GSM car alarm CA-1802A „Athos 1/6 MHF58500
Installation manual: CA-1802 “Athos”
Before installation
This is the basic version of the installation manual and programming sequences. On
the web site in the download section you can find a
extended version of this manual or you can find it included in the installation kit on CD
/ DVD. If you have no experience w ith CA-1802 installation, we reco mmend you
to read the extended version of the manu al to know all the parameters well.
The immobiliz er relay co ntact of c ar alarm is connected only in di sarmed
mode and if the ignit ion is on. Do not blo ck circuits tha t are under voltag e
while the igni tion is off. It could caus e a serious d amage of th e vehicle.
The car-alarm s hould only be installed by a professio nal installer. I t is
suitable for car s with a das hboard voltag e supply of 12V or 24V with a
negative groun d connection. D uring the first pow er-up, the v alue of supply
voltage is read a nd the inputs are set to default s ettings. The ala rm is
designed to b e installed inside the c ar.
For cars wit h a voltage suppl y of 24V, the following re strictions appl y to
car alarm inst allation:
1. It is not possible to connect a hands-free set of type HF -03.
2. When used for acoustic signalling, the SIR output is switched to the power supply
voltage. Consequently, this output switches to 24V, so it is necessary to use a
siren of type SA-606-24V instead of the SA-530 which is supplied in the standard
package. In this case it is necessary to set the confirmation beeps to 100 ms.
Configuration table
SIM entry* SMS instruction Text Description
(After which, the
entry is eras ed
from the SIM)
MASTER RESET EN 1 Mode setting. RESET 1 = al arm has its own remote cont rol and provides signals for central locking.
RESET 2 = alarm is operat ed by an original remote controlle r for central lock ing. RESET 3 = GSM
pager for cars with an inst alled car al arm. Performing the RESET instruction is indicated by 4 beep s.
Consequently , all settings, e nrolled r emote controllers and wirele ss detectors w ill be eras ed.
Not applicabl e
User code settin g – the code allows y ou to operate t he alarm remot ely via S MS from unauthoriz ed phones.
uuuu is a new user code, 4 to 8 letters (A–Z & 0–9, case insensit ive). Facto ry default user code i s USER
Not applicabl e
MASTER MC xxx x Master code s etting –xx xx is a new mast er code (A– Z & 0–9, cas e insensitiv e). The cod e allows y ou to
change the mai ntenance set tings for th e car alarm . Factory default mast er code is MAST ER
TELn xx ...x
MASTER TELn xx...x Setting of phone numbe rs to report alar ms to n = 1 to 4
DIALn xx...x
MASTER DIALn xx...x Setting the phone numbe rs to dial using Hands free. n = A, B, 1, 2
DIP abcdefg hij
MASTER D IP abcdefghij D I P p a r a m e t e r e n t r y – see the DIP tabl e
SET abcdefghij
MASTER S ET abcdefghij S E T p a r a m e t er e n t r y – see the SET tabl e
DIP parameters
0 1
A 0 = silent arming /disarming w ithout sir en chirps
1 = 10 ms siren chirps when arming/disarming (non backed-up siren)
2, 3, 4 ... 9 = siren chirps when arming/disarming (a siren of another
type) lasting 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200, 300 or 500 ms
B Silent alarm
Audible ala rm
SMS alarm report only
SMS alarm report and siren sound
phone call
D SM S remote control n ot
confirmed by SMS reply
SMS remote cont rol instruction s
confirmed b y SMS reply
0 = arming control by dialling-in disabled
1 = arming contr ol by dialling from TEL1 e nabled
2 = arming contr ol by dialli ng from TEL1 a nd TEL2 en abled
3 = arming contr ol by dialli ng from TEL1, T EL2 and T EL3 enabled
4 = arming contr ol by dialling from all T EL1 to TEL4 e nabled
Arming control by dialling
in is not confirmed by
Arming control by dialling i n (see E)
is confirmed by SMS to the phone
which called the car alarm
User can not chan ge SMS
User can change S MS texts by TXT
REARM disabled
If the car i s not entered w ithin 1
minute after disarming, it will REARM
0 = Immobilization by arming and b y SMS instruction
1 = Immobilizati on by arming a nd automatically 5 minutes af ter
ignition is turned off (AUTOIMO) an d also by SMS ins truct ion
2 = Immobilizati on only by SMS instructi on
3 = Immobilizati on and also by SMS inst ruction. If di sarmed and
ignition is tur ned off for m ore than 60 minutes the SMS STATUS is
sent as an al ert to possi ble forgot ten arming.
Self-location disabled
The car’s locati on will be s ent by
SMS after an IMO instructio n has
been performed.
Bold marked values = factory default
Steps to enroll RC-8x controllers:
1. The car alarm should be dis armed, with the ignition on.
2. Send the SMS instruction MASTER LEA RN RC
3. The car alarm beeps 3 times and an LED starts to flas h.
4. The RC-8x controller is en rolled by pressing button s and
simultan eously for approx. 3 sec . A siren chirp confi rms the enro llment . By
enrolling the first re mote control all other remote co ntrols previously enrolled
will be erased ( so enroll all the controlle rs intended f or use, one by one).
5. Exit enrol lment by turning the i gnition off. The al arm confirms the enr ollment by
sending an S MS message t o authori zed phones T EL1 to TE L4.
SET parameters
0 1
A 0 = open door signalling and INP activation while arming are both disabled
1 = open door s ignalling a nd INP acti vation w hile arming a re both
2 = INP activation while arming enabled, open door signalling enabled with
a 10 second delay
3 = INP activation while arming enabled, open door signalling disabled
Voltage detec tor disab led
Voltage-drop detector enabled
lock / unlock signal dur ation (Reset 1)
0 = 0.5 / 0.5 s ec (suitable for electrom agnetic l ocks)
1 = 4 / 4 sec ( suitable f or pneumatic lo cks)
2 = 60 / 0.5 se c (suitabl e for automatic window clos ing)
DOOR input logic:
1 = activated by falling edge (grounding)
2 = activated by rising ed ge (disconne cting from GND)
E INP1 logic:
1 = activated by falling edge (grounding)
2 = activated by rising ed ge (disconne cting from GND)
F INP2 lo gic:
0 = activated by falling ed ge (grounding ), it triggers an alar m also if
disarm ed (24 hour re action )
1 = activated by falling edge (grounding)
2 = activated by rising ed ge (disconne cting from GND)
G Central locking input logic: (R eset 2)
1 = activated by falling edge (grounding)
2 = activated by rising ed ge (disconne cting from GND)
0 =
confirmation by turn lights for disarming is needed (Reset 2)
1 = confirmation by turn lights for arming and disar ming is
2= confirmation by turn lights for arming and disarming is not
needed so INP1 can be used as an alarm input
Do not turn off th e GSM
module automatically.
Turn the GSM module o ff after
30 minutes of i nactivity .
J 0 = AUX output is a bus f or communication with CR-1 1A modules
1 = AUX output provides power for externa l sensors
Bold marked values = factory default
Steps to enroll detectors:
1. The car alarm sh ould be disar med, ignition on.
2. To e nro ll the int ernal detectors, send the SMS command MASTER LEARN
IN T ( To enroll the external detectors, send the SMS command MASTER
3. The car alarm be eps 3 times and an LED starts to flash.
4. Y ou can enroll a new detector to the sy stem by inserti ng its batteri es.If
you enroll a fir st detector, y ou will erase a ll detectors f rom the
associated gr oups (enro ll all of them , which will be u sed in the group in
sequence ).
5. Exit enroll ment by turning the ignition of f. The al arm confirm s enrollm ent by
sending an SMS message to authorized phones TEL1 to TEL4.