3 7 1 Sirens alw ays sound d uring audi ble alarms
3 7 0 Sirens onl y sound during audible alarms w hen all
sections are set, i.e. no one is at ho me
Factory defa ult setting: Sirens always sound during audibl e alarms.
JA-82K control pan el installation manu al - 9 - MKH51103
6.20 Wireless siren alarm enabled (IW and EW)
This setting i s for enabli ng and disa bling wireles s sirens in the system:
3 8 1 wireless sirens enabled
3 8 0 wireless sirens disabled
Note: This setting applies both to int ernal and external wireless sirens.
Factory defa ult setting: wireless siren s enabled
6.21 Bypass user approval
This setting can c hange the functi on of the system w hen it is being set
(armed) and if there is:
any detector triggered
any tamper alar m
any troubl e in the pow er source
lost communi cation w ith any wireless dev ice (for more than 20
any panic button trigger ed
If bypass user a pproval is set (3 91), then during set ting (arming), the
system notes w hich problems me ntioned abov e are activ e and display s
informative tex t on the keypad and only bypasses them if the u ser approves
the bypassin g by keyi ng in a within 6 second s of being notified.
The system has a built-in auto-by pass functi on (setting 390) so that if any
number of detecto rs are being triggere d during settin g (arming) then t hey will
be bypassed and igno red automatically without consulting the user.
3 9 1 Approval by pressing th e key is requested f rom the
3 9 0 Bypassing o ccurs automat ically without user approval
Notes regar ding setting the s y stem with (a) t riggered detector(s ) or
problems as mentione d above:
Details can b e viewed by pressing the ? key (e.g. open doo rs or
If a wireless key fob is used to s et the system and auto- bypass user
approval is e nabled, the system will set w ithout by pass approv al, i.e.
setting by key fob does not trigger an a pproval requ est.
The autom atic bypass o f a detector will end after th e detector ha s been
de-triggered (f or example if a door is c losed) or the pro blem
disappea rs.
If auto-by pass user approv al is enabled and Serv ice mode is being
exited while a det ector is being trig gered, the instal ler will be notifie d
about the by pass. The i nstaller can th en approv e the by pass by
pressing # twice.
To compl y with the EN-50131-1, 3 stand ards 391 should be set .
Factory def ault setting: Bypa ssing occurs automa tically without u ser
6.22 Final-door detectors
In this mode, u p to 5 detect ors can be defi ned as final -door detec tors and
assigned to addresses 01 t o 05 or 46 to 50 i n order to mak e leav ing a
building muc h easier, especi ally via a g arage:
6 5 x
Where x = 0 none,
x = 1 detectors on addresses 01 to 05,
x = 2 detectors on addresses 46 to 50.
Description of fina l-door detector mode:
If a final-door detecto r is used in the sy stem then the v alue of x for ex it
delay programmin g is multiplie d by 30 s (see 12) thereby extending the
delay, and i f an entrance d elay is trigger ed by a final- door detector t hen
the value of x for the e ntrance delay is als o multiplied by a larger value
of 30 s.
A final-door detector sho uld be progr ammed to have a natur al reaction,
otherwise it w orks as it is set (e.g. in stant reactio n).
Only door/window detector s, hard-wired co ntrol panel input s or hard-
wired inputs in th e wireless keypad unit to whose ala rm input the final-
door detect or is connec ted should be assigne d to the add resses whic h
you set with this sequen ce as belongin g to final-do or detectors.
If a final-door detector i s used for a gara ge door, no in stant detector s
should be in side the gara ge. Next-del ay detectors w ould how ever be
acceptab le.
Setting (ar ming) the system with a final-door de tector:
After entering a re quest to set the s ystem, an exit del ay of between 30
to 270 secon ds will begin an d be indicated .
If a final-door d etector is tri ggered durin g the exit del ay, the exit d elay
will be extend ed by the time i n which the det ector is still tr iggered. So, if
for example, th e door is left c ontinuously open, the e xit delay will nev er
If a final-door detector is d e-triggered, the system w ill wait five more
seconds durin g which beepi ng gets faster, an d if the door is no t
opened again d uring this short p eriod, the exit delay will terminate a nd
the system w ill be set immediat ely.
The duration of th e exit delay ther efore depend s on the time th e final
door stays op en. For inst ance, in w inter if the driv eway in front o f a
garage needs t o be cleared of snow there will be pl enty of time to do it ,
and in summer when garage s can be ex ited easily and t herefore
quickly, the exit delay can be rather sh orter. The ex it delay only
depends on t he length of t ime the garage door is left open.
If no final-door detectors are t riggered dur ing the exit delay, the system
will provide a n exit delay and then se t.
If the fin al door detector stays c ontinuously trigg ered, an endless exit
delay will res ult with the system nev er being set. This m eans all
delayed and nex t-delayed dete ctors will not be set (arm ed).
If there are mul tiple final -door detect ors in the sy stem, the exit delay is
extended if any of them is triggered a nd ends after all fin al-door
detectors hav e been de-trigger ed.
Unsetting ( disarming) the system with a fi nal door detector:
If a final-d oor detector gets trigge red in a set ( armed) system, an
entrance del ay will begin with a dur ation of between 3 0 and 270
If a normal delay ed detecto r gets trigge red while the u ser enters a
building, t he system star ts an ordi nary entra nce delay of between 5
and 45 seco nds.
If a final-door det ector is triggere d first, a longer e ntrance delay w ill
begin. If durin g this delay an ordin ary delayed det ector is then
triggered, the rem aining entra nce delay will then b e shortened to t he
delay associ ated w ith detectors of t his kind.
Note: Only use statu s-reporting d etectors such a s the JA-81M o r JA-82M, or
the hard-wired i nputs of wi reless keypads , or the hard-w ired inputs of a
control panel as final-door detect ors. This mode is un suitable for pul se
detectors suc h as JA-80P motion detectors, or th e hard-wired in puts of
JA-81E hard -wired keypads w hich also hav e a pulse rea ction.
Factory defa ult setting: No final-do or detectors i n the system.
6.23 Partial setting (arming) or system splitting
The contr ol panel can be conf igured in three ways a s follows:
the entire sy stem sets and unsets to gether or,
the system parti ally sets an d unsets to pr otect only cer tain parts o f a
house during t he day, while peo ple are still pres ent in the unset part s
the sy stem can be split i nto two indepen dently set/u nset sections f or
two separate u sers and also w ith a common s ection if de sired.
Program as foll ows to conf igure the sy stem as desired :
6 6 x
Where x 0 = u nsplit sy stem (setting/un setting as an entire
1 = partial se tting (for setti ng sections A, AB, or AB C)
2 = split system (sections A an d B can be set/unset
independ ently by separate users, with sectio n C only
being autom atically set w hen both A and B are manual ly
For an unsplit s y stem, all intrud er detectors ar e set/unset
immediately after the user sets/u nsets the sy stem. Assigning w ireless
devices, acc ess codes and keyfobs to various se ctions of t he system
has no effect in this mode.
Partial setting is esp ecially suitabl e for homes and apar tments where
the user wishe s to protect different par ts of the prem ises during the
day. Detector s can be as signed to thr ee section s, A, B and C. Us ing
setting (armi ng) key A on the sy stem keypad, y ou can set section A,
e.g. se tting the gar age area in the af ternoon. Using setting key B you
can set sectio ns A and B simultan eously e.g. in t he evening be fore
going to sleep to protect the gara ge (section A) an d the ground floor o f
the house (sec tion B). The AB C total-settin g button is used w hen
leaving the home to set all sec tions, A,B and C. If you the n use a valid
access code or c ard for unsett ing (disarming), all sections w ill be unset.
The assignment of code s or cards to section s has no effect in this
mode. A and B keypad butto ns are used f or partial settin g.
A keyfob can also be used for pa rtial setting co ntrol. Buttons
can be prog rammed to set and unse t the entire syste m, and
buttons + can be programmed for setting ( arming) sectio ns A
and AB respectiv ely to partially set the system (th is pair of butto ns
must be as signed to section A o r B if it is to be used for partia l setting.
See 6.40 for details on par tial setting by keyfob).
Split system mod e is especially suitable where two families (A a nd B)
live in a single house or tw o companies (A a nd B) share on e building.
The system beha ves as two indep endent systems , one being sectio n A
and the other, se ction B. There is also a common section C w hich is