User manual JA-60GSM - 2 - MFJ51808
1. User features of the GSM dialer
The JA60GSM dialer offers many useful features described in detail below. The installer should
properly demonstrate the use of the system to the user after installation and instruct the user on how to
set user access codes.
1.1. Phone calls from the attache d SMS-8010 telephone set (o ptional accessories)
After the GSM module is connected to the GSM network, an attached phone can be used. If you
pick up the phone you will hear a dial tone. Simply dial the number you want to call. You can also dial
the GSM communicator’s phone number from another phone and the attached p hone will ring as a
normal landline phone would. If it is necessary to communicate with CMS the call from the attached
phone will be terminated in 10 minutes. If a bus y tone is generated while the attached phon e is being
used, it indicates either the line you are calling is busy or that the GSM communicator is busy with a
communication (alarm system data transfer has priority).
1.2. Sendin g SMS messages
If used, then the SMS-8010 phone can be used for eas y and convenient receiving and sending of
SMS messages. The main features of SMS-8010 are:
• Making calls – using the receiver or the build-in hands-free set
• Writing SMS messages using an alphabetical keypad, message archiving (40 messages)
• Call record function – caller identification and date/time
• Integrated phonebook records up to 80 phone num bers and names
For detailed information see the SMS-8010 manual.
1.3. Telep hone remote control of th e alarm system
A Jablotron system equipp ed with the GSM dial er can be remotely cont rolled via a landline or mobile
phone. From a mobile phone there are two possi bilities – either by text instructions sent via SMS or b y
dialing-in and oper ating the system vi a the phone keypa d, which operat es in the same way as th e alarm
system keypad. The diali ng-in method can also be pr eformed from an ordin ary landline telephone .
The following descrip tion matches the factor y default settings of th e dialer. The descri bed features can
be modified du ring the installatio n. The installe r should explai n clearly any c hanges to the default setting s.
1.4. Genera l instructions for the rem ote control via SMS instruction s
SMS instructions can be sent from a mobile phone or from Jablotron’s SMS website
SMS messages are not case sensitive. Only Standard English letters are accepted.
All SMS instruction words must be separated by a space.
If the % is used all previous text w ill be ignored. The %% symbol when used in SMS text ends
processing – all th e following text will be ignore d. It is recom mended to use this sy mbol at the end of
the instruct ion if the provider send s some addit ional text after y our message (advertiseme nts etc.).
Warning: if any incoming SMS include s except a valid system command an y extra text
which is not separate d by % or %% symbols the command w ill not be executed
Examples of SMS: “Hi, this text will be ignored even if I write ME % MO %% Thank you” – Onl y MO
command will be executed
“Hi, MO” – Command in the SMS wi ll be ignored because there is an extra text
The default command texts can be customized by an installer or user (see section 3.3). E.g.
the command AUXON can be changed to SWITCH ON HEATING etc.
1.5. Armin g by SMS (AM xxxx)
The command AM follo wed by a valid access code is used for arming the alarm sy stem. If the
system is already fully armed, this command will be ignored.
Send SMS text to the dialer: AM∗ xxxx
xxxx is a valid alarm system access code (Master or user).
∗ separator (asterisk or space)
Example: Sending of AM
1234 will arm the system in the same way as if the code 1234 is entered on
system’s keypad.
User manual JA-60GSM - 11 - MFJ51808
5. Web server remote access
5.1. Setting possibilities:
The setting ser ver allows a user to read a nd change the contro l panel and dia ler configuration. Data
transfer is made by sending an SMS. The w eb site allows the user to change:
• control panel setting,
• dialer setting,
• set messages that will be transferre d to up to 7 phone numbers,
The web site is able to read an event me mory of a control panel as well ( such as ComLink sof tware). The
number of sent data SM S’s is optimized to reduce costs as mu ch as possible.
5.2. Registration to the w eb site
Registration can be done in two ways:
• Web site www – to register your syst em use the reg istration code prin ted on the
warranty certificate (the code has a form xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx and it is unique for each system)
• Mobile phone – when the alarm system is in the programming mode, enter 972 xxxxx F0 on
the alarm system keypad (xxxxx is your mobile phone number). After a moment you will receive
an SMS with a registration code and the system will register to th e web server.
5.3. Control panel or GSM dialer setting
If you want to set the control panel features you need to know your service and user code. After
receiving the correct SMS the GSM dialer will sw itch to the service mode (disarms and enters the
service mode), set the parameters, reads settings and s witches back to the chosen mode (service,
armed or disarmed). Correct settings and state of the control panel is transferred back to the server.
5.4. Reading of histor y events
History events are readable in any state of the control panel (se rvice code is not needed). One SMS
contains 20 events. If it is necessary to read all of the events the GSM dialer will send 7 SM S
6. The Modem function
The GSM communicator can also be used as an external modem f or accessing the Internet (GPRS
format). It is necessary to have the GPRS in the SIM card activated and to have a connection cable
connected to the COM port of the PC. Support f or MS Windows operating systems can be found on
the enclosed CD. The modem can be used only when all reports to the CMS, SMS and system’s calls
are executed.
When the modem is used:
It is possible to use the attached telephone, the internet connection will be temporally suspended
Received SMS’s ar e stored and th ey will be process ed after disco nnection of the modem
The modem will be disconnec ted if an alarm or arming even t occurs
7. Additional information
7.1. Events reporting priorities:
If the dialer is activated to send an events report it will:
send information to CMS
send SMS reports (1st telephone number, 2nd tele phone number,…. 8th tel. number)
send audible warnings (1st telephone number, 2nd telephone number,…. 8th tel. number) –
each number is called only once, no matter if it is answered or not
If any ev ent is triggered w hich should be r eported to a CMS while the al arm system is a ccessed remotely
from a phone, t he report w ill be sent after the remot e access is fi nished.
If the user ca ncels the al arm, all r eports, which h aven’t been sent yet, w ill be deleted. T his doesn ’t included
communication w ith the monitorin g station.