GSM car alarm CA-1202 „Athos“ 4/4 MHF52604
10 SMS text editing
The SMS texts (alarm information and instructions) are factory
preprogrammed. However, it is possible to change these texts by a
mobile phone or via internet access
To change a text by your mobile phone, send SMS:
MASTER TXT zz,text,zz,text,…
where: zz is the text index (see following table)
text is your new text – up to 30 characters, full stop (d ot) or
comma cannot be used in the text, spaces are allowed
By changing texts number 01 to 16, yo u will modify the con trol SMS
instructions. This allows y ou to customize the remote control of the car.
You can also make your own password part of the instruction to increase
the security of the mobile phone remote access.
10.1 SMS text table
zz Factory default text zz Factory default text
SMS commands: 44 Wireless detector
01 AM 45 Current detector
02 DM 46 Te lephone 1
03 IMO 47 Telephone 2
04 UNIMO 48 Telephone 3
05 STATUS 49 Telephone 4
06 HELP 50 Telephone - UC
07 CREDIT 51 Telephone - MC
08 DIAL 52 Remote controller
09 HF Status information:
10 LOCATOR 60 Car alarm reports:
11 MC 61 Sta tus:
12 UC 62 Armed
13 DIP 63 Disarmed
14 TEL 64 Ignition key ON
15 LEARN RC 65 Ignition key OFF
16 LEARN JA 66 Engine is blocke d
17 SIREN 67 Engine is unblocked
18 SET 68 No alarm
Events: 69 Alarm timeout
30 Alarm 70 Low accumulator voltage
31 Alarm cancele d by a user 71 P owe r fa il ur e
32 Fire alarm 72 Power recovery
33 Tamper alarm 73 Time:
34 Disarming 74 Low battery voltage
35 Arming Confirmation SMS:
36 Low battery v oltage 80 Command accepted
37 Engine is blocked 81 Command syntax error
38 Engine is unblocked 82 New MC code:
Source: 83 New UC code:
40 Ignition key 84 Reset
41 Door contact 85 Registered phone number:
42 INP1 activation 86 Cr edit:
43 INP2 activation 87 LEARN mode, enrolled
11 Internet remote access
The web site www. GS ML ink .cz enables car alarm remote control (to
users) and setting (to installers). The following features are enabled:
To get internet access to an installed and powered car alarm you will
first be asked to register y our car alarm on the first page. You will find a
unique registration code for your car alarm on the warrant y card.
11.1 Reset GSM
If you need to disconnect and then reconnect the GSM module to the
GSM network, then use the command “MASTER RESET GSM”.
This does not affect any settings and is typically used for GPRS
activation or charging up credit. This command always requires the
Master code.
12 Central monitoring station communication
The GSM pager allows ce ntral monitoring via G PRS data protocol. The
central monitoring stat ion (CMS) gets ar ming, disarming and alarm
information. It also regula rly checks the communication link to the car after it is
armed. So if anyone tries to tamper with GSM pag er communication s, it will
indicate an alarm at the CMS.
13 Additional features
13.1 Car battery low voltage repo rting
The GSM pager checks the voltag e of the car battery . If the voltage is too
low (10V) it will notify users via an SMS message. This a voids complete
discharging of the car bat tery if y ou forget to turn of f your lights etc.
13.2 Back-up battery
The car alarm ca n be backed up by a BB-01 ba ttery. Thus, the car alarm
can keep sending informatio n when the car battery is disconnected. Ba ck up
time is pro vided for severa l hours. The manufa cturer recommends r egular
BB-01 checking once a y ear. The battery should be r eplaced every two years.
Low back-up battery voltage (below 4V) is reported to the user via SMS
(change the batter y in this ca se).
13.3 Voltage drop detector
The built-in voltage drop detector can trigger an alarm if an elect rical
device in the car is turned on while the car is armed. The sensor activates
10 minutes after arming (if enabled).
13.4 Entrance delay acoustic indic ation
The siren can indicate arming and disarming by beeps (se e DIP
parameter setting). The siren will also indicate the triggering of a wireless
detector which provides an entrance delay (by a single beep). This way
you can be reminded not to forget to disarm your car alarm after you
open the garage door etc.
13.5 Limited number of alarms
If any sensor (input) repea tedly triggers alarms the n this particular input w ill
be bypassed automat ically after the third alarm (it will rema in bypassed until
the car alarm is d isarmed).
13.6 Car locati on
If your GSM provider offers a lo cation service, you have to activa te the
LOCATOR command after in stallation by the fo llowing SM S sequence:
where: MA S TE R is installers code
xx...x is provider’s sequence to obtain the position of
the car alarm SIM card (check with your GSM
provider for details)
After this sequence has been sent successfully once, the car alarm
memorizes the parameters and from this moment on you can obtain the
location of the car by just sending the instruction LOCATOR.
Note: GSM location service may not be available in some countries.
13.7 Pre-paid SIM card ba lance
It is recommended not to use prepaid cards in the car alarm. If you have
no other choice than prepaid cards, you can enable the CREDIT
instruction by following sequence:
MASTER CREDIT uuu..u xx yyy zz
where: uuu…u is the provider’s code to obtain the balance
xx is the time period (in days) for regular checking
yyy is the threshold level belo w which the balance is
reported to the user (TEL1)
zz is the position of the first digit of t he balance in the reply
SMS from the provider
• After this sequence has been sent once, the car alarm will check the
balance automatically every xx days and if the balance is lower than
yyy the user will be notified (T EL1)
• If the CREDIT instruction is enabled in the above way, the user can
also obtain the current balance by the instruction CREDIT
• To disable the automat ic balance checking set the time period “xx” to 00.
13.8 Roaming
If you travel abroad and your SIM card supports roaming, the car alarm
will work there too.
13.9 Siren activation
If you are searching for a stolen car, yo u can operate the siren
remotely by the follow ing SMS instructions:
MAST ER SIR EN tur ns the siren o n for 10 minutes
MASTER SIREN ON siren on pe rmanently
To avoid misuse of this option, only an installer can switch the siren on.
13.10 LED indicator si gnals
LED state Meaning
OFF Disarmed
permanently ON Connecting to a GS M network or a pho ne call
Regular slow flashing Armed
Regular fast fla shing Alarm memory
Interrupted l ight Car was stopped (i mmobilization)
Flashing after igni tion off GSM network is n ot available
14 Specification
Please see Mode 3.
GSM car alarm CA-1202 „Athos“ 1/4 MHF52604
CA-1202 “Athos” installation manual
MODE 2 – for cars with an o riginal remo te control for central locking
Main features for this mode:
• Remote control o f the alarm system via SMS instructions as well
as by the original remote control for central locking.
• Sending of alarm SMS messages to up to 4 phones.
• Dialing and acoustic alarm warning to up to 4 phones.
• Location tracking of the car (using the triangulation feature of the
GSM provider)
• Central monitorin g of the car when armed (fully supervised GPRS
• Remote immobilization of the car via SMS instructi on.
• Protecting a car with wired and wireless sensors (wireless sensors can
also be used to protect the garage where the car is parked).
• Optional - Hands Free calling (receiving of any incoming call and
dialing up to four pre-programmed phone numbers)
• Remote internet alarm access (user and installer levels) via
1 Before installation
The CA-1202 should o nly be inst alled by a professiona l installer. T he
manufacturer assumes no liability for dam ages caused by in correct
installation or use of this pr oduct.
The Athos car alarm is suitable for cars with 12 V and negative grounding.
The main unit is designed for installation in the passenger cabin.
Disconnect the car battery before startin g installation; study the car
ow ner man ual fir st. Avoid drilling in to the metal parts of the car body.
Note: Use only proper crimpin g tools and pa rts to make connectio ns. Cut
all unused wires a nd insulate them properly.
The thin wire which le ads directly out of the central unit is the remot e
control and wirele ss detector an tenna. The location of this w ire affects the
communication range. P lace the antenna on a suita ble plastic surf ace so
that the other wire s do not screen it.
2 Wiring
• YELLOW – siren output (+12V / max. 1A).
• GREY – door switch input. It reacts to connectio n or discon nection
from the ground (auto matically recognizes log ic).
• WHITE – INP1 input – to confirm locking/unlocking of the car by the
original remote control by confirmation signal from the turn lights
• YELLOW–WHITE – INP2 alarm input – reacts to connect ion or
disconnection from the ground (aut omatical ly recognize log ic).
• BLUE – ignition key input (+12V). Be sure, that there is +12 V while
the key is on and while starting.
• GREEN – LED indicator – insta ll it in a visib le spot on the dashboard.
Connect the other en d of this lead to the GND.
• WHITE–BLA CK (position 10) – “Lock“ WHITE–BLUE (position 11) –
“Unlock ” – control inpu ts for detecting locking and unlocking t o
activate arming/d isarming. They are usually conne cted to the outpu ts
of the central locking contro l unit.. If the se are not ava ilable, the car
alarm inputs can be connected d irectly to the power wires of the
central locking motor s. Two pairs of centra l locking wires are a vailable.
For mode 2 use the wires with red shrinkable tube . Carefu lly push
the ends of the cho sen wires into the main plastic conne ctor. Be
careful to se lect the cor rect w ires as remo val from the main con nector
is very difficult w ithout the pro per tool.
• BLACK–GND – connect to the original gr ounding in the car.
• RED – po wer supply +12V – co n nect d irectly to the batt ery. Check
that the installation is properly finished and that the GSM antenna is
connected before pow ering up!
• OR ANGE – back-up batter y – connect optional battery BB-01
(Jablotron) if desired. If the BB-01 is not connected, then ground the wire.
• 2x BROWN – immobiliza tion circui t (8A permanent ly, max. 12A /
• Pink – not used
3 SIM card insertion
1. Make sure, that the PIN pass word on the SIM is disabled. You can
do this using a mobile phone ( e.g. for NOKIA: MENU, S ETTINGS,
does not allow sw itching the PIN off, change t he PIN to 0000.
2. A ctiv ate the SIM card if necessary (see provider’s in structions),
ensure that it works (by a mobile phone) and record its phone nu mber.
3. Using a thin pointed too l, press the colore d button to release th e SIM
cardholder. Insert the SIM card into the holder with the gold cont acts
facing up and th en reinsert the holder.
4 GSM antenna installation
DO NOT switch the power on before the GSM antenna is connected.
The provided antenna is adhesive and should be attached to the car window.
The antenna should not be obstructed by any metal part. It is recommend to
install the antenna in a place where it is not ea sily visible (tinted part of the
window, behind the mirror etc.). If the car has an original GSM antenna installed, it
can be used (if the connector is different, use an appropriate adapter).
5 Initial powering-up of the alarm
Make sure, that the GSM antenna is connected, SI M card inserted and the
wire harness installed prope rly. Then conn ect the power (car battery ). The
LED indicator will turn on and the siren will make a short ch irp. Wait until the
LED turns off (up to 1 minute).
If the L ED starts to f lash, no GSM network was foun d. In such a case t urn the
power off, remove the SIM card and try to use it in a mobile phone (at the
place where the GSM antenna is). Che ck also if the PIN protection is O FF (or
set to 0000). If the SIM card logs into network successfu lly, reinsert it in to the
alarm and repeat powering-up.
After the alarm is powered, you hav e to:
a) Select Mode 2 by command RESET EN 2
b) Enroll remote controls and wireless dete ctors (if used)
c) Set the programmable features (phone n umbers, DIP, SET, etc.).
These can be don e by:
• SMS i nstru ctions – see table 6.1. For example sending SMS: MASTER
RESET EN 2 to the car alarm will select Mode 2.
• Internet page:
is the most convenient way. To
register there you need to know the re gistration code (printed on the
warranty card) and the master code (factory default is MASTER).
• SIM Card phone directory editing (see table 6.1 for list of features
which can be programmed this way). After the initial powering-up a list of
parameters is created in the SIM card phone directory. If you then insert
the SIM card in to a mobile phone, you can set particular features (by
entering numbers to the created list). The entry for Mode setting is not
automatically created, but it is possible to make a new entry name:
RESET EN and number: 2. Data entered this way are read by the car
alarm after the SIM card is reinserted. For security reasons it is erased
after reading.
6 Enrollment of remote controls and detectors
Up to 4 RC-40 remote contro llers and up to 8 JA-60 wireless detector s can be
enrolled to the car alarm (a fter Mode 2 is sele cted by the RESET EN 2
instruct ion).
Remote control enrollment:
1. The car alarm should be disarmed, ignition on
2. Send the SMS instruction: MASTER LEARN RC
• The siren will chirp 3x and the LED will st art flashing .
3. Press and hold buttons A and B together for 3 sec on the remote co ntrol.
• A siren chirp co nfirms the enr olment.
• By enrolling the f irst remote control all other remote c ontrols
previously enrol led will be era sed (all the remo te controls y ou want to
use must be enrolle d during the sa me enrolment se ssion).
4. Exit enrollment by turning the ignit ion off.
Wireless detecto r enrollment:
1. The car alarm should be disarmed, ignition on
2. Send the SMS instruction: MASTER LEARN JA
• The siren will chirp 3x and the LED will st art flashing .
3. Insert a battery in to the detector.
• A siren chirp co nfirms the enr ollment.
• By enrolling the firs t detector all other dete ctors previously e nrolled
will be erased (all th e detectors you w ant to use must be enr olled
durin g the same en rollment s ession).
4. Exit enrollment by turning the ignition off.
Note: if the detector is switched to delay mode t he alarm will provide a 20
second entrance dela y after triggering of the det ector. An exit delay of 20
seconds is pro vided to all enrolle d detectors after the car alarm arming.