The JA-80F wireless key pad MLH51300
The JA-81F wireless keypad
The JA-81F is a component of Jablotron ’s OASiS alarm syste m and is designed to
control and program t he system. It has a built-in pro ximity access card reader and
allows the wiring up of a separa te door detecto r. The ba ttery-powered keypad
communicates wirelessl y using OASiS protocol.
Installation shall only be und ertaken by techn icians holdi ng a certificate
issued by an authorized di stributor. The keypad is for indoor ins tallation o nly,
typically by the main entrance door . Avoid locating i t close to metal o bjects,
which could shield radio communication.
1. Open the ke ypad housing (by pressing t he tab on the bottom) usin g a
screwdriv er. The tab is also accessi ble from the front after openi ng the key
1. Install the rear housing to the desired locatio n
2. Install the exter nal hard-wired dete ctor (if requir ed) route its cabl e
through the rear ho using and co nnect to the IN and GND t erminals .
3. Enroll the key pad to the cont rol panel (se e the control panel
installation ma nual) as follow s:
• Enter enrollme nt mode in the control panel (if the s ystem does not
have a keypad al ready, bri efly short the res et link on the cont rol panel
main board, or if a key pad is present, th en press key 1 in service
• Install the battery into th e keypad to trigger enrollm ent.
• Exit enrollm ent mode by pre ssing the # key .
4. Attach the k eypad to the rear housing.
5. Ins tructi ons on how to use the keypad c an be found in th e control pane l
operating manual.
Keypad menu
The menu can be ente red in Service mod e by holding the ? key . Then the
internal key pad menu w ill be display ed. Using the ar rows on key s 1 and 7 y ou
can scro ll thro ugh the menu:
Display Key Description
Tamper ON
Disable / Enable the tamp er sensor
(only for serv ice purpos es)
Door chime ON
Disable / En able sound w hen IN trig gered
Beeper ON
Disable / Enable s ystem sounds
Sets the disp lay brightnes s 0 - 9
Sets the disp lay contrast 0 - 9
Edit text
Entry to key pads tex t editing
Sets English (reload defau lt texts)
Other langua ges ...
To exit the menu, press # (ex iting also oc curs after 1 0 seconds’ i nactivity ).
• The menu can be displ ayed even if the keypad has not been enr olled to the
control panel.
• Each keypad has its ow n menu, i.e. each keypad in the system can ha ve its
own unique s ettings.
• The keypad keeps its sett ings even if its pow er is disconne cted (settin gs can
only be alter ed via the k eypad menu).
• The menu can also be ent ered when the ¾ k ey is kept pres sed while the
keypad is bei ng powered- up.
Keypad sleep mode
When battery-po wered, the keypad saves energy by tur ning itself off when the
cover is closed or automatica lly after 20 secon ds of inactivity (15 minutes in se rvice
mode). The keypad is woken up b y : opening the ke ypad‘s flip cover, pressing any
key, or trig gering the wire d door detector input - see be low.
Optional AC adapter
If the key pad is powere d by an AC ad apter (model : Jablotron DE01-12 fo r
terminals: +U and GND), it will not turn of f after 20 secon ds of inactiv ity. If the
adapter is used , batteries sho uld still be inst alled. Only turn on the AC adapter
after the keypad u nit has been pow ered up by batteri es and the two halv es of
the housing a re back toge ther.
Note: To comply with EN standards the keypad does not i ndicate the st atus of
the alarm system . If desired, the sy stem setting / unsett ing status can be
programmed in th e control panel to be permanen tly indicate by t he keypad.
Installing a door detector
It is poss ible to w ire up a detecto r(s) to t he keypad . The IN i nput ter minal is
triggered when disconnected from GND. The control panel’s reaction to the IN input
being triggered is a dela yed intruder alar m linked to the keypad‘s address. If
desired, another reaction can be programmed in the cont rol panel. The IN input can
indicate a doo r being pe rmanently open ( status reactio n). If the IN input is not used
then it must be shorted to GND.
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
0 #
Note: The lifetime of the battery is reduce d proportionally to how frequently the
door detector is tr iggered and how often and how long the k eypad is battery -
Testing key pad communication
In service mode, the c ontrol panel allow s you to measure t he keypad’s radio
signal strength . To test the keypad sig nal, trigger either it s IN input or its
tamper sensor.
Note: the control panel m easures the strength of th e signal transmitt ed by the
keypad. It is impossi ble to measure the s ignal strengt h received by the keypad
from the control p anel. If the keypad ha s lost communicati on with the control
panel (e. g. if the con trol panel is damaged) it woul d display COMM ER ROR a
communication e rror. If you re-power a con trol panel, which previ ously worked
with a keypa d, and the ke ypad does not functio n, then we rec ommend
disconne cting an d re-con necting th e keypad batterie s.
Controlling the PgX out put
The PgX out put can be sw itched ON an d OFF by pres sing the ON (¾ ) and
OFF (#) button s long (for 5 seconds). T he function o f PgX must be set in the
control panel . A long beep confirms the chan ge of the output’s state .
Keypad text editing
The most c onvenient way to edit text is to use a P C running OLink software .
To transfer edite d text from a PC to the key pad, the key pad (with its batteries
installed) has t o be connected ei ther to the OAS iS system‘s digit al bus (i.e.
one cable from th e keypad to t he control panel , and another c able from the
control panel to t he PC) or directly from the PC. The texts are tr ansferred by
choosing the S ave menu in th e Texts window in OLink softw are.
The names ca n be edited v ia the keypad in the “Edit T ext” menu item – see
the contr ol panel i nstall ation ma nual. Th e edited te xt is only st ored in th e
keypad unit used for edi ting.
Battery replacement
The system chec ks the batte ry status and if discharged it w ill inform the user or
the installer. Th e keypad w ill continue to work but will also indicat e a low
battery as w ell as the back light being red uced. Batterie s should be re placed
within 2 weeks by a qualified techni cian in service mode . If they are not, the
keypad is sw itched off when the battery power falls un der a critical limit.
Note: Both batteries m ust be alw ays changed together and w ith
identical types (manufac turer).
Removing the keypad from th e system
If the key pad is removed f rom the system, the contr ol panel indi cates this
event. If y ou want to unin stall the ke ypad, it must al so be er ased in the cont rol
Technical specifications
Power supply 2x lithium batte ries type CR123A (3. 0V)
Typical battery lifetime approx. 3 ye ars (with a max.o f 2 daily act ivations)
Communication f requency 868 MHz, OAS iS protocol
Communication r ange approx. 100m ( open area)
RFID cards Jablotron PC -01 or PC-02 (EM UNIQUE 125kHz )
Door detector i nput IN = normally clos ed loop
Dimensions 120 x 130 x 30 mm
Environment according to EN 50131-1 II. internal
Operating temp erature range -10 to +40 °C
EN 50131-1, E N 50131-3, E N 50131-6, EN 50131-5-3 classification 2
Complies with ETSI 30022 0, ETSI 300330, EN 50130-4,
EN 55022, EN 60950-1
Can be operated acc ording to ERC REC 70-03
JABLOTRON ALARMS a.s. hereby declares that t he JA-80F is in complianc e
with the essential r equirements and other rele vant provisions of Directi ve
1999/5/ECThe original of the confor mity assessment can be found at
, Technical Support se ction.
Note: Although this product does not contain any harmful material s we
suggest you return the product to the dealer or directly to the producer
after use.