GSM car alarm CA-1202 „Athos“ 2/4 MHF52604
Figure 1: installation of the car alarm in Mode 2
6.1 Programming s equences
Enter the prescribed spaces in SMS texts as shown in the table below. MASTER is a factory default master code, which should be changed to your own
password. All SMS texts are case insensitive.
SIM entry* Text of SMS instruction Description
RESET 2 MASTER RESET EN 2 Mode setting. Factory default is 0 – no function (imm o b il i z a t io n r el a y co p i es i g n it i o n) . Note: By
performing the RESET EN x instruction, all settings, remote controllers and enrolled wireless dete ctors
will be erased! RESET is indicated by four siren chirps.
Not possible MASTER UC uuuu
User Code setting – the code (password) allows you to operate the alarm remotely via SMS from
unauthorized phones. uuuu is a new user code, up to 8 characters (A –Z & 0 – 9). Factory defau lt
user code is USER
Not possible MASTER MC xxxx Master Code setting, xxxx is a new master code, up to 8 letters (A –Z & 0 – 9).
The code allows you to change settings for the car alarm. Factory default master code is MASTER
TEL1 xx...x M ASTER TEL1 xx...x
TEL2 xx...x M ASTER TEL2 xx...x
TEL3 xx...x M ASTER TEL3 xx...x
TEL4 xx...x M ASTER TEL4 xx...x
Setting of phone numbers to report alarms (these phones will also be authorized to control the
alarm via SMS without a user password)
E.g.: MASTER TEL2 +420602123456 will enter the phone number to TEL2 memory
MASTER TEL3 0 will erase the TEL3 memory.
DIAL1 xx...x MASTER DIAL1 xx...x
DIAL2 xx...x MASTER DIAL2 xx...x
DIALA xx...x MASTER DIALA xx...x
DIALB xx...x MASTER DIALB xx...x
Setting of phone numbers to dial using Hands free.
E.g.: MASTER DIAL2 +420602123456 will enter the number to DIAL2 memory (which is dialed after
you press button 2 on the remote control)
MASTER DIAL2 0 will erase the memory DIAL2.
DIP abcdefghij MASTER DIP abcdefghij DIP parameters entry – see part 7
SET abcdefghi MA STER SET abcdefghi SET parameters entry – see part 8
Not possible MASTER LEARN RC Remote Control enroll ment - up to 4 controllers can be enrolled, turn the ignition key on before
sending the instruction. To enroll a remote control press and hold buttons A and B together for 3
seconds. After you enroll all remote controls, turn the ignition key off.
Not possible MASTER LEARN JA JA-60 wireless detector enrollment – up to 8 detectors can be enrolled, turn the ignition key on
before sending the instruction. To enroll a detector insert its battery. After you enroll all detectors, turn
the ignition key off.
Not possible
MASTER TXT 01,text Editin g of SMS texts (reports and instructions), see part 10
TELU xx...x MASTER TELU xx...x Sustained call setting (for pre-paid cards) 1x month the xx..x number is called, call duration 10 s.
* See part 5 for details.
GSM car alarm CA-1202 „Athos“ 3/4 MHF52604
7 DIP parameters
By SMS: MASTER D IP A BCDEFG HIJ you can change 10 features:
0 1
A 0 = Silent arming/di sarming withou t siren c hirps
1 = 10 ms siren chirps when arming/disarming (non backed-up sir en)
2 = 20 ms sir en chirps w hen arming/d isarming (b acked-up sir en)
B Silent alarm
Audib le alarm (30 sec.)
SMS alarm report only
SMS alarm report + siren sound
phone call
D SMS remote control not
confirmed by SMS re ply
SMS remote control instructions
confirmed by SMS repl y
0 = arming contro l by dialing in from T EL1 to T EL4 disabl ed
1 = arming control by dialing from TEL 1 enabled
2 = arming control by dialing from TEL1 and TEL2 enabled
3 = arming contr ol by dialing from TEL1, TEL2 and TEL3 enabled
4 = arming contr ol by dialing from all TEL1 to TEL4 enabled
Arming and disarming by dialing from authori z ed pho nes is free of
Arming control by dialing
in is not confirmed by
Arming contr ol by dialin g in (see E ) is
confir med by SMS to the phone
which dialed th e car alarm
User can not cha nge SMS
User can chan ge SMS texts by TXT
No function in m ode 2 (set to 0)
0 = Immob ilizati on by arming and by SMS in struct ion
1 = Immobilization by arming and automat ically 5 minutes after ignition is
turned off and also by SMS instruction
2 = Immobilizati on only by SMS instruction
Self-location disabled
The car´s lo cation w ill be sent by
SMS to all TEL1 to TEL4 if there is
an alarm or if the c ar stops after
immobilizati on SMS instru ction (S ee
Factory default setting is DIP 1111000000 (bold letters in the text). If you
want to change only particular parameters, enter x for the others (i.e.
MASTER DIP 0xxxxxxxxx will make arm ing control silent).
8 SET parameters
By SMS: MASTER SET ABCDEFGHI you can change 9 features:
0 1
Open door arm ing ind ication
Audible indication of arming w ith
open door (4 beeps)
Voltage detect or disabled
Voltage drop detector enabled
No function in mo de 2 (set 0)
DOOR input logic:
0 = automa tic
1 = activated b y falling edge (grounding)
2 = activated b y rising edge (disconnecting from GND)
E INP1 logic:
0 = automa tic
1 = activated b y falling edge (grounding)
2 = activated b y rising edge (disconnecting from GND)
F INP2 logic:
0 = automa tic
1 = activated b y falling edge (grounding)
2 = activated b y rising edge (disconnecting from GND)
G Input for cent ral locki ng signal l ogic
0 = automa tic
1 = activated b y falling edge (grounding)
2 = activated b y rising edge (+12V)
H Confirmation by the t urn
lights is not requir ed
Confirmation by the turn l ights is
I no fun ction in Mo de2
Factory default setting SET 100000010 (bold letters in the text).
If you want to change only particular parameters, enter x for the others
(i.e. MASTER SET 0xxxxxxxx will disable open door arming indication).
9 User instructions
9.1 Remote control armin g and disarming
The alarm will be arme d when the car is locked remotely by the origina l
remote control an d disarmed when the car is unlo cked remotely. The locking
(according to the setting in 8 H) and unlocking must alway s be followed by
confirmation from the turn lights. If the car is un locked by the ke y (no
confirmation from the turn lights) then the alarm w ill be triggered. To stop the
alarm it is ne cessary to unlocked remote ly by the orig inal remote control. We
do not recommend installin g the car a larm in this mode to cars in which
unlocking the door by key is con firmed by the turn lights (or di sable this
feature if possible) .
9.2 Remote control b y SMS instructions
SMS instructions sent from an authorized phone (TEL1 to TEL4) can
operate the alarm but not the central locking remotel y. Factory default
instruction texts are shown in the following table. The instruction texts
can be changed by SMS text editing, see part 10.
If an SMS is sent from an unauthorized phone (other than TEL1 to
TEL4), a valid user code must be entered before the instruction (e.g.
SMS text Description
ARM and lock t he car
DISARM and u nlock the c ar
STOP (immobilize) the ca r (after tu rning the ig nition key off)
Unblock (mobi lize) t he car
The car alarm w ill reply with status information, e .g. „car
reports: Time : 27.01. 04 13:04, St atus: Armed, U nblocked ,
Ignition off“.
The car alarm w ill reply with a brief l ist of SMS instr uctions.
UC uuuu
To change th e user code. uuuu is the new user code, up to 8
characters (A –Z & 0 – 9). Fac tory default user code is
To obtain the balance of a prepai d SIM card if used. See 13.7
for details
HF abcdef
Hands-free s et adj ustment:
a – enable cal ls (0= disabled , 1=enabled)
b – auto ans wer incomi ng calls (0= disabled , 1=enabled)
c – micropho ne sensitiv ity 0 to 9, (5)
d – speaker volume 0 to 9, (5)
e - ringing t one volum e 0=mute to 9= max., (5)
f – ringing sound 0 to 9, (5)
To obtain the car locatio n from the GSM provider. See 13. 6
for details.
• Th e parameters in bold are factory defaults.
• Th e instruction must contain spaces as shown in the table
• On ly basic ASCII can be used in the SMS instruction texts
• If the SMS text contains the % sign, then the following text w ill be
ignored. Characters %% in the message stop processin g the
following text. Using these characters is suitable when send ing an
SMS from an internet gateway which ads another text –
advertisements etc. When using the % character it is alwa ys
necessary to insert the Master or User code followed by a space
before the command itself.
9.3 Dialing-in remote control
If enabled by the DIP parameters (see 7), the car alarm can be armed
and disarmed remotely by dialing in from an authorized phone (TEL1 to
TEL4). The car alarm will not answer the incoming call, but when it
recognizes your number, it will change status (Arm or Disarm).
Such remote control is free of charge since the phone is not answered.
Warning – if you dial your car alarm accidentally it can cause disarming of
the alarm.
Controlling by dialing in will result only in arming/disarming the alarm but
it will not lock/unlock the doors
Phone calls by an installed han ds free set
If the optional HF-03 hands free set is installed, it is possible to receive
and make phone calls via the car alarm. When your car is disarmed and
ignition key is on, the remote control (RC-40) allows you to operate the
hands free set.
Incoming calls – to answer them, press any button on the RC-40 remote
control. By pressing any button again, the call w ill be terminated.
When armed, all incoming cal ls are automatically rejected. If the car is
blocked (by IMO instruction) all calls are automatically answered (it is
possible to listen and to speak to the car remotely). Automatic call
answering while you are driving can also be enabled by the HF
instruction (see 9.2).
To make a call – you can call up to 4 preprogrammed numbers while you
are driving. By pressing button A, B, 1 or 2 on the remote control you will
dial the corresponding number (pre programmed by DIALA to DIAL2, see
9.4 Alarm
When an alarm is triggered, t he siren will sound for 30 sec., wa rning SMS
messages will be s ent to all phones (TEL1 to TEL4) and these phones will
also be called wit h the siren sound.
To stop the alarm, disarm the alarm by unlocking the doors using the
original remote control or by the disarm SMS instruction (DM).