JA-80Y user manual MFJ55800
• Enter your system access code (user, master or service) – this code determines which
type of access will be provided.
• After entering the above parameters the website should be able to establish a
connection with the system (this may take some time, depending on network traffic,
but it usually does not exceed 2 minutes).
• For further access sessions you should only need to enter your login parameters.
You can operate the system directly using buttons that are on the operating panel on the
web page. In addition, a command line is provided where instructions can be entered the
same way as if they were entered from a system keypad. By pressing the submit button
you send an instruction via the website to the communicator where it will be processed.
The list of events can be opened in any control panel state, therefore it is not necessary to
put the control panel into a specific mode (like unsetting or switching to Maintenance
Mode). The number of event records being read is limited to 20. If it is not sufficient for
your purposes, you can get more on request.