JA-82K control pan el installation manu al - 7 - MKH51103
Enter the approp riate programmin g sequences – see the foll owing
descriptio n (an unfinished sequ ence can be esca ped from by pressin g
the # key).
To exit Serv ice Mode press the # key .
6.1 Exit delay time
An exit delay time occurs while se tting (arming) the system. During this
time period del ayed or nex t-delayed d etectors can be triggere d without an
alarm occurrin g. To program th e delay time, e nter:
2 0 x
where x is a number f rom 1 to 9 determinin g the duration in
steps of tens of seconds (1=10 s, 2=20 s,....)
If there is a final-d oor detector in the system then the exit delay is
multiplied by 30 s instea d (1=30 s, 2=60 s,...).
Example: To pro gram a 20 seconds e xit delay, use the sequence 202 (if
there is a final-door det ector, a 60 second s delay will result).
Factory defa ult setting: x = 3
6.2 Entrance delay time
The entrance delay time is pr ovided to unset (disarm) the sy stem after a
first delay ed detector ha s been trigg ered. To program this time, enter:
2 1 x
where x is a number f rom 1 to 9 determini ng the dela y in
multiples of 5 s econds (1=5 s , 2=10 s,.... )
If the entrance del ay is triggered by a final-door detect or, then paramete r
x is multiplied by 30 s instead. (1= 30 s, 2=60 s,...) – in this case it me ans that
the entrance delay would b e six times lo nger than if it had been triggered by
an ordinary detect or.
Example: To pr ogram a 20 sec onds entran ce delay, ent er the sequen ce 214
(if the de lay has been activa ted by a final-door detector, a 120 se conds delay
will result instead) .
Factory defa ult setting: x = 4
6.3 Alarm duration time
This parameter li mits the duration of a tri ggered alarm. After t he alarm
state expires, t he control pan el will return to it s previous st ate, i.e. as befor e
the alarm occur red. The alarm state can als o be terminated by an autho rised
user. To program the alarm dur ation enter:
2 2 x
where x is a number from 0 to 9 dete rmining the alarm dura tion:
0 = 10 s, 1 = 1 min., 2 = 2 min. up to 8 = 8 min., 9 = 15
Note: There can be up to 5 diff erent alarms in th e system: intruder, ta mper,
fire, panic, a nd technical alarm.
Example: Alarm duratio n of 5 min. = sequence 225
Factory defa ult setting: 4 minutes
6.4 PGX and PGY functions
The function s of PGX and P GY can be pro grammed by ent ering
sequence s:
2 3 x for PGX
2 4 x for PGY
where x determines the P G function or the event which trigg ers a
change of PG s tate:
x Unsplit sy stem Split system
Completely (ABC ) set
= PG on
Alarm A = PG on
Anything set = P G on A larm B = PG on
AB set (not ABC) = PG on Entran ce delay A = PG on
Fire alarm = PG on Entrance de lay B = PG on
Panic = PG on A set = PGX on, B s et = PGY on
Any alarm = PG on
(excluding Panic)
Panic A = PGX on
Panic B = PGY on
AC dropout = PG on F ire = PGX on, dr opout =PGY on
2 seconds pu lse
fig. 9 PG out puts settin gs
* The ON / OFF a nd 2 second pulse functions c an be controlled from
the ke y pad by keying in * 8, *9 o r using the arr o w keys ON and #O FF
see 6.26) or t hey can be operated by a code or card. T hese PG output
functions can also be controll ed by sign als from key fobs or detectors (s ee
The PGX and PGY output s are not only prov ided as contro l panel
terminals, b ut the signal s are also w irelessly tra nsmitted for U C and AC
The status of P GX and PGY outputs can be displ ayed by pr essing the
“?” key. The names of t he outputs ca n be edited – see 6.47.
Example (for uns plit systems): Assigning an O N/OFF functi on to the P GX
output = sequen ce 237. Assigni ng a panic func tion to the PGY ou tput =
sequence 244.
Factory defa ult setting: PgX= ON/OFF, PgY= an ything set
6.5 Changing telephone numbers in maintenanc e
If the control panel is equip ped with a JA-8xY, JA-80V or JA -80X
communicator, th en this sequence enables the h older of the mas ter code
(system administr ator) to program t elephone num bers for alarm repo rting in
maintenance mode. Pro gramming teleph one numbers is the sam e as in
Service mode (se e communicator manu al):
2 5 1 programming ena bled
2 5 0 programming disabled
Factory defa ult setting: programming dis abled.
6.6 Radio interference indication
The control pa nel is capab le of detect ing and indica ting radi o
communica tion jamming. If t his function is en abled, any radio jamming longer
than 30 s will tr igger fault i ndication and if armed th e alarm is trigg ered.
2 6 1 enabled
2 6 0 disabled
Factory defa ult setting: disabled.
Note: In some places the sy stem can be perm anently or occa sionally
affected by radio interfere nce, e.g. by nearby rada r stations, TV t ransmitter s
etc. In most cases the sy stem can tolerat e such effects, b ut with this anti-
jamming function disabled.
6.7 Radio communications superv ision
If enabled, th e control panel can routinely check the wirel ess
communication of its devices. If c ommunication w ith a particular dev ice is lost
for two hours , the contr ol panel can report a fault indication.
2 7 1 indication en abled
2 7 0 indication di sabled
In the OASiS system, communicati on is checked every 9 mins.
In detectors used for c ar protection , (JA-85P, JA -85B) it is possible to
disable radio communicat ion superv ision. It allow s car detect ors to be
excluded from su pervision to av oid alarm triggering w hen driving the
car away from the system.
Rand om dropouts in comm unication can o ccur in some inst allations
near e.g. ai rports or TV t owers. The system is sti ll reliable in such
situations as high-prior ity trans missions ar e repeate d often. We
recommend disabl ing communicatio ns supervision in cases like this.
Factory defa ult setting: supervisi on disabl ed.
6.8 RESET enabled
If resetting is en abled, it is possi ble to return the control panel to its
original factory -default sett ings via the re set link on the m ain board. (se e
section 3.8).
2 8 1 RESET enabled
2 8 0 RESET disabled
Warning: If resetting is disabl ed and the ser vice code has been fo rgotten, it
would no longer b e possible to ente r Service mode. If this h appens, send th e
control panel back to th e manufactur er.
Factory defa ult setting: RESET enabled.
6.9 Enrollment to a sub control panel for setting
If the con trol panel has anot her OASiS control pa nel enrolled as a sub -
system, then th e sub-system reports all a larms, tamper ing and fault s to the
master control panel. Th e master con trol panel reacts to par ticular si gnals
accordingly , and displ ays the s ub control pa nel’s addr ess as the s ource.
After sub cont rol panel en rollment to the ma ster control panel, these t wo
panels are in dependent co ncerning settin g control. Each panel can be
operated by its own key pads or key fobs. If there is an al arm or fault i n the
sub control p anel, it is als o indicated on the master control panel . In this
configuration it is impos sible to cont rol the su b control pa nel from the m aster
control panel.
If it is desired to cont rol a sub control pa nel from a master cont rol panel
(i.e. setting/u nsetting), it is p ossible to enroll a JA-8x OAS iS master control
panel to a sub control panel as a remote control as follows: