculator to finish some simple
arithmetic work.
touch number key to enter the number. “·”key to enter radix
7.5 Tasks
To do list may remind somebody to do some special things
which are specified by user. When there are some task lists,
touch left soft key or center key, you may entry a new screen
with following:
! View: View the selected task list.
! Add: Add a new task list.
! Edit: Edit the selected task list.
! Delete: Delete the selected task list.
! Delete all: Delete all task lists.
! Send v-Calendar: Send task list by SMS, MMS, Blue
Tooth, or save it to file.
If you have set the alarm for some task lists, when it time
out, your phone will begin to ring, and it will show the task list.
7.6 World clock
Under this menu, you can look up current time and time zones of
different cities in the world after selecting the time zone.
7.7File manager
It provides you the functions such as browsing media files,
checking storage space and formatting function.
When browsing the media files, you can operate the selected
files such as view, rename coping, deleting etc.
7.8 Unit converter
There are two units are available: Weight and Length.
7.9 Currency converter
Input the rate, then you can do the currency converter.