AC-88 smart wireless socke t 2/2 MZZ55400
Inverse (switch-off) mode
If an inverse function of the wireless socket is requ ired (e.g.
switching-off the appliances when nobody is at home and the alarm
system is activated), the transmitter can be enrolled in a switch-off
• Enter the 2
enrollment (switch-off) mode,
• Send a n enrollment signal from the control d evice according to
description in Switch-on chapter,
The inverse mode should not be used for periodically transmitting impulse
• When the signal has been received, it is indicated with a long
flash of the LED indicator on the socket
• You can exit enrollment mode by pressing the button on t he
wireless socket.
The wireless socket w ill react inversely . Activation of transmitters
enrolled in the inverse mode switches the socket off, deactivation of
the device switches it on.
Timer use
The timer can only be used w ith transmitters with pulse reaction (JA-8xP,
JA-8xM) or devices sending panic signals (RC-87, RC-88, RC-89, RC-86).
Activation of an pulse or panic device enrolled to the socket switches the
socket on for preset period of time (factory default is 2 m inutes). If it is
requested to change the timer settings, enter the timer setting mode (unplu g
the socket from the mains, plug it in again, hold the button until the LED
indicator starts flashing 3 times per second, then release the button). The
first press of the button in the timer setting mode starts counting the desired
switch-on time where one second correspo nds to one minute in normal
operation. The counting is indicated by the flashing of the LED indicator on
the socket in 1-second intervals. Another press of the button stops the
counting and exits the timer setting mode. If you want the socket to remain
active for 5 minutes, press the button 5 second s after the first press in timer
setting mode (indicated with 5 flashes of the LED). The t ime value is saved
and the wireless socket switches to normal operating mode.
Use with RC-8x remote controls
• Up to 8 remote control devices can be enrolled to each socket .
• Remote control devices work in the same way as status devices.
However, if they send a pan ic code, the socket will be switched for preset
period of time.
• To control the stair lighting set the timer for the period of time which you
need and then use the RC-88 wireless button in panic mode to control
the socket.
Use with TP-8x thermostats
• For conv enient controlling of a convector heater the TP-8x thermostat
can be used. Place a thermostat in each room and enroll each one to a
socket for every convector. Plug one convector into each socket.
The thermostat transmits its status every 9 minutes. Therefore
when the power supply is terminated the AC-88 module
returns to the required status within 9 minutes after the
power supply is restored.
• A thermostat can be enrolled to a socket in switch-on (heating –
el. boiler control) or switch-off mode (ventilation and air-
conditioning control).
• Besides thermostat it is possible to enroll another status
transmitter (e.g. JA-8xM, PG output of the OASIS control panel,
etc) in switch-on mode performing so-called blocking function.
Then if the blocking device is a ctivated (e.g. JA-8xM by an open
window) the socket ignores signals from the th ermostat and will
be activated only w hen the thermostat reports that the
temperature limit has been exceeded (e.g. if the re is a danger of
freezing or overheating). If the blocking device s uch as PG
output should have inverse function (to block the heater w hile it
is deactivated), then it must be enrolled in the socket in the
switch-off mode.
Use with JA-8x detectors
• JA-8x P motion d etectors trigger an pulse reaction and therefore they are
enrolled in the switch-on mo de to the AC-88 allow ing to switch the so cket
on for the time set on the timer. The suitab le use is for example the
automatic switching of lights, ventilation etc.
• JA-8xM detectors can send status (blocking of he ating or air conditioning
when the window is open) or pulse signals (sw itching ventilation, lights,
Use with OASiS control panel PG outputs
• When the control panel’s PGX or PGY output is enrolled in sw itch-on
mode to the socket, the socket copies its status.
• If an y of the PG outputs is enrolled in the inverse mode, the socket
remains switched on when the cor responding PG output is sw itched off
and vice versa.
• The socket reacts the same way to signals from control panel PG
outputs as from GD-04 David equipped with GD-04R ra dio module, and
from EYE-02 GSM security camera (e.g. to switch the external lighting
on during an alarm).
Other device s along wit h the PG outpu t can be enr olled to the w ireless socket.
However, the dev ices with statu s reaction exce pt the remote controll ers send
repeatedly info rmation about th eir status ever y 9 minutes. Therefo re enrolling
of 2 status devi ces periodi cally transmitti ng signals t o the socket, w ill result i n
an undesirabl e periodical o n/off switchi ng of the so cket when on e transmitte r is
activated an d the othe r one deacti vated.. We theref ore do not r ecommend
enrolling 2 a nd more devices w ith status r eaction and p eriodical signal
The socket as a controller
The socket is also equipped with a built-in trans mitter which when the
socket is switched on/off automatically sends on/off signals to another
devices. The button of one socket can thus be use d to control other AC-88
sockets or other OASiS system devices (AC-82, UC-82, GD-04R wireless
relays or JA-8xK control pa nels with JA-82 R radio modules). It thus enables
the creation of a chain of sockets and their control from one plac e (e.g. from
a control panel, a remote control or a master socket). The slave sockets
then react to the commands of the master devic e. It is thus possible to
switch off the requested appliances (e.g. TV, satellite, video etc.) or sw itch
the electric heating to an economic mode by activating the house alarm.
The socket transmits its own enrollment signal for other devices when it is
plugged in.
Device RESET
If you need to reset the socket, unplug it from the mains first. T h e n
plug it in again and ho ld the button until the LED indicator starts flashing
four times per second then release the button to enter the reset mode.
Then to perform the reset press the button and hold it again until the LED
indicator goes off (approx. 3 seconds).
“Low battery” signalling
If the battery in an enrolled device is low, the LED indicator signals this by
continuous rapid flashing. In such a case replace the battery according to
manual of that device.
Technical specification
Power supply 230V/50Hz, protection class II
Power consumption approx 1W
Relay contact loadability
Resistive load (cosφ=1) max.16A / 250VAC
Inductive (capacitive) load (cosφ=0.4) max.8A / 250VAC
Electrical Outlet Type E
Communication band 868 MHz, OASiS protocol
The devices are enrolled in to non-volatile memor y and they remain enroll ed even
when the power supply is terminated
Maximum number of enrolled devices 8
Minimum transmitter distance 1m
Environment II. indoor general (–10 to +40°C)
Class of prot ection IP40 according to EN 60529
Mechanical resistance IK08 according to EN 6626
Dimensions: 64 x 91 x 45mm,
Comply with ETSI EN 301489-1, 3, EN 61000-6-2, 6-3, EN 609 50-1
Conditions for operation ERC REC 70-03
JABLOTRO N ALARMS hereby declares t hat the A C-88 is in complia nce
with the essent ial requirements a nd other rel evant prov isions of Directiv e
1999/5/EC. T he original of the conformity assessment can be fo und at
, Technical Support section
Note: Although this product d oes not contain any harmful materi als we
suggest you retu rn the product to th e dealer or dir ectly to the produc er after