GSM car alarm CA-1803BT „Athos 1/6 MHF58202
Installation manual: CA-1803BT “Athos”
Before installation
This is the basic version of the installation manual and programming sequences. On
the web site in the download section you can find a full
version of this manual or you can find it included in the installation kit on CD / DVD. If
you have no experience with CA-1803 installation, we recommend you to read
the extended version of the manual to know all the parameters well.
The immobiliz er relay co ntact of c ar alarm is connected only in di sarmed
mode and if the ignit ion is on. Do not blo ck circuits tha t are under voltag e
while the igni tion is off. It could caus e a serious d amage of th e vehicle.
The car alarm should only be installed b y a professional installer. It is suitable fo r
cars with a dashboard voltage supply of 12V or 24V with a negative ground
connection. During the first power-up, the value of supply voltage is read and the
inputs are set to default settings. The alarm is designed to be installed inside the car.
For cars wit h a voltage suppl y of 24V, the following re strictions appl y to
car alarm inst allation:
1. It is not possible to connect a hands-free set of type HF -03.
2. When used for acoustic signalling, the SIR output is switched to the power supply
voltage. Consequently, this output switches to 24V, so it is necessary to use a
siren of type SA-606-24V instead of the SA-530 which is supplied in the standard
package. In this case it is necessary to set the confirmation beeps to 100 ms.
Configuration table
SIM entry* SMS instruction Text Description
(After which, the
entry is eras ed
from the SIM)
MASTER RESET EN 1 Mode setting. RESET 1 = al arm has its own remote cont rol and provides signals for central locking.
RESET 2 = alarm is operat ed by an original remote controlle r for central lock ing. RESET 3 = GSM
pager for cars with an inst alled car al arm. Performing the RESET instruction is indicated by 4 beep s.
Consequently , all settings, e nrolled r emote controllers and wirele ss detectors w ill be eras ed.
Not applicabl e
User code settin g – the code allows y ou to operate t he alarm remot ely via S MS from unauthoriz ed phones.
uuuu is a new user code, 4 to 8 letters (A–Z & 0–9, case insensit ive). Facto ry default user code i s USER
Not applicabl e
MASTER MC xxx x Master code s etting –xx xx is a new mast er code (A– Z & 0–9, cas e insensitiv e). The cod e allows y ou to
change the mai ntenance set tings for th e car alarm . Factory default mast er code is MAST ER
TELn xx ...x
MASTER TELn xx...x Setting of phone numbe rs to report alar ms to n = 1 to 4
DIALn xx...x
MASTER DIALn xx...x Setting the phone numbe rs to dial using Hands free. n = A, B, 1, 2
DIP abcdefg hij
MASTER D IP abcdefghij D I P p a r a m e t e r e n t r y – see the DIP tabl e
SET abcdefghij
MASTER S ET abcdefghij S E T p a r a m e t er e n t r y – see the SET tabl e
DIP parameters
0 1
A 0 = silent arming /disarming w ithout sir en chirps
1 = 10 ms siren chirps when arming/disarming (non backed-up siren)
2, 3, 4 ... 9 = siren chirps when arming/disarming (a siren of another
type) lasting 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200, 300 or 500 ms
B Silent alarm
Audible ala rm
SMS alarm report only
SMS alarm report and siren sound
phone call
D SM S remote control n ot
confirmed by SMS reply
SMS remote cont rol instruction s
confirmed b y SMS reply
0 = arming control by dialling-in disabled
1 = arming contr ol by dialling from TEL1 e nabled
2 = arming contr ol by dialli ng from TEL1 a nd TEL2 en abled
3 = arming contr ol by dialli ng from TEL1, T EL2 and T EL3 enabled
4 = arming contr ol by dialling from all T EL1 to TEL4 e nabled
Arming control by dialling
in is not confirmed by
Arming control by dialling i n (see E)
confir med by SMS to the phone
which called the car alarm
User can not chan ge SMS
User can change S MS texts by TXT
REARM disabled
If the car i s not entered w ithin 1
minute after disarming, it will REARM
0 = Immobilization by arming and b y SMS instruction
1 = Immobilizati on by arming a nd automatically 5 minutes af ter
ignition is turned off (AUTOIMO) an d also by SMS ins truct ion
2 = Immobilizati on only by SMS instructi on
3 = Immobilizati on and also by SMS inst ruction. If di sarmed and
ignition is tur ned off for m ore than 60 minutes the SMS STATUS is
sent as an al ert to possi ble forgot ten arming.
Self-location disabled
The car’s loc ation will b e sent by SMS
after an IM O instruction has been
or if the car s tops after an
immobili zation
SMS instruction
Bold marked values = factory default
Steps to enroll RC-8x controllers:
1. The car alarm should be dis armed, with the ignition on.
2. Send the SMS instruction MASTER LEA RN RC
3. The car alarm beeps 3 times and an LED starts to flas h.
4. The RC-8x controller is en rolled by pressing button s
simultan eously for approx. 3 sec . A siren chirp confi rms the enro llment . By
enrolling the first re mote control all other remote co ntrols previously enrolled
will be erased ( so enroll all the controlle rs intended f or use, one by one).
5. Exit enrol lment by turning the i gnition off. The al arm confirms the enr ollment by
sending an S MS message t o authori zed phones T EL1 to TE L4.
SET parameters
0 1
A 0 = open door signalling and INP activation while arming are both disabled
1 = open door s ignalling a nd INP acti vation w hile arming a re both
2 = INP activation while arming enabled, open door signalling enabled with
a 10 second delay
3 = INP activation while arming enabled, open door signalling disabled
Voltage detec tor disab led
Voltage-drop detector enabled
lock / unlock signal dur ation (Reset 1)
0 = 0.5 / 0.5 s ec (suitable for electrom agnetic l ocks)
1 = 4 / 4 sec ( suitable f or pneumatic lo cks)
2 = 60 / 0.5 se c (suitabl e for automatic window clos ing)
DOOR input logic:
1 = activated by falling edge (grounding)
2 = activated by rising ed ge (disconne cting from GND)
E INP1 logic:
1 = activated by falling edge (grounding)
2 = activated by rising ed ge (disconne cting from GND)
F INP2 lo gic:
0 = activated by falling ed ge (grounding ), it triggers an alar m also if
disarm ed (24 hour re action )
1 = activated by falling edge (grounding)
2 = activated by rising ed ge (disconne cting from GND)
G Central locking input logic: (R eset 2)
1 = activated by falling edge (grounding)
2 = activated by rising ed ge (disconne cting from GND)
0 = confirmation by turn lights for disarming is needed (Reset 2)
1 = confirmation by turn lights for arming and disar ming is
2= confirmation by turn lights for arming and disarming is not
needed so INP1 can be used as an alarm input
When armed, no monitoring of
GPS location changes
GPS locati on changes are
monitored when arme d
J 0 = AUX output is a bus f or communication with CR-1 1A modules
1 = AUX output provides power for externa l sensors
Bold marked values = factory default
Steps to enroll l detectors:
1. The car alarm sh ould be disar med, ignition on.
2. To enroll the internal detectors, send the SMS command MASTER LEARN
IN T ( To enroll the external detectors, send the SMS command MASTER
3. The car alarm be eps 3 times and an LED starts to flash.
4. Y ou ca n e nroll a n ew detector t o the system by inserti ng its batt eries.If
you enroll a f irst detecto r, you will e rase all det ectors fr om the
associated g roups (enro ll all of them , which will b e used in th e group i n
sequence ).
5. Exit enroll ment by turning the ignition of f. The al arm confirm s enrollm ent by
sending an SMS message to authorized phones TEL1 to TEL4.