CA-340 modular car alarm 2/4 VAV50204
Car alarm CA-340 “Nestor” installation
We recommen d having the car alarm inst alled by an authoriz ed service com pany.
Improper installati on can result in damage to your veh icle. The car alarm
manufacturer s hall not b e held resp onsible for any damage c aused by inco rrect
installation or misuse of t he product.
The immobilizer relay contact of car alarm is connected only in disarmed
mode and if the ignition is on. Do not block circuit s that are under voltage
while the ignition is off . It could cause a serious da mage of the vehicle.
The SIR output sw itches power suppl y. If is installation wi th 24V power
supply there must be used t he siren t ype SA-606-24V or othe r type for 2 4V
instead of st andard pack aged siren.
First, discon nect the c ar battery . Nobody shoul d be inside a vehicle equi pped w ith
airbags during th e manipulation o f the battery (disconnecting, co nnecting). Keep i n
mind that some dev ices equip ped with a memo ry can be e rased when t he battery is
disconne cted.
Attach th e newly ins talled wir es to the o rigina l bundles . When making connecti ons
use a crimping tool fit for t his purpose. If possible , avoid drilli ng into metal parts dur ing
installation. If y ou have to dril l any holes, ma ke sure you a void damaging a ny other
parts of the v ehicle. Th e basic car alarm unit is s uitable for i nstallation in the
passenger compa rtment (the be st position woul d be under the dash board).
The car alarm f unctions ca n be set comfort ably using the CA-340PR G wireless
programming module.
Car alarm connector description
Wire functions
GND black – conn ect to the ne gative pole of the pow er supply.
+12V / +24V red – conne ct to the positi ve pole of th e power supp ly. Protected with a
built-in fus e.
SIR yellow – sire n output, the max imum current is 1.5A .
If there is a short cir cuit or curre nt overl oad, the out put is di sconnected. R econnectio n
is possible only with another activation of th e output.
BLK 2x violet – di rection in dicator rela y or boot b ounce contr ol.
IMO 2x brown – immobilizer r elay contact
ULK white a nd blue – central locking ala rm input / o utput – unloc king signa l. As an
input it reacts t o the conne ction or disc onnection of GND. If it has an output func tion, it
reacts to the connec tion of GND.
LCK black and white – central loc king al arm input / outpu t – lo cking s ignal. As an
input it reacts t o the conne ction or disc onnection of GND. If it has an output func tion, it
reacts to the connec tion of GND.
LED green – positiv e output of th e LED.
green and black – connection of t he Valet setting button
AUX pink – output providing pow er supply to aux iliary detector s (12V) or CR-11
module control outp ut.
Its function i s set with p rogramming par ameter 11 (see the table bel ow).
KEY blue – ignition key input, alarm i nput. Reacts to +12/24V induct ion.
DOOR grey – door switch inpu t, reacts to the co nnection to GN D (it has optiona l
activation pol arity if set fo r RC-8x remote c ontrol).
INP1 whi t e – alar m input (reacts to the connect ion to GND) or direction indi cator
signal input (re acts to the disc onnection from GND). Its functio n is determined by the
connection and se tting as mentioned be low.
INP2 yello w and white – alarm inpu t, optional activat ion pola rity, opt ional re action.
INP3 white and green – alarm input, reacts to the co nnection to G ND.
Programmable functions
The car alarm o ffers option al function p arameters (s ee the table) w hich can b e set
in the programmi ng mode. Enteri ng the programmin g mode:
1. Press the Valet button and ho ld it for 4 – 6 s and then sw itch on the igniti on key
Entering the programming mode is confirmed w ith two long chi rps of the sir en. The
alarm concurrently transmits i ts “enrolm ent code“.
2. It is t hen nec essary to sele ct between opti onal param eter setting an d the
enrolment of wirel ess detector s. Press the Valet button to enter optiona l
parameter setting and then follow section 6. I f you w ant to enter the wireless
device enrolmen t mode, sw itch off the igniti on key (w ithin 2 s). Then fo llow
Section 3.
3. Now you can enroll the RC -8x remote co ntrols * (max . 4). The remote co ntrols
can be enrolle d by pressi ng both and k eys simult aneously fo r appro x. 3 s.
The enrolment is confirmed w ith a siren chir p. All remote controls can be erased
by switching off t he ignition key for a short time. P ress the Valet button to continue
to internal detect or enrolment. S witching off the i gnition key for more than 3 s
terminates the programming mo de (the siren emits two sho rt chirps).
4. Enrolme nt of detect ors installed in the vehicle* (internal ones). This group
includes dete ctors guardi ng the interi or of the v ehicle (not if t he alarm is a rmed
partially). If a rem ote control i s enrolled in this group, it can b e used to trigg er a
PA N IC alarm. Internal det ectors can b e erased by sw itching off the igniti on key for
a short time. Pr ess the Valet button to cont inue to external dete ctor enrolment .
Switching off the igniti on key for m ore than 3 s t erminates t he programming m ode
(the siren emits two sho rt chirps).
5. Enro lment of exter nal detectors * (guarding of a gara ge). Dete ctors in t his
group are activ e both during partial a nd complete armin g. The JA-80A w ireless
siren can also be enrolled here. Ex ternal detector s can be erased by switching off
the ignition k ey for a sho rt time. A maximum o f 8 detectors can be enrol led. Press
the Valet button to continue t o optional pa rameter set ting pursu ant to the fo llowing
article. Switchi ng off the ignition key for more than 3s terminates th e programming
mode (the si ren emits two s hort chirps).
6. Now y ou can set the fir st paramete r. The paramet er setting is signaled w ith an
LED (on / off). Change s can be perfo rmed by switchin g off the ignitio n key for a
short time (no l onger than 3 s).
7. Press the Valet button to go on to t he nex t parameter. The numb er of siren chirps
indicates the parameter w hich you ar e currently setting. T he tenth paramet er is
signaled with a long sire n chirp, while from the elevent h parameter o nwards the
siren signals only parameter units (e. g. 11= 1 chirp, etc) .
8. Sw itching off the i gnition key for more than 3s terminates the p rogramming mode
without saving (th e siren emits two shor t chirps).
9. To save your s ettings you h ave to go through all 1 8 parameter s. When the l ast
parameter has be en set, pre ss the Valet butto n once more . The te rmination of the
mode is confirme d with a long chirp of the siren.
* PLEASE NOTE! Enrolling the first dev ice erases all prev iously enrolled devices in the
given group (you should therefore g radually enroll all devices which you want to use)
Wireless components of the OASIS system
It is possible to use moti on detector s, glass brea k detectors and mag netic
detectors (JA -85P, JA-85B , JA-81M) to guard the v ehicle interi or or a ga rage. The
maximum of 8 detectors c an be enrolled. A low battery in a detector is signa led
with its LED, the car ala rm LED and al so with a si ren when the system is arme d.
T he CA -340SIR wireless siren with th e bonnet cont act input can be in stalled in
the en gine co mpartmen t, so th at it is n ot nece ssary to instal l the wir es in the
vehicle interi or.
The al arm can also be si gnaled v ia JA-80A and JA -80L inter nal wireless si rens.
(when using JA -80A you hav e to take into ac count that the re is a delay depending
on the jumper s etting in t he siren)
T he alarm can be enrolled to t he OASIS ele ctronic home s ecurity sy stem as a
Wireless detect ors have a tamp er contact. Mani pulation w ith detectors (when
changing batteri es) is th us possib le only if th e ignitio n key is swit ched on and the
car alarm is un armed. Ot herwise alarm is triggered .
For more detail ed informati on concerni ng wireless c omponents fo r the guardi ng of
objects go to www.jablotr
Technical specifications
Power supply voltage 12/24 V (9 – 32)V DC
Stand-by cur ent consumptio n 11 mA
TRX frequency switching r ange 1 RF channe l 868,5 MHz
Transmitter power < 25 mW
Operational t emperature ra nge -40 to +85°C
SIR output +12V (24V), max . load 1.5 A
Alarm duration 30 s
Immobilizer circu it current 8 A cont., 12 A intermittent
BLK relay circuit current
PGM output current
8 A cont., 12 A intermittent
25 mA
ULK/LCK outpu t current 200 mA
Enclosure (EN 60529 ) IP30
Dimensions 118 x 80 x 35 mm
Complies with:
ECE regulati on No. 97.01
RTTE directiv e 1999/5/EC
Safety EN 60950-1
EMC ISO 7637, ISO 11452, CISP R-12
Radio inter ference ETSI EN 300 220
Can be operated acc ording to ERC REC 70-03
JABLOTRON ALARMS Inc. hereby decla res that the CA-340 is in compliance
with the essential requirem ents and other r elevant provisions of ECE
Regulation No. 97.01, Direc tive 1999/5/EC an d 1995/56/EC
The original of
the conformity assessment can be found at
, Technical
Support section
Note: Although this product d oes not contain any ha rmful materials we sug gest you
return the product to the dealer or directly to the produ cer after use.
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